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View Full Version : SELLMATE: Anyone know?

12-07-2013, 01:43 AM
Here's a very suspicious character..He has been sitting in cs for several months 24/7..Never logs out..He never talks, trades, or move..Even after an update he returns to the same spot. I've even seen him in cs alone early in the a.m. I have a very good idea what he's doing but won't say.. If you've spoken to this person. .Traded etc..Please reply..Otherwise sts/devs please view this persons acct..See if they have any chat logs..dungeon runs..Trades...but most of all check their stash..Recently I've seen some suspicious activity on pl..lets put a stop to it...Also check a player named beerstore who sits in glumdoll cemetery.. If they've checked this post then look for transfers..I play too hard for people to cheat their way to the top....thank you..

12-07-2013, 01:48 AM
I haven't seen anything in cs from sellmate as you would expect.
I've noticed beerstore always standing in the same spot in Fathom town on multiple days. They also didn't respond to pm's.

12-07-2013, 01:48 AM
and never seen beerstore I'll be in a loom out for him too

12-07-2013, 01:51 AM
It is probably a dev acc used to stalk the chats..

12-07-2013, 02:09 AM
It is probably a dev acc used to stalk the chats..
Pretty sure they can pick a map and check the chat anytime they want
(I think ^.^')

12-07-2013, 03:24 AM
lol PL is turning into Runescape. He prob has his computer searching CS for "Savage" while the price point is at like 200k and under, so if anyone mistakenly posted a "Savage Scythe" for "2,000,0" or "2,000,00" instead of 2,000,000, he would then be the first to see it and buy it because it would pop up (If his bot is fast enough), he would be able to get it before the seller was able to switch tabs and cancel the item.

lol this sounds like a wonderful bot, these things are the reasons I really can't wait to start learning C++...feeling all giggle inside thinking of all the things I could create...and destroy > : D

12-07-2013, 04:21 AM
lol PL is turning into Runescape. He prob has his computer searching CS for "Savage" while the price point is at like 200k and under, so if anyone mistakenly posted a "Savage Scythe" for "2,000,0" or "2,000,00" instead of 2,000,000, he would then be the first to see it and buy it because it would pop up (If his bot is fast enough), he would be able to get it before the seller was able to switch tabs and cancel the item.

lol this sounds like a wonderful bot, these things are the reasons I really can't wait to start learning C++…feeling all giggle inside thinking of all the things I could create...and destroy > : D

shush your face, put a savage item in cs for 5 seconds, count it 5 seconds normally and you will find out there is a "CS Bot" or not lol, highly doubt it.

Btw sellmate has been in bale fort for months now, same as beerstore, i have messaged beerstore many times but only once he has replied, which was a while ago though.

Strange how these characters sit in the maos like this, can't see devs doing this, I'm sure they're a lot more "Ninja" with this kind of stuff but still you never know.. what about the mage with the parrot pet that sat in humania? I can never find him/her anymore in there O.o

12-07-2013, 04:47 AM
shush your face, put a savage item in cs for 5 seconds, count it 5 seconds normally and you will find out there is a "CS Bot" or not lol, highly doubt it.

Btw sellmate has been in bale fort for months now, same as beerstore, i have messaged beerstore many times but only once he has replied, which was a while ago though.

Strange how these characters sit in the maos like this, can't see devs doing this, I'm sure they're a lot more "Ninja" with this kind of stuff but still you never know.. what about the mage with the parrot pet that sat in humania? I can never find him/her anymore in there O.o

lol I don't get what your're saying but ya it's not like this is Graal where your "proness" is based on how many hours you have. lol or people are just falling asleep all the time with their phones on...
I hope sts doesn't put a time limit of movement...that would just be sad..

12-07-2013, 04:49 AM
shush your face, put a savage item in cs for 5 seconds, count it 5 seconds normally and you will find out there is a "CS Bot" or not lol, highly doubt it.

Btw sellmate has been in bale fort for months now, same as beerstore, i have messaged beerstore many times but only once he has replied, which was a while ago though.

