View Full Version : Skill Expansion

11-15-2010, 09:14 AM
As has been noted, eventually the skills are going to run out. By level 61 (assuming enough expansions), everyone will have maxed out all 12 skills. Adding more skills is likely not the answer, so it is probable that the max rank of 5 will have to be raised.

But what then? Clearly some skills will benefit from additional incremental changes, but others might already be about as good as they can get. So as an alternative to increasing the power of skills, how about considering reducing cool-down times at ranks higher than 5?

11-15-2010, 05:51 PM
I'm still new to the game and all i do is fight monsters. what 12 skills are there? I only thought there was 3. Str, dex, and int.

11-15-2010, 06:15 PM
I'm still new to the game and all i do is fight monsters. what 12 skills are there? I only thought there was 3. Str, dex, and int.

He was talking about skills. Your talking about stats.

It's totally different :)