View Full Version : A few U.I. Suggestions..

11-26-2013, 06:26 AM
Upon Dying, the "Your Hero has Fallen" box pops up. It's WAY TOO BIG, it blocks everything on screen. Please make this smaller so that we may still see :
1. Names of people in our party.
2. The "chat" pane.

The "Join the party" Pop-up, obscures the the people you are in the zone with already. This is so annoying too - move it away from the left hand side of the screen.

All maps have your character moving "up" the screen to the end. SO then WHY is alot of the U.I up there too? Exploration has to compete with the character health/mana bars, pet happiness, level, quests chat etc.
Put it all at the bottom of the screen. or give option to make it opaque/movable.

In Auction house - is it possible to move the "up/down" button on the "searched items" list of 4 things, to the centre = between the "show stats" pane & the "preview on avatar" pane. That way everything can be open at once & the whole auction experience is slicker.

When pets Reach a high level I think they should change in appearance very slightly. "Highly evolved pet state"

Oh and in Hauntlet, when the skeleton meteors hit the floor, the craters attract Rogue arrows before the enemies, are they meant too? If not please alter - it's annoying.
This doesn't just happen in Hauntlet it's all maps - with crates/barrels/chests too.

Some way to hot-key different equip set-ups.
Most people would like that for the Leprechaun amulet.
I'd like it to fast-switch between daggers and bows for boss fights.
Also faster pet switching would be great!

11-26-2013, 03:52 PM
Agree, the hauntlet thing however is meant to be an obstacle to overcome in order to finsih the run in the desired time.