Strange how these characters sit in the maos like this, can't see devs doing this, I'm sure they're a lot more "Ninja" with this kind of stuff but still you never know.. what about the mage with the parrot pet that sat in humania? I can never find him/her anymore in there O.o


12-07-2013, 05:24 AM
lol PL is turning into Runescape. He prob has his computer searching CS for "Savage" while the price point is at like 200k and under, so if anyone mistakenly posted a "Savage Scythe" for "2,000,0" or "2,000,00" instead of 2,000,000, he would then be the first to see it and buy it because it would pop up (If his bot is fast enough), he would be able to get it before the seller was able to switch tabs and cancel the item.

lol this sounds like a wonderful bot, these things are the reasons I really can't wait to start learning C++...feeling all giggle inside thinking of all the things I could create...and destroy > : D

Dam what class u taking ._. And want to try putting savvage up for 200k for 5min see if sellmate buys :3 would be good reson to ban him if he is botting cuz i never see his items in cs

12-07-2013, 05:26 AM
So i have talked to him once i said hi was on for 3hrs after he never replied

12-07-2013, 05:38 AM
In the past someone made a comment about a gold glitch, and was removed from pl permanently..My guess is these or this may be the same or another person who may be doing the same thing..I pay very close attention to my surroundings..No these or this guy isn't falling asleep..Hes afk and his toon/toons are definitely there to serve a purpose..At any time..randomly..any time am or pm..Private message them..They are right there. .Empty cs empty cemetery...Right there faithfully..Something definitely fishy about these toons..

12-07-2013, 05:48 AM
In the past someone made a comment about a gold glitch, and was removed from pl permanently..My guess is these or this may be the same or another person who may be doing the same thing..I pay very close attention to my surroundings..No these or this guy isn't falling asleep..Hes afk and his toon/toons are definitely there to serve a purpose..At any time..randomly..any time am or pm..Private message them..They are right there. .Empty cs empty cemetery...Right there faithfully..Something definitely fishy about these toons..

Gold glitch?

12-07-2013, 05:50 AM
The stash/gold exploit would explain the toon in cs but I can't make sense of the one in fathom.

12-07-2013, 05:51 AM
Skill pm me im confused explain in a but more detail ? So theres an unpatched glitch..... Pm me im super curious ._.

Dont tell me how to do it just what it is ._. And how it explains sell afk in cs? (Sorry its 10pm here and im tired and confused just pm lol)

12-07-2013, 07:05 AM
Sellmate is a player and moves around. I know a couple of players who know her main. Case closed :)

12-07-2013, 07:17 AM
^ psst.... he works for the botter..lol

12-07-2013, 07:37 AM
yes guys u guys should post a savage for 200k

check 5 mins later it'll say "Rot" in ur cs completed sales list


12-07-2013, 08:00 AM
Sellmate is a player and moves around. I know a couple of players who know her main. Case closed :)

Thanks for solving the mystery! I was somehow hoping this all was a giant set up to let us all put savage in cs for 200k :)

Now to beerstore - anybody know them?

12-07-2013, 08:43 AM
I tried to be afk for 12 hours during one night last summer and the screen actually burned my name and joystick etc to the screen panel. It slowly disappeared during a week. I bet he has pl open in pc window at background and he never shuts down his computer.

12-07-2013, 08:44 AM
Maybe you should try waiting after an update to see if he comes up.

12-07-2013, 09:39 AM
I've talked to Beerstore about 3 times and gotten a response every time, I told him how popular he was on forums (this was awhile back) I actually leveled with him in pugs, and went to Balefort and seen him there once. He apparently just likes to have a PL tab on. I can't remember sellmate's main, but I did know who it was. It is weird that they never move also, but I'm sure that its another case of being too lazy to shut down PL, or they're doing something else, so they open the PL tab just to see any good deals in the chat.

12-07-2013, 09:41 AM
Sellmate is a player and moves around. I know a couple of players who know her main. Case closed :)
Not buying it..Diversions won't work bud..This isn't a merch..Same spot, same place..Lvl10 no guild just like beerstore..Guilded they would have to talk :-)

12-07-2013, 09:48 AM
Maybe you should try waiting after an update to see if he comes up.
After an update..They both return to same spot..Like I said..Someone made a comment and was removed for it..he told me and several other people exactly what he said and the results of saying it in public chat in sandcaves..Whether these people have mains or not..Seems someone heard the villian comment..

12-07-2013, 10:11 AM
Hackers, mysterious toons... All signs of the oncoming pl apocalypse!

