View Full Version : Suggestion: Hard PvE map with waves

11-30-2013, 11:45 AM
I was playing Call of Duty zombies and I got the idea to have this in AL to! Not with zombies, but with a lot different mobs.

U spawn in an little map, maybe themed.. (Suggestions for this are welcome)
U can stick with a party or u can go random.
There are 50 waves, it starts easy, ends very hard.
Every 5 rounds there will be a specific boss that also drops loot, how higher, how better the loot.

Wave 1- 25 goblins and 25 archers
Wave 2- 30 goblins and 30 archers
Wave 5- Elite Jarl and 10 mages, drops Normal elite chests.
Wave 6- 25 Rooks 25 Archers
Wave 10- Bael elite and 5 master assasins.

And you can keep going with this till lvl 30, now u got all themes: Brackenridge, Ydra, Dead city, Kraken, Nordr, Shuyal
After this there will be:
-Elite mobs
-Elite mini bosses
-A 'Mix' of the mobs, all themes
-More bosses each Boss round
-New Bosses, not introduced in a theme Dungeon (The normal bosses like Jarl, frostr.. Or a boss out of a crypt)

Wave 31: 10 Elite goblin mages, Elite sully skullcracker, 30 Elite pirate rogues.
Wave 35: Elite Ann and Elite Frostir
Wave 40: Snax, a BIG Green crystal and 10 elite heal mages
Wave 43: 30 Elite yeti archers 25 Elite shuyal dogs, 20 Elite goblin mobs
Wave 48: Elite captain Hately 10 Elite shuyal mages 10 Elite Big glacians (The blue rocks in Nordr)

Wave 50: Elite Golem, a new boss. He's like Elite Onyx, very hard and a LOT hp! He's bigger then Inanhesh.
He drops a special Chest: Titanic chest, there will be a daily quest to open it.. so u can open 1 each day. It contains a big chance on Arcane an mythic (5% Mythic 2.5% Arcane) And free to open. Legendary rarity

'Good drops'
Locks are lootable from every mob/boss. Elite Bosses drops elite chests
-Brackenridge/Ydra/Dead city (Elite) Mobs: Locked crates and (Loki)
-Brackenridge/Ydra/Dead city Bosses: Normal elite chests and Kettle
-Kraken Isles (Elite) mobs: Locked crates
-Kraken Isles Bosses: Elite pirate chests and Amy eggs
-Nordr (Elite) Mobs: Lockeds and (Vixen)
-Nordr Bosses: Elite warchests
-Shuyal (Elite) Mobs: lockeds and (Archon ring(From Mages only))
-Shuyal Elite Bosses: Elite Puzzleboxes, Pylons, Daggers, and blades (Weapons very low chance)
-New bosses: Chance at every Elite chest and lootable eggs (Malison, Malga, Deary etc etc)
-Golem: Chance at every Elite chest, also the Titanic chest!

-Ur party lose if ur whole party dies in a single wave.
-When u die and ur party will make it to finish the wave, u respawn.
-When someone got disconnected, (By lagg as example) you are able to join for 5 minutes (Only the person that leaves/dc)
-U need to be at least 1 level under the cap, like Elite Maps
-Every 10 rounds, the respawns will cost 1 more platinum (So 6 platinum at the end wave)

Ap avaible to get:
[I like waves]- grants 50 AP, when u finish round 1, very easy
[I like surfing]- grants 50 Ap, when u finished round 10
[Golden surfer] grants 100 Ap, when u finished round 30
[Mythic surfer] grants 150 Ap, when u finished round 50
[Platina surfer] grants 50 Ap, when u made it to Round 30 without dieng
[Titanic surfer] grants 100 Ap and a special banner, when u made it to round 50 and finished it

I hope u guys like my idea, and devs will take a look into it.
(A lot things are suggestions, StS can take the idea and make their own version of it if they want)
Share ur suggestions and opinion below:)

11-30-2013, 11:46 AM
Would be a blast... Not saying your other posts are bad, but this is by far the greatest thing you've ever said, lol.

