View Full Version : Archon Ring of Potency (STR) vs. Blood Ruby of Shuyal

11-27-2013, 06:38 PM
I've got both of these pieces of equipment and I can't decide between the 2. They're actually very close in stats considering that the mythic has 3 upgrade slots as opposed to the 2 on the archon ring. Does the extra slot on the mythic make it a little bit better? Any insight is welcome. :)

11-27-2013, 07:51 PM
I'd personally roll with the Archon Ring, but that's just me. Blood Ruby are for warriors with mana issues...

12-01-2013, 02:01 PM
Archon Ring

12-01-2013, 03:33 PM
stick to archon

12-01-2013, 06:57 PM
Archon ring, hands down.

12-01-2013, 07:01 PM
Hands down Archon, besides, blood ruby will be "discontinued" after this season (it's mythic, suppose to last 2 seasons, next season will be the 3rd season it's been around)

12-02-2013, 10:03 PM
Hands down Archon, besides, blood ruby will be "discontinued" after this season (it's mythic, suppose to last 2 seasons, next season will be the 3rd season it's been around)
Aren't legendaries only meant to last for one season? They would both no longer be useful next season.

12-02-2013, 11:10 PM
I use an archon ring because it's cheaper and has more damage.

12-05-2013, 08:14 AM
Archon Ring is powerful!

12-05-2013, 01:40 PM


My Blood Ruby has (3) +3gems, Archon of Potency has (2) +3 gems.....why is the Archon better again?

Cause I'm not seeing whatever you all are seeing.

I'd personally roll with the Archon Ring, but that's just me. Blood Ruby are for warriors with mana issues...

Is this supposed to be a slight at a warrior using Blood Ruby? Mana issues....

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12-05-2013, 03:00 PM
Record runs- Archon
Farming hard elite maps-Blood ruby (For hp) Rogue's and mages only


Easy elite maps-Archon
Farming in pvp-Archon
Hard pvp battles (as example 5v5) Blood ruby. Rogues and mages only

12-05-2013, 03:22 PM
Mythics are always better than Legendary for the latter can be farmed and will
be next to worthless as there are further expansions. For me, since I am a rogue,
I do not use blood for Blood, but will use fire for Blood to increase my dexterity.
The faster I kill the opposing party, the less likely I will die. The faster I kill
the opposing party, the more money and platinum I save.


12-06-2013, 02:15 PM
At this point anyone thats said Archon is better hasnt shown or gave any facts/pics to back up the post. Still the majority of answers have been Archon yet my pics tell a different story. Does anyone actually have a good reason why its better? Pics still show Blood Ruby better except the hidden bonus armor % and str. which amounts to a loss in dmg still. Is there some hidden modifier Im missing?

12-06-2013, 03:01 PM
When you use show stats to view the archon rings it doesn't show you the armor bonus. Only when you equip the ring does it show the bonus armor. So in the picture above with 1912 armor, you'll get an additional 47.8 armor. So whether that makes it better that's up to you to decide. Also when you have exceptional gems on the blood ring (+5 for each) vs archon (+6 for each). So archon could be better depending on how many exceptionals it has verses how many exceptionals mythic ring has.

12-06-2013, 03:26 PM
With the addition of crafting I actually feel like the mythic ring is better as well... (because the extra slot)

12-06-2013, 03:42 PM
With the addition of crafting I actually feel like the mythic ring is better as well... (because the extra slot)

Max archon vs max blood, blood has slightly higher dps and hp.

The archon ring is much better if you have samael and/or glaive. Glaive because of the proc that is calculated with the help of armor value. Samael works good because in armor vs hp situations, samael always heals 122hp at level 36. With higher armor, each hp lost /gained is "more valuable" in pvp. Hard for me to describe.

The 2 max only had like .5 or .1 dps difference and small hp. I prefer archon.

12-06-2013, 04:54 PM
I don't play a warrior, but I'll throw in some thoughts after checking those pictures.