12-07-2013, 10:24 AM
Lmfao. He's just sitting in town, leave him alone.

12-07-2013, 11:52 AM
I've seen sell mate at the entrance of bale fort, and not at the cs before. Also they change gear and gain xp once in a while.

I've fallen asleep and just stood afk in town for hours until my battery died as well, maybe that's what sellmate was doing

12-07-2013, 01:23 PM
I can attest to sellmate. I've seen him same spot never moved never talked no items listed form him in cs. I know what he's doing. I've reported before. Nothing is done. Btw, another certain lvl 76 bird does the same exact thing. I'd rather not say names. But he does it much more inconspicuously.

12-07-2013, 01:34 PM
I can attest to sellmate. I've seen him same spot never moved never talked no items listed form him in cs. I know what he's doing. I've reported before. Nothing is done. Btw, another certain lvl 76 bird does the same exact thing. I'd rather not say names. But he does it much more inconspicuously.
Are you talking about farmking? A thing like that.

IGN Storm
12-07-2013, 01:57 PM
lol PL is turning into Runescape.

Agreed. Runescape died after the EOC. PL, well...

12-07-2013, 03:00 PM
I've never got replies from Sellmate, but i do occasionally get replies from Beerstore

Beerstore says that he leaves his device logged onto to PL and sometimes forgets about it.
I've seen Beerstore in Humania towne before

12-07-2013, 04:15 PM
After an update..They both return to same spot..Like I said..Someone made a comment and was removed for it..he told me and several other people exactly what he said and the results of saying it in public chat in sandcaves..Whether these people have mains or not..Seems someone heard the villian comment..

Pm me about it?

12-07-2013, 06:33 PM
What might they be doing if they Aren't listing. items in the cs?

12-07-2013, 10:32 PM
Ok so this morning i went to balefort and saw "sellmate" standing at his usual place, and i decided to take a pic just in case he would move. And later in the day i joined balefort again and saw "sellmate" but i saw a little detail, he wasn't standing at the exact place as in the morning. So yeah, just saying he dosnt stay here all day.

This morning49336

Later in the day (you can observe that the doll moved) lol

Michael Liu
12-08-2013, 12:48 AM
He has added me. He is on my list, and he is NOT on 24/7. Also I saw a LVL 70 bone helm in CS under his name.

Michael Liu
12-08-2013, 12:49 AM
I can post a pic later, when he's offline.

12-08-2013, 03:05 AM
I can post a pic later, when he's offline.

Ten years later.
Oldcoot: "A PIC? now what in tarnation."

12-08-2013, 03:38 AM
When Beerstore says, oh i just like to leave my app open, so you believe what everyone says lol…

Just a causal accident fall asleep and leaving your device on ? he must be asleep for a couple of months now and wake up for 1 hour then fall asleep again LOL

12-08-2013, 04:18 AM
How's this?
http://i1359.photobucket.com/albums/q781/oldcootxx/B01737D2-43F6-4415-BC84-E08133072103_zpsfbekhlg6.jpg (http://s1359.photobucket.com/user/oldcootxx/media/B01737D2-43F6-4415-BC84-E08133072103_zpsfbekhlg6.jpg.html)

http://i1359.photobucket.com/albums/q781/oldcootxx/221179E5-B4F4-4963-8793-AC3A95AE1EA3_zps806005jk.jpg (http://s1359.photobucket.com/user/oldcootxx/media/221179E5-B4F4-4963-8793-AC3A95AE1EA3_zps806005jk.jpg.html)

12-08-2013, 02:51 PM
My Friend bought savage armor for 990k:) some fool put savage armor for 990k lmao...

12-08-2013, 05:56 PM
This morning49336


12-08-2013, 07:06 PM
LOL damnit I wish I had a thanks.

12-08-2013, 08:13 PM


12-08-2013, 08:22 PM
he accepted my friend req and said hi when i told him i would give him 100k if he said something to me

12-08-2013, 08:23 PM
he accepted my friend req and said hi when i told him i would give him 100k if he said something to me

LOL nice one, I'll try that, I'll say 150k this time though haha

12-08-2013, 08:24 PM
This technique is called "Evolting"

12-08-2013, 08:26 PM
This technique is called "Evolting"

got dat riet