11-30-2013, 12:03 PM
should give us a bit of fun for a while lol great idea!

*cough* cod addict *cough*

11-30-2013, 12:06 PM
Sounds good.


It won't be boring if there's an LB page for it :p

11-30-2013, 12:13 PM
I was playing Call of Duty zombies and I got the idea to have this in AL to! Not with zombies, but with a lot different mobs.

U spawn in an little map, maybe themed.. (Suggestions for this are welcome)
U can stick with a party or u can go random.
There are 50 waves, it starts easy, ends very hard.
Every 5 rounds there will be a specific boss that also drops loot, how higher, how better the loot.

Wave 1- 25 goblins and 25 archers
Wave 2- 30 goblins and 30 archers
Wave 5- Elite Jarl and 10 mages, drops Normal elite chests.
Wave 6- 25 Rooks 25 Archers
Wave 10- Bael elite and 5 master assasins.

And you can keep going with this till lvl 30, now u got all themes: Brackenridge, Ydra, Dead city, Kraken, Nordr, Shuyal
After this there will be:
-Elite mobs
-Elite mini bosses
-A 'Mix' of the mobs, all themes
-More bosses each Boss round
-New Bosses, not introduced in a theme Dungeon (The normal bosses like Jarl, frostr.. Or a boss out of a crypt)

Wave 31: 10 Elite goblin mages, Elite sully skullcracker, 30 Elite pirate rogues.
Wave 35: Elite Ann and Elite Frostir
Wave 43: 30 Elite yeti archers 25 Elite shuyal dogs, 20 Elite goblin mobs

Wave 50: Elite Golem, a new boss. He's like Elite Onyx, very hard and a LOT hp! He's bigger then Inanhesh.
He drops a special Chest: Titanic chest, there will be a daily quest to open it.. so u can open 1 each day. It contains a big chance on Arcane an mythic (5% Mythic 2.5% Arcane) And free to open.

-Ur party lose if ur whole party dies in a single wave.
-When u die and ur party will make it to finish the wave, u respawn.
-When someone got disconnected, (By lagg as example) you are able to join for 5 minutes (Only the person that leaves/dc)
-After each boss round, u get 100 pots of each type
-U need to be at least 1 level under the cap, like Elite Maps
-U can buy respawns for 1 platinum, this will be 3 platinum at Round 50.

Ap avaible to get:
[I like waves]- grants 50 AP, when u finish round 1, very easy
[I like surfing]- grants 50 Ap, when u finished round 10
[Golden surfer] grants 100 Ap, when u finished round 30
[Mythic surfer] grants 150 Ap, when u finished round 50
[Platina surfer] grants 50 Ap, when u made it to Round 30 without dieng
[Titanic surfer] grants 100 Ap and a special banner, when u made it to round 50 and finished it

I hope u guys like my idea, and devs will take a look into it.
(A lot things are suggestions, StS can take the idea and make their own version of it if they want)
Share ur suggestions and opinion below

I officially present to you the Medal of best suggestion for AL ever

11-30-2013, 12:46 PM
The more I read, the more I love... As long as there's an incentive to do it, like solid loot drops towards the end and stuff. I would probably sit around doing this all day...

11-30-2013, 12:58 PM
Desperoto, You got the best idea ever for PvE maps until now!

11-30-2013, 01:05 PM
Desperoto, You got the best idea ever for PvE maps until now!
I can't give a thanks :(

11-30-2013, 01:09 PM
I can't give a thanks :(
But your idea deserves a million thanks :p
I hope this happens

11-30-2013, 01:11 PM
Who DOESN'T love zombies? lol.

Awesome idea man, I'm sure many have thought of such but you worded it nicely. Thanks for bringing it up!


