View Full Version : Suggestions to modify essences.

12-03-2013, 12:48 AM
I believe many of the players are having trouble getting 10 of the specific essences needed to craft a gem because many of them have yet to get a chance to increase their inventory slots to be able to contain the large amount of essences. Sometimes in order to obtain 10 of the same type of essences, players have to liquidate other essences resulting in a waste of those liquidated. What I would like to suggest is to have COMMON essences so that we can craft our essences once we have collected 10 of those in total instead of having to collect the specific essences. Also, in PL there are crafting recipes available for sale for 0g. Could we have those recipes implemented in AL too except that those in AL are for us to craft the specific gems such as the Fire, Glacial and Blood gems so that the liquidation of essences can minimized for the newer players.