View Full Version : Issue about extra grant of Archon ring

11-28-2013, 03:29 PM
I can't find other threads related to this topic, hence I think I should start a new one.
Here, I am talking about the archon rings for rogue and sorcerer.

Archon ring for rogue (dex type) grant extra % dmg, but ring for sorcerer (int type) grant % crit.
We all know crit is for rogue and dmg for sorcerer. Is it possible that developers assign these extra bonus to the wrong rings?
IMO, mage ring (int type) should grant extra dmg, while rogue ring (dex type) should grant crit.

11-28-2013, 03:57 PM
I can't find other threads related to this topic, hence I think I should start a new one.
Here, I am talking about the archon rings for rogue and sorcerer.

Archon ring for rogue (dex type) grant extra % dmg, but ring for sorcerer (int type) grant % crit.
We all know crit is for rogue and dmg for sorcerer. Is it possible that developers assign these extra bonus to the wrong rings?
IMO, mage ring (int type) should grant extra dmg, while rogue ring (dex type) should grant crit.

No offense but you obviously aren't to familiar with endgame sorcerers . Due to that update that made crit chance occur during each tick of DoT spells. alot of the decked out sorcerers want higher crit.

And tbh? My rogue has 40% crit alone with pet/gear. then you have to account for 5/5 crit passive, and the proc from quills/mythic daggers. 3.5% crit is useless to me. Hence why they added the archon of potency to have 2.5% damage. It has served well for this long. They won't change it. If you really want a crit ring for a rogue. Buy a archon of savvy for 300k I guess.

11-30-2013, 09:06 AM
Im a mage and having 30%+ crit and thats something for a mage. Im happy archon ring for mages had crit on it. Else i wont buy this ring.