Archon has the 2.5% armor bonus, however...keep in mind that there is diminishing returns for the effectiveness of additional armor. Meaning +100 armor when you have 0 armor will give you much more damage reduction than +100 armor when you have 1500 armor already. So that armor bonus may be pretty negligible when on a warrior with 1900-2200 defense. 2.5% of 2000 is only 50. It's not that much...

NOW consider the other stat you have overlooked: dodge. Blood Ruby offers 1.5% more dodge. Considering that the warrior has virtually no dodge, whatever is the way dodge is actually calculated, it is very, very likely that if there is a diminishing return at some point, the warrior isn't anywhere near it. So, that 1.5% dodge is a solid 1.5% dodge bonus.

Going by the numbers, I'd take Blood Ruby. The 2.5% armor bonus is probably about as effective as adding 1 defense to a mage.
Also, keep in mind there is a slight damage advantage for Blood Ruby, meaning HoR heals slightly better--which further makes the minor defense difference less significant.

However, at the end of the day, I feel like we are splitting hairs on this. Both are very good choices. I'd use Archon if you're trying to conserve your funds. I'd suggest using that gold to get a Glacian (if you have no arcane pets yet) before upgrading to the mythic ring. The ring should be your final upgrade in gear.

12-06-2013, 05:56 PM
I used to use archon of assault for my mage, more power but I seem to have much more survivability with the blood

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12-06-2013, 06:49 PM
I don't play a warrior, but I'll throw in some thoughts after checking those pictures.

Archon has the 2.5% armor bonus, however...keep in mind that there is diminishing returns for the effectiveness of additional armor. Meaning +100 armor when you have 0 armor will give you much more damage reduction than +100 armor when you have 1500 armor already. So that armor bonus may be pretty negligible when on a warrior with 1900-2200 defense. 2.5% of 2000 is only 50. It's not that much...

NOW consider the other stat you have overlooked: dodge. Blood Ruby offers 1.5% more dodge. Considering that the warrior has virtually no dodge, whatever is the way dodge is actually calculated, it is very, very likely that if there is a diminishing return at some point, the warrior isn't anywhere near it. So, that 1.5% dodge is a solid 1.5% dodge bonus.

Going by the numbers, I'd take Blood Ruby. The 2.5% armor bonus is probably about as effective as adding 1 defense to a mage.
Also, keep in mind there is a slight damage advantage for Blood Ruby, meaning HoR heals slightly better--which further makes the minor defense difference less significant.

However, at the end of the day, I feel like we are splitting hairs on this. Both are very good choices. I'd use Archon if you're trying to conserve your funds. I'd suggest using that gold to get a Glacian (if you have no arcane pets yet) before upgrading to the mythic ring. The ring should be your final upgrade in gear.

Archons for warrior are glitched offering 5% armor instead of 2.5.
The proc which I was speaking of is Pierce. The damage is partially calculated by the armor.

I usually recommend Blood Ruby and Divine Pendant of Assault for Maulers. Archon Ring of Potency and Amulet of Doom for Glaivers.

12-06-2013, 06:51 PM
I used to use archon of assault for my mage, more power but I seem to have much more survivability with the blood

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Its different for the warrior archon rings. These both have high hp but archon also grants 5% armor which usually equates to about 94 armor in most cases

12-06-2013, 09:12 PM
Thank you for some actual information Morholt and Ravager, instead of the "Archon hands down" comments.

12-07-2013, 10:21 AM
Agreed. And as I believe Morholt pointed out, you're really splitting hairs here. I don't feel like 1 is considerably better than the other. They're pretty close so it's probably just a matter of preference. I'll point out though, that the Archon ring of Potency (strength version) is more expensive than the mythic ring. I ended up selling my Archon ring for 5.5m just because I felt like the 2.5m difference in price at the time was a good reason to keep the mythic instead of the archon.

12-08-2013, 05:09 AM
Archon is better it or depends on your overall stats so the better armour,helm,weapon you have the more useful archon ring is..
Also as mentioned it only shows armour bonus when equipped this is what makes it better!

I'm selling one with 2 normal gems- potency- strength if you want one -OFFER

12-08-2013, 07:10 AM
Archon ring potency is the powerful ring, hope get it ..