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View Full Version : Suggestion new class ( in devolpment)

11-25-2013, 04:33 PM
Hi all,

I have a suggestions to make new class.
I have been working already 3 days to get an idea.
I have alread found 5 skills and now i just need to write in all in this thread, wish me luck.
My class...


And so one, wish me luck!

11-25-2013, 04:33 PM
Still working on ideas :-)

11-25-2013, 05:12 PM
There should be a designated healer type class... We have tank, melee dps, and ranged dps classes... just no REAL HEALER type class.
My suggestions are Cleric... which is a holy warrior type... which is more melee type healer, wearing heavy armor. And the other is Priest.. the range type squishy clothy class!
I would love some feedback on my suggestions.

11-25-2013, 05:56 PM
Having new class would be great and needs a lot of effort to make it on their end, but I think they should focus first in making Gender before creating new class. (e.g. male rouge, female warrior and hmm I dunno what gender is mage? rofl)

11-25-2013, 08:24 PM
In response to a "healer", (i dont mean to bash your idea or anyone who supports it) but personally, im more into attacking for myself, rather than healing everyone around me. Cuz i just spam my potions whenever i need them. And healing falls into a magic classification. The way i see it, the 3 classes are separated by this: (W)Melee, (R)Ranged, (S)Magic. We already have a magic-based character. Unless you can find another classification to create a character, we dont need a new character. Instead, try focusing on brainstorming new skills for the characters we already have, because STS will eventually have to incorporate some new things for us to spend skill points on if they continue to expand the game and increase the level cap even further.

And @Crescentwind: I agree. i believe STS should implement a gender option in the game.

11-26-2013, 02:47 AM
Well i am working on such a class, it has 8 skills where from 3 skills damage do, 3 sort of heals and 2 buffs that give you extra intellect and so one, i already wrote 10 papers about this new class. I have now exam period so idk how much i can work for it. :)

11-26-2013, 02:51 AM
I am thinking to of a class that has rage, no mana, it could be a sort of a warior/paladin class

11-26-2013, 11:52 PM
Just a suggestion but keep PvP in mind, as well as pve, when thinking up builds as well. Classes need to be somewhat equal or we will have another repeat of the squishy mage. AOE bias made the class useful in pve but far weaker in pvp compared to the other two classes.

As a personal preference, I wil never play a healing class. I would rather buy pots and actually do damage. In elite you would have to be a serious miracle worker (pot saver) to be a net benefit to the party over a dps teamate. Even then most people would rather choose speed and spend a few bucks on pots.

11-27-2013, 12:13 AM
Maybe a class whose sole attack is the auto-attack button.

All his active skills are buffs in which each of these skills can alter the technique (string combos), speed, range and power of the auto-attack.

Sounds unique right?

11-27-2013, 02:44 AM
Just simply Archer and Cleric. Roque have bow, but archer would be way more powerful with ranged..

12-02-2013, 10:06 PM
[QUOTE=CASTlEL;1353127]Just simply Archer and Cleric. Roque have bow, but archer would be way more powerful with ranged..[/QUOT

That statement is -1

12-03-2013, 12:50 PM
Just simply Archer and Cleric. Roque have bow, but archer would be way more powerful with ranged..
Cleric would be the underdog in PvE since everyone just can spam pots

12-03-2013, 12:50 PM
A high damage melee char would be cool, less hp and less armor as a warrior

12-04-2013, 01:09 PM
Tbh i dont see a new class is coming basing on the trends up to now.the game has not yet entered its maturity phase.

But a 5th skill slot thats possible moving forward.

If my rogue could possess some sort of cloaking technique that would be a blast.

12-07-2013, 02:58 PM
Remove pots from game introduce perfect healer in game :)