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View Full Version : Few questions

11-14-2010, 10:41 PM
Ok so im new to the game and have two bears. I have a few questions for both of them.

Character 1: Lvl 15 with mainly str and a few points toward dex

Question 1: I maxed out the first skill (vengeful slash I think its called) did that ruin my char?
Question 2: Should I continue to just put points toward str?

Character 2: Lvl 10 intbear (for pvp)

Question 1: Should I stay at lvl 10 or go on to lvl 19?
For q1: Can you list a good build for the lvl you suggest
For q2: What skills should I put points toward

Thx in advance.

11-14-2010, 11:43 PM
Strength should always be minimal, lowest for gear and thats it.
Nope, dex.
48 int, rest dex
Dont give out my skills, sorry.

11-15-2010, 06:45 PM
doesnt matter now but once you get to level 24 you unlock all the skills. vengaful slash is not a good skill but you can just respec once you unlock all skills at level 24.
If you want a lot of defense and health, continue going towards strength. However most people as twink said prefer the damage, hit, and crit of dex, so if you like more damage put the minimum ammout into strength and the rest into dex.
19 is a lot funner because of pinks IMO
level 19 build for pure strength...

weapon: conqueror's platinum axe (15k) or platinum axe of legend (5k) (conquerors is better but more rare and more expensive)
armor: green, blue, red or black mail of legend (3k) (all the same stats)
shield: conqueror's spiked wooden buckler (75k)
helm: any level 19 green helm or a crocs helm level 19 if you want the m/s (500)

11-15-2010, 10:29 PM
dont feel offended that twinktastical wont give his skills
he is extremely selfish and...LOL jk
he is the top pvp player and of course he wuldnt share
though maybe if you bribe him with certain things he may say yes O____O

11-15-2010, 10:33 PM
dont feel offended that twinktastical wont give his skills
he is extremely selfish and...LOL jk
he is the top pvp player and of course he wuldnt share
though maybe if you bribe him with certain things he may say yes O____O
top pvper my ***
my bowbear will own him when i get him leveled

11-16-2010, 12:08 AM
=) i hope so smoae
i dont like twink to always be the best
it need to be ME up there on the top right now xD