View Full Version : Hi there everyone!! Need some help if possible!

11-15-2010, 04:15 AM
Hi all,

After struggling ALOT to find a way to pay to unlock campaigns (im from Europe), I finally succeded. I am new to this game (yesterday found it for android) and already got hooked up to it many hours yesterday, just got to lvl 20 (bear). It's awesomeeee.

Is there any high level player willing to help me level up a few levels? I will be a good companion, not asking for items etc :cool:

Many thanks!! IGN Bossulica

11-15-2010, 06:17 AM
hi, welcome to the forums. i advise not getting power leveled. there's no rush in leveling up fast and i think it's better to take your time and do the quests along the way. sure you can maybe ask if you are stuck on a boss or something but if you are going fine, no need to rush anything. just my 2 cents.

11-15-2010, 06:23 AM
hi, welcome to the forums. i advise not getting power leveled. there's no rush in leveling up fast and i think it's better to take your time and do the quests along the way. sure you can maybe ask if you are stuck on a boss or something but if you are going fine, no need to rush anything. just my 2 cents.

Agree 100%. Last thing you'd want is reaching end-game and not know how to play your character.

You can always post here if you have any questions while levelling and learning along the way. :)

11-15-2010, 07:09 AM

Yup guys, I think you're right! I will enjoy the game, rather than fast levelling. If I get stuck I will ask for help though! :D

BTw, is there an auction house in game?

11-15-2010, 07:16 AM
not an auction house but a very similar one in balefort. it's called the consignment shop and sellers will post their items for sale with a specific price and the buyers have to buy it for the sellers' prices.

11-15-2010, 07:18 AM
Yes. In Baelfort Castle, go into the castle structure and look for the biggest room inside.


Yeah Raxie's right, not auction house per se. :P

11-15-2010, 09:13 AM
ok, thanks guys, u rock!! The fact is my being a noob, just cost me alot. I bought alot of JUNK pink (so I was told in the trade section) with all my gold lol (I paid 8k for 3 pink items), thinking I was doing something profitable (seen stuff selling at ~100+) .... now I found ALL 3 barely cost 1k. lol. Live and learn, gl to the guy who ripped me off tho. :)))

11-15-2010, 11:31 AM
well I got to a point I need some help. I am lvl 23, and I have a quest to open 1024 chests in the dungeons to get a pink item, can I get some assist from a bigger level, as anyway I don t get any xp... and it s quite difficult to do it with teams players around ~20 lvl. If you have some time, please leave your ign and I will pm you if you re willing to help out :D thanks!!!

11-16-2010, 07:01 AM
well I got to a point I need some help. I am lvl 23, and I have a quest to open 1024 chests in the dungeons to get a pink item, can I get some assist from a bigger level, as anyway I don t get any xp... and it s quite difficult to do it with teams players around ~20 lvl. If you have some time, please leave your ign and I will pm you if you re willing to help out :D thanks!!!

check your inbox

11-16-2010, 07:32 AM
well I got to a point I need some help. I am lvl 23, and I have a quest to open 1024 chests in the dungeons to get a pink item, can I get some assist from a bigger level, as anyway I don t get any xp... and it s quite difficult to do it with teams players around ~20 lvl. If you have some time, please leave your ign and I will pm you if you re willing to help out :D thanks!!!

Two things I can suggest. One is be on the look out for games in the Hidden Passage 4 with a level 50, most likely he'll be running through the map quick.


Continue to level up to 30+ or 40+, and come back to that quest later. Rewards don't change anyway, and it'll be much easier for you then.

11-16-2010, 01:33 PM
I agree with ellyidol... Just wait