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11-26-2013, 03:12 AM
Do armor and health have the same value? For instance, lets say an item grants me +100 health and -50 armor. I would be able to take 50 more damag total, correct?

11-26-2013, 04:08 AM
No, your armor rating is basically a part of a mathematical formula that is used to find the percentage of damage reduction in conjunction with level. I saw a thread a while back that described this formula, but i dont remember where it was.

11-26-2013, 09:29 AM
See if u had an armor with 100 hp but -50 armor, u would take an extra 50 dmg more PER attack. So without the reduction you could've blocked 50 damage per attack which is more effective than 100 hp

11-26-2013, 10:11 AM
Do armor and health have the same value? For instance, lets say an item grants me +100 health and -50 armor. I would be able to take 50 more damag total, correct?
I have read that thread. It looks like STS dont wanna share everything so we cant get 100% answer. But at least they should give us improved tooltip with damage reduction. We just want know damage migration at our lvl - so we can figure out armor and health cap.

11-26-2013, 10:58 AM
See if u had an armor with 100 hp but -50 armor, u would take an extra 50 dmg more PER attack. So without the reduction you could've blocked 50 damage per attack which is more effective than 100 hp

I do not think this is correct. Health does not equal armor. Armor protection is calculated by a formula that supposedly gives dimishing returns the higher the armor value (at least from what I've read). For example, if 800 armor provides 22% protection, 900 might provide 30%, a 1000 might provide 35%, 1100 might provide 37%, etc. Those are not the exact numbers but illustrate the point.

For your question, if you have low armor, then 50 armor might be worth more than 100 health. If you have high armor, then 100 health might be worth more than 50 armor.

11-26-2013, 11:14 AM
For low lvl, HP more important than armor, because your enemy won't deal heavy dmg even your armor is low.
For high lvl, armor more important as they will largely reduce the dmg your received from enemy.

11-26-2013, 03:02 PM
I found an "official" post on this issue. It confirms that using having a high armor rating benefits more from 5/5 armor than a lower armor rating:

Armor works like this:

Armor Value * (Armor Modifier by level of attack mob) = Damage Reduction

This modifier goes down as the level of the attacking mob goes up, so that more armor is needed to maintain Damage Reduction as the player moves into higher level content.

This passive is a multiplier on the Armor Value, so that a small change might not have a huge impact on Damage Reduction, but the higher the base Armor Value the player has the more this passive is worth. Therefore, this passive is way more effective for a warrior is max armor than it would be for a sorcerer in medium armor.

For example:

Warrior with 980 armor at level 21 vs. Sorcerer with 500 armor at level 21.

Warrior DR w/out passive - 980*.00047619 (attacking mobs modifier) = 46.6% DR
Sorcerer DR w/out passive - 500*.00047619 = 23.8% DR

Warrior DR w 4/5 passive - (980*1.04)*.00047619 = 48.5% DR
Sorcerer DR w 4/5 passive - (500*1.04)*.00047619 = 24.7% DR

This benefit will grow as armor values get higher, which is one of the reasons why this passive will probably never go beyond its 5% increase. It would just become too powerful over time.

So the short of it is that sorcerers should not take 5/5 armor, while warriors should. Rogues? Maybe, but probably not.

11-26-2013, 04:02 PM
Armor % = Armor / Level

11-27-2013, 07:32 AM
Thanks everybody, I think I got what I was looking for. Although still I don't have 1000% understanding, I do get the concepts.

11-27-2013, 10:13 AM
Basically, since we don't know the modifier, we can't calculate exactly. But more armor means more damage reduction obviously. And more armor at higher levels is required to maintain the same reduction.

11-27-2013, 01:12 PM
@Int -50 armor doesnt mean that someone hits 50 damage more. It's a formule.. Something like Armor : 25 x 4 or so. I don't remember.
But in this point 100 Hp is a better choice

11-30-2013, 04:09 AM
I've made that thread but Armor works like this
Your lvl36
So your Armor is 800
So you 800/36=%damage avoided...
All this assuming that the enemy is also lvl36