View Full Version : Lvl cap ?

05-03-2010, 12:41 AM
I was just wondering spacetime, what are u guys planing to have for the final lvl cap for PL 60,80,99,100,200 ?? Jw it's been on my mind for a while I'd like to know what I'm in for in the near future for in app purchases aka maps/expansions because I'm really liking this game alot and i'd like it to last as long as possible I like the constant updates and patches and I just wanna know if the money I'm spending is gunna be worth it in the end. Thanks alot spacetime keep up the good work :)

Proud LEGENDS member:D

05-03-2010, 12:45 AM
I believe someone saw a weapon or some other piece of equipped item in the game that was for a lvl 50. I am sure on their whiteboard (Devs, please post a picture of this whiteboard. Hehe) they have a plan for the levels. But this would be like asking Blizzard in 2006 what the final level cap of WoW would be.

05-03-2010, 01:12 AM
Yes I'm aware of that but I highly doubt that's the max atleast I hope not I think 100 wud be good because if it's only 50 that would mean they are only comin out with well 3 more map packs and that isn't very much I'm pretty sure spacetime is gunna go further than just 50 I mean so many people are hooked to there game and love to play it just like myself and I wouldn't mind paying for more and more map packs in the future and I'm pretty sure spacetime wouldn't mind the profit either. Either way spacetime is doing an excelent job on PL and is much appreciated aswell please get back to me on this I'd like to here what your plans for the future of PL are. Thanks

Proud LEGENDS member:D

05-03-2010, 01:13 AM
Sorry, didn't mean to suggest 50. Just meant that since an item had a lvl 50 on it, they were planning for the future. I would love to know what's on their whiteboard as well but I am sure they are too busy to post every little detail about the future of PL and their might business reasons for not posting as well.

05-03-2010, 02:14 AM
if there is a low lvl cap, you can always pvp or/and grind to get on the leaderboards ^^

05-03-2010, 03:52 AM
There is 50 gear in iTunes. Or was. But I saw a post of a
dev member saying "ancient swamps, pvp, then the other dungeon"
so there is one after ancient they might already be working on.
But I can't see them stopping at 50.

05-03-2010, 06:50 AM
As long as the players continue to support them I would say the skies the limit on new content. Atleast until pocket legends 2 comes out haha. As far as lvl cap, who knows? They probally are not 100% certain at this time.

05-03-2010, 09:25 AM
Ya either way if a newer better mmo rpg comes out I'll always support PL I mean they are the first rpg for the iPod device and everyone before this was sayin it's no possible and I was one of them I always hoped it would come along but it ain't like u actually thought it would happen but wut do ya know spacetime came out with PL and it better than I had expected so my point of all this is basicly there is alot of loyal players and I highly doubt ppl are gunna just stop playin just like that. PL=iPod rpg godfather :D

Let's just hope they don't stop with PL cuz it's a kickass game !
Proud LEGENDS member:D