View Full Version : Pls consider this suggestions

11-27-2013, 02:15 PM
1) Coz now story tokens has changed from 1 each to 10 tokens per day, can you change Klaas & Shazbot giving out story token reward from 1 token to 10 tokens too?

2) Coz now crafting & upgrading hav took place in AL, can you put bound gems reward every time we open locked crates too?

Thanks, this are my suggestions, do consider them.

11-27-2013, 03:01 PM
The story tokens reward in the daily chest sounds like a reasonable request. Thanks!

As for the Gems, we may consider that down the road, but for the time being it's not likely. The Crafting and Upgrades system is still really new

11-27-2013, 03:04 PM
If anything, if receiving gems are too much to ask, there shouldn't be a problem to be able to loot a set amount of essences... Just saying.

11-27-2013, 03:42 PM
Yes essences or gems, those are bound to us, we cant sell dem so it doesnt affect the market, n coz we paid 15 plats for each crate, at least put essences or bound gem (1x) so tat u make people put more interest on opening crates, u gain more profits too n gain more interested players who trying their best to get exceptional gems onto their stuffs. So equally fair. I was astonished wen 1 player spent 70 gems juz to get all 3 exceptional gems on 1 mythic item within days. Its ridiculously outrageous. I guez alot of peeps here knew who he was. But as wat u said its still new n all, i understand but do consider it everytime u hav meeting wit the others, ty.

11-27-2013, 03:56 PM
Oh yes 1 more suggestion, ive collect 207 story tokens at present, can u round it up to 210? I think this is a big problem for all players who collect story tokens daily. Eg 204 & below, round it up to 200, 205 & abv, round it up to 210. U cant do anything with the remaining tokens unless its a 10.