11-30-2013, 01:44 PM
Who DOESN'T love zombies? lol.

Awesome idea man, I'm sure many have thought of such but you worded it nicely. Thanks for bringing it up!


11-30-2013, 02:51 PM
This also will give every class a role:
-Rogue, as always: Killing te bosses fast
-Mages, to fast it up. In the low levels there are a lot easy mobs and you can kill them fast with the Aoe from mages.
-Tank, to protect the team. You need them now to stay alive, because dieng isn't good for the party.

11-30-2013, 03:21 PM
How long does it take to finish 50 waves?
If it's too long (like over 2 hrs), most of players will never do it again after first few tries.
If it takes short, who would like to farm at those previous elite maps where it takes longer time to run from start to boss.

But I do like the idea of waves of mobs. This shows how tough you are (where warriors have most advantages overall for this type of map.) And this is not about how fast can you finish the map, it's how long can you survive in the map. There may be some decent drops in such map, but not as good as old elite map.

It would be good to set up a leaderboard section about how long or how many waves your team survived from. And I'd expect to see more warriors names on that LB sections.

11-30-2013, 04:02 PM
How long does it take to finish 50 waves?
If it's too long (like over 2 hrs), most of players will never do it again after first few tries.
If it takes short, who would like to farm at those previous elite maps where it takes longer time to run from start to boss.

But I do like the idea of waves of mobs. This shows how tough you are (where warriors have most advantages overall for this type of map.) And this is not about how fast can you finish the map, it's how long can you survive in the map. There may be some decent drops in such map, but not as good as old elite map.

It would be good to set up a leaderboard section about how long or how many waves your team survived from. And I'd expect to see more warriors names on that LB sections.
That's the whole point, a lot players dont have a goal to do after capping. They can't do record runs, or pvp cuz of the full myths

11-30-2013, 04:28 PM
How long does it take to finish 50 waves?
If it's too long (like over 2 hrs), most of players will never do it again after first few tries.
If it takes short, who would like to farm at those previous elite maps where it takes longer time to run from start to boss.

But I do like the idea of waves of mobs. This shows how tough you are (where warriors have most advantages overall for this type of map.) And this is not about how fast can you finish the map, it's how long can you survive in the map. There may be some decent drops in such map, but not as good as old elite map.

It would be good to set up a leaderboard section about how long or how many waves your team survived from. And I'd expect to see more warriors names on that LB sections.
That's the whole point, a lot players dont have a goal to do after capping. They can't do record runs, or pvp cuz of the full myths
This my friend,is your smartes idea ever.

11-30-2013, 05:09 PM
Its like fight pits in runescape :d

Oh yeah, and Id add one more thing if you didnt mentoined;
If you die you cant respawn nor plat revive. So if you die you have to begin from the beginning, this will make it harder

11-30-2013, 05:29 PM
Thank you konviict!!!
Why should platinum buyers always have an advantage ...

11-30-2013, 05:33 PM
Its like fight pits in runescape :d

Oh yeah, and Id add one more thing if you didnt mentoined;
If you die you cant respawn nor plat revive. So if you die you have to begin from the beginning, this will make it harder

I agree but StS needs benefit to

11-30-2013, 05:54 PM
Instakill !! +1 for this idea.

11-30-2013, 06:34 PM
I agree but StS needs benefit to

benefit? xD lets play another FREE 2 PLAY MMORPG and u see how theys get money..

im playing right now 1 and all are tradable and u don't need pay for REST.

i like ur idea is good but really idk if sts take ideas from users..

11-30-2013, 06:43 PM
love the idea BUT you dont get 100 pots of each kind :) its like every time i kill elite boss they dont give me pots so make it no pots :)

12-01-2013, 04:23 AM
I agree but StS needs benefit to

benefit? xD lets play another FREE 2 PLAY MMORPG and u see how theys get money..

im playing right now 1 and all are tradable and u don't need pay for REST.

i like ur idea is good but really idk if sts take ideas from users..

