View Full Version : Nexus One stock Froyo build

11-16-2010, 02:33 AM
This is more because I couldn't find anything concerning some different things so I'm going to go ahead and run thru a list of items I had questions about, how I dealt w/it (if I had to) and the final outcome. I'll go ahead and update this regularly, well, as needed and invite anyone else to add to it if they've had an issue for this phone and this build.
If every phone had it's own post, it would be much easier spotting specific issues (I know, realistically, the # of Android based phones are already large and only growing). Maybe just the build then and the issues affecting it, I don't know, anyway, on with the show.
-LOOOOOOONG DL and pretty long install as well. I'm sure this is pretty universal, it's a big file. I like the fact I could place it on my sd card (yay froyo!)

-When I first opened it, it went straight to an updating screen that never updated. well, didn't appear to at least. Had 2 bars, I'm sure 1 for the current file in DL and the larger to show the status of the DL as a whole. Neither did anything. Just stayed gray.
after close to an hour w/no movement I pressed the pwr button to put it in sleep, then again to pull up the screen lock. Once unlocked it said the program wasn't responding, I hit wait and gave it a little bit longer (screen was just black now.) Repeated the above steps and FC it. Opened from the market, the 1st screen that popped up, and voila, no update screen, straight into setup.

At this point, that's it, it's been a gem, played it for an hour or so and logged out, really more because it doesn't show a batt meter and I just knew it had to be about dead. I have to say this, and I hope you made it this far down in my novel, my batt wasn't even at 50%. That's being off the charger all day, using my WiFi, GPS, live background, blah, blah, blah. Point being, most games go thru batt like a zombie goes thru brains, not this one. With the graphice, crispness, no lag w/7 other ppl fighting alongside of me and how responsive it is, and really so much more, all I can say is, SHUT THE FRONT DOOR, NO WAY!?! Yes way, and I am impressed, can't wait to get back on it tomorrow, hope to see some of you peeps on it.

11-16-2010, 02:55 AM
Nice write-up, welcome aboard the PL Fun Ship

11-16-2010, 04:09 AM
Go to the menu and click the top right icon, it should show your battery icon there.

11-16-2010, 11:35 AM
Go to the menu and click the top right icon, it should show your battery icon there.

Thanks for the heads up duhchi, it may seem menial, but for someone who didn't know about it, it's like the invention of fire. Maybe not to the masses, but to me. It only lets my new found addiction take that much more hold. I wonder how many monkeys you can get on your back before they start fighting over available space back there?

11-24-2010, 12:44 PM
Sorry I'm new with the game and I am using Nexus One as well running Froyo. I reached level 10 today and I can't seem to map more than 4 skills on the main screen. Is this a special game feature I need to buy or there really is something wrong?

11-24-2010, 12:48 PM
Tap the spellbook in the upper right corner to expand it to more columns.

11-24-2010, 01:05 PM
Tried everything mate. Seems like mine has a bug. Tried to map the skills on column A and they all didn't show up. Mapped them all on Column C and seems like it's only that column that shows up on the main screen. I'll try to reinstall the app now and see if it works.

11-24-2010, 01:13 PM
Worked! Reinstalled and everything showed up.