View Full Version : The improvements of we the people want;declaration of fun PL

11-16-2010, 09:51 PM
I have seen many feedbacks and other stuff so write your opinions here once speak all about what you think are the problems of pocket legend for your opinion
Mine are
I want pl to have some plat items sold on gold like magic mirrors or auction slot the only need of gold is for items and pots!
Rebalance ao3 and if you did already it is still to TOUGH espacially for me a junk user
Since you took rush out of people whom love the rush atleast let us have a premium rare when at ao3 if you complete the whole dungeon!
And please live up to the promise like example:completing pocket legends at december!

11-16-2010, 09:55 PM
Isn't it ironic how you title this after a famous document that is beautifully hand written, with no mistakes at all, and then your message contains words such as; ur, wat, u, r, probs, ppl, wen, cmplete, and plz.

11-16-2010, 10:02 PM
Isn't it ironic how you title this after a famous document that is beautifully hand written, with no mistakes at all, and then your message contains words such as; ur, wat, u, r, probs, ppl, wen, cmplete, and plz.

Ur right wats wrong with me; i got use to shorthand lol i will improve it
That paper is rwally beautiful even though it was wrotten in a hot small stuffy room with thick coats yet they pulled it out ill fix it

11-16-2010, 10:08 PM
Typ-o lol there typed typ-o right for u hope u dont get mad for putting lol
Jk:p hahahahaha hihihi hahaha hoho