Stg does take ideas from users.Dih

12-01-2013, 06:32 AM
an arrow the zombies head? heck why not! haha

12-01-2013, 06:44 AM
an arrow the zombies head? heck why not! haha

Yes and maybe chance to get the raygun, new arcane rogue weapon, 50% chance to 1 hit at proc and 650 damage

12-01-2013, 08:34 AM
no waves. im gonna quit arcane if that happens

12-01-2013, 08:40 AM
no waves. im gonna quit arcane if that happens
Lol and why?

12-01-2013, 08:41 AM
lol dont like waves

12-01-2013, 08:58 AM
flesp you rock

12-01-2013, 09:05 AM
Nice ideas thumbs up.

12-01-2013, 09:39 AM
lol dont like waves
Well that's you, but a lot people like it. This will give the players a lot of fun and if you don't like waves.. Then pvp or so

12-01-2013, 10:47 AM
stop spamming forum chat with this, its a suggestion. It's not like a prophecy from god!

12-01-2013, 10:49 AM
stop spamming forum chat with this, its a suggestion. It's not like a prophecy from god!
It is.. God spoke to me

12-01-2013, 10:57 AM
It is.. God spoke to me

That's deep...

12-01-2013, 11:07 AM
Haha XD

+1 on ur great suggestion, i love pve den pvp, this idea rly interest me, sts reply on his suggestion will ya?

12-01-2013, 11:09 AM
Rate this thread guyz on top right hand corner page

12-01-2013, 11:20 AM
yep. i just said i dont like waves.cant do anything if sts will implement it. but definitely ill stop of that will happen.

i never pvp. i prefer the pve type hehehehe.

12-01-2013, 11:20 AM
Thank you konviict!!!
Why should platinum buyers always have an advantage ...

Because if sts can't make money off this idea. I doubt they will waste their time making it lol. Time is money. Haha

12-01-2013, 11:37 AM
Because if sts can't make money off this idea. I doubt they will waste their time making it lol. Time is money. Haha

Yes, why would they spend a lot time in something without profit? It's a win/win

12-01-2013, 11:41 AM
IMO this would be a slam dunk for sts to develop! Make it so you can plat revive if you want to but if you don't you respawn @ the previous wave. Would be cool if once you complete the campaign you got a mythic or arcane pet. Plus I really like the idea of increasing drop rates there in higher lvls like after each wave increase drop percentage by .5% . If the loot is right ppl will be there nonstop I know I would be!

12-01-2013, 04:57 PM
Haha XD

+1 on ur great suggestion, i love pve den pvp, this idea rly interest me, sts reply on his suggestion will ya?
Delphina told me in pier today that shes making a report for StS. So StS will think about this and hopefully makes this system :)

12-01-2013, 06:10 PM
+1. Excellent idea. I always like a twist to PvE as thats the main aspect I enjoy about the game.

This reminds me of Gears of War in XBOX wayy back.

12-01-2013, 09:35 PM
Love the idea with a graduated luck system/drop system say +0.5 luck or drop rate /wave. Also to make it interesting if you die and don't spend plat to revive start at the previous wave. I would be there for hours a day if this were on the game =)

12-01-2013, 11:09 PM
This is a neat idea. I'm not sure how doable it would be. But I'll include it in my report!

12-02-2013, 04:18 AM
yes yes, wave of mobs please!

12-03-2013, 09:42 AM
Ty delphina Lets hope we get this!

12-03-2013, 09:46 AM
What about Achievements if you reach at wave 10-20-30-40-50 ? Isnt this a good suggestion on a good suggestion?

