View Full Version : Other players lvl?

11-16-2010, 09:47 PM
How do I tell what level the enemy is at? What are the guidelines when entering a pvp match? Level 15's don't play against 50's right? (I get owned in pvp btw.)

11-16-2010, 10:06 PM
Well 1st the only way to know what level of someone on oposite team is to leave & join game and join his/hers team to look if u dont believe them (tap there name).
2nd, when u tap join game it only shows u maps withen five levels or your level. So u could be lvl 10 fighting a lvl 20 if u joined a game started by a lvl 15.
3rd, i dont know what to say about u suk'n at pvp unless u tell ur lvl, race & class.
Hope this helped. GL!