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View Full Version : custom pet

12-04-2013, 09:55 AM
i have an idea. how about we can have a custom pet? like pay 250 plat and have a way to have a customizable pet. have all the bodies of pets as a choice, and all the effects as well. pay extra plat for certain abilities. nothing overpowered like banish 100% if you pay 2000 extra plat haha. like for a little extra plat you can choose an ability from available NONMYTHIC NON ARCANE abilities. like 50 plat for kettles ability, and 25 plat for shilohs happiness bonus and shilohs passive ability. SUPER SPEED and slowing on passive attack! best farming/escaping pet. Something like that. anyone?

Edit: For those like crow who dont understand what i posted or i may not have been clear.....
-only 1 passive and arcane ability can be used. no combos
-No arcane or mythic bodies

Is that clear? tell me if i missed anything else.

Second Edit: only 1 AA, Passive ability, and happiness bonus.

Also if this was possible under these limits what would you create? post your made up pet, and please dont hate on this its just an idea. i wont be implemented i can almost promise.

Heres mine

I like the farming pet i said earlier, but i would want Mali happiness bonus, shiloh passive ability for slow, and maybe crawly's arcane ability. I'd be strong stat wise, and id slow during 1v1 with shilohs passive, and then if a rogue got close a pack while slowed id just use the AA to make her locked. ROUGE SLAYER!!!!!!!!!!! :)

it would have snowballs body with shadow effect like new shuynal pets and when it attacks it would have a bubble effect like ethyls attacks.

12-04-2013, 10:00 AM
Meh, and what for the people who doesn`t buy platinum? :/

12-04-2013, 10:04 AM
Actually, i dont buy plat. i do free offers when i can, but i may invest in this :D

12-04-2013, 10:05 AM
Also i think it should be like grim and buyable and tradable at anytime. so you would be able to buy with gold!

12-04-2013, 10:39 AM
Sure, I want a wrathshark that has wrathjaws' furry body and hammerjaw's shark parts, he buffs 40str to an are as wide as blight, stuns enemies like slag, buffs armor Luke glacian, returns mana like jack, has the cooldown of hammerjaw, the passive heal of samuel, +15% damage, +30base stat, and +30 str.

This idea can't possibly be OP.

12-04-2013, 10:43 AM
Sure, I want a wrathshark that has wrathjaws' furry body and hammerjaw's shark parts, he buffs 40str to an are as wide as blight, stuns enemies like slag, buffs armor Luke glacian, returns mana like jack, has the cooldown of hammerjaw, the passive heal of samuel, +15% damage, +30base stat, and +30 str.

This idea can't possibly be OP.

Did you not read my first post?????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????
also i assumed you would get that only 1 arcane ability can be used. i also assumed that you would understand that only one passive ability could be used. dude. ill edit i guess.

12-04-2013, 11:54 AM
Malison Happiness+Valkin AA ability+Stun pet's passive ability= Most OP Rogue in the world. People will combine pets to get the most OP Pets possible. Arcane and myth pets will be worthless.

12-04-2013, 12:24 PM
Malison Happiness+Valkin AA ability+Stun pet's passive ability= Most OP Rogue in the world. People will combine pets to get the most OP Pets possible. Arcane and myth pets will be worthless.

like i said. only one arcane and passive ability each.!!!

12-04-2013, 01:25 PM
Sounds good but i dont think it will be implemented

12-04-2013, 01:27 PM
Sounds good but i dont think it will be implemented

it wont. we can hope?

12-04-2013, 02:01 PM
like i said. ONLY 1 PASSIVE AND ARCANE ABILITY EACH.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-.- guys read my posts. plus the better the ability the higher the plat cost/gold cost. :) besides its just an idea....geez
Dude i don't know why you're using caps and so much !!!! AA=Arcane ability, i said valkin. So 1 AA. Stun pets passive is 1Passive ability
So i sai:
1 AA
1 PA
Don't rage like that lol.

12-04-2013, 02:09 PM
Dude i don't know why you're using caps and so much !!!! AA=Arcane ability, i said valkin. So 1 AA. Stun pets passive is 1Passive ability
So i sai:
1 AA
1 PA
Don't rage like that lol.

oh oh ok. sorry :( ill fix it wait...... im sorry

12-04-2013, 02:12 PM
fixed. im sorry i didnt address that hmmm. i meant the happiness bonus as passive ability, so my bad. ill address that in edit hold on :)

12-04-2013, 02:54 PM
Did you not read my first post?????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????
also i assumed you would get that only 1 arcane ability can be used. i also assumed that you would understand that only one passive ability could be used. dude. ill edit i guess.

Lol, its there after you edited it.

I pointed a flaw, and you fixed. That's constructive critisism. However my heavy sarcasm was unnecessary. Sorry, I was bored waiting for my plane to board.

12-05-2013, 11:20 AM
Lol, its there after you edited it.

I pointed a flaw, and you fixed. That's constructive critisism. However my heavy sarcasm was unnecessary. Sorry, I was bored waiting for my plane to board.

lol and do u really put a new song of the day every day?

12-05-2013, 02:56 PM
lol and do u really put a new song of the day every day?

Yes, unless I forget on my lunch break.

12-08-2013, 09:59 PM
Bump great idea :3