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View Full Version : Elite bugs shuyal bugs!! :(

12-05-2013, 05:16 AM
ok while today i tried to play shuyal shadow plains elite.. while i was playing we attacked the guys near boss and they just remain stunt.. our attack dont kill them they snear for a long time and the boss dont open from the shield i took a snap shot of it.. check

we used lots of platinmun to kill this boss and for this bug we lost all pots and plats :( this is not right!!

Moreover on froest breach-shuyal the daily shadow fang dont work with my id.. horrin give me the task and i collect all fang but after that the question sign dont open.. so that reamin complete but incomplete.. :(

12-05-2013, 05:52 AM
Its still persisting in Ashral heart too. Especialy when u die, something brakes in mechanism and the shield from heart doesnt go down even when the mobs r stunned.

U can kill those mobs tough, DOTs from skills like Nox bolt do some dmg to hem. I killed one this way :D.
But shield is still not going down.

I think u just cant die, never, even rev with plat doesnt help. Or at least one of party members should be still alive, u cant die all at once.
Thats what i observed so far.

Hard to say if they will actually look on this. U may just get replay that Customer support will check on it haha. Well in this case maybe they can help - to refund the plat u spend.

12-05-2013, 11:32 PM
I don't understand, the timer says you've only been in that map for 1:43