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View Full Version : Devs please help (Consignment house error)

11-15-2010, 10:25 PM
I was selling a shivering ice auto xbow(for 20k) on my character toplgod. I had the auction on for 12 hours. In that time period I deleted toplgod, he was lvl 10 I needed him lvl 5, then named a new character toplgod. The shivering crossbow has dissipeared, I looked on all of my acounts. While I don't think anything can be done for my xbow, could you make it if we delete a acount with things in the consignment house, the item/cash will go to our stash, or if that's full a different character (or a some npc in towne could collect these items and you could pick them up)

Hope this happens and bummed about my xbow :(

11-16-2010, 05:45 PM