12-03-2013, 09:47 AM
Oh sorry o just saw the aps -_- You had it earlier

12-03-2013, 11:07 AM
What about Achievements if you reach at wave 10-20-30-40-50 ? Isnt this a good suggestion on a good suggestion?
Look at the thread, there are some ap to get already

12-07-2013, 08:25 PM
This provides more content for endgame, this is a MUST. Devs, implement this riiiight naow

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12-07-2013, 08:38 PM
I like your idea desperoto!!! 2 thumbs up! I wish this would be implemented. :D

12-08-2013, 03:17 PM
Idea is copy from dungeon hunter 4
Dh4 have same kind of lots of maps

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12-09-2013, 10:10 AM
Idea is copy from dungeon hunter 4
Dh4 have same kind of lots of maps

Sent from my GT-I9082 using Tapatalk

I could care less if it's a copy or not. Pretty much everything has been done already in MMORPGs. Its hard to find original ideas. All I care about is something new and fun to do with end-game content

12-09-2013, 10:16 AM
And there should be no pots allowed for avoid another full rogue content, like the shuyal boss arena.

12-09-2013, 10:38 AM
Idea is copy from dungeon hunter 4
Dh4 have same kind of lots of maps

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There are a lot wave systems.. xD
I just suggested an Al version

12-09-2013, 11:16 AM
Dood I dont mean that
Its an great idea nd bestests idea in this fourm good for farming but its too leanthy

Sent from my GT-I9082 using Tapatalk

12-09-2013, 11:19 AM
They can add 3 waves nd 6 stages in every city defrrent stages like in windmore kraken krag kelys stronghold and travelers out post as the city mobes

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12-09-2013, 11:20 AM
Whene start the map they can give option of elite rin or normal run

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12-09-2013, 11:22 AM
Lol nd my personal segestoon add a pooker game in every guild hall nd taveran

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02-06-2014, 10:40 AM
Lol nd my personal segestoon add a pooker game in every guild hall nd taveran

Sent from my GT-I9082 using Tapatalk
segestoon xD

02-08-2014, 12:03 AM
You could also add handicaps like, no heal skills this fight, no plat revives this fight, no pots this fight, no movement this fight, armor is halved for this fight, etc etc. I would love a great challenge.:)

02-09-2014, 08:08 AM
Great idea! But don't make no pots allowed.....we smurfs and rogues will be screwed. And no elite mobs/bosses in that case. Hve u ever tried running elite shyual using no pots? LoL and I don't think 2 elite bosses will be possible........2 red zones at the same time......not to mention they can even crit.

02-12-2014, 04:16 PM
Having no pots introduces strategy to such an experience, if you could pot your way through anything there would be no point in having the challenge. Becomes a test of skill and team work, just like in PvP (ideally of course).

02-12-2014, 11:34 PM
I really hope this will be implemented in five years (when they run out of words to put in front of "Legends" for new games). :)

06-26-2014, 04:33 AM
..........I think the best title should be "Prestige Master"....just you know, for reference sake...

06-26-2014, 08:32 AM
Only read title. Will read the rest later when I have time. But, +1

Harder wave based maps would be BA.

06-29-2014, 04:04 PM
amazing idea sts u must make this happen

no argueing :)

06-30-2014, 03:03 AM
*Opens thread* well that's a name i havent seen in a while! *realizes its an old thread* oh..

08-13-2014, 11:28 PM
Couple of questions.
If sts were to develop this would it be a circular map like the skeleton medley but bigger or would it be like a hallway in wt4?
Do you get full life after every wave or do you have to regen?
Can you fight with 1-6 total people? Having 6 people would still make it challenging but not so easy.
This is an amazing idea and would love to do this. Maybe it'll get me to get some plat for arcane pet if its really hard to finish all mobs.

Dex Scene
08-14-2014, 01:25 AM
I love the idea. I would love to see it implementing in the game :)

08-16-2014, 03:01 PM
goody goody , nice idea dude. Also like the idea of plat not being the boss , every player needs to participate just the same no one will have a special privilege which allows them to do any better then the next, that's aside from the gear you are using I am specifically referring to plat users.

Nice Thread :)