View Full Version : Not really a bug, but...

11-14-2010, 08:49 PM
When 1.5 came out and we could customize our Avatar profile page, it was a neat little thing where we could alter the color and hide a few things. Nothing too fancy.

I tried a few things, changed it over time, 6 times, pressing "submit" each time.

The problem? Until a more recent update, I had NO idea it cost platinum. It charged me 12 platinum. I know it's not a huge amount, but I'm annoyed because that platinum represents my real-life money, and I don't appreciate being scammed out of it.

Whether or not they simply forgot to put a notification of the platinum cost at first, it should be refunded. And no, you can't say "Try reading the fine print" because there wasn't any.


Did anybody else experience this? I didn't bother to search for similar threads, but still.

11-14-2010, 09:37 PM
Might want to check your facts ;)

11-14-2010, 10:20 PM
That only came in with a patch after 1.5 was out. For a few days that screen wasn't shown.

11-14-2010, 10:51 PM
The screen was always shown. The only change is the extra 'for 2p' label on the button.

11-14-2010, 10:51 PM
Email them explaining the stituation. They'll probably refund your plat.

11-14-2010, 11:11 PM
The screen was always shown. The only change is the extra 'for 2p' label on the button.
Yep exactly if you read it, it says it will cost two plat. So although it might not have been extremely clear until the patch, it's still very easily readable in the test, so you can't blame that on the devs nightarcher :/

11-15-2010, 12:20 AM
I find it hard to believe that for days I didnt notice it saying "This costs platinum!" and then I noticed immediately when the screen was put up. My thoughts were, "Oh now it costs 2p each? Good thing I did it before they changed it..."

I'm usually very observant, but I guess it was my fault. Still, when EVERY SINGLE other platinum purchase in the game is in big bold letters in a shiny yellow box and that wasn't until they put up, doesn't it seem just a little bit sneaky? Taking into account the amount of money most people spend on PL, I expected changing a few colors to be a free deal. I guess not.

EDIT: I'm not mad, just a little annoyed. But I guess if I was a Dev and we all know kids with iPhones will spend tons on a MMO with a bird a bear and an elf, I'd charge for it too. ;)