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View Full Version : Will I be banned?

12-08-2013, 03:49 AM
Well this is a general question towards STS and the community. As you all know, I have a mage named "IStaff" that I recently renamed. Well I have recently been talking to some old PL friends over KIk and such, and they began to talk of the 71 cap and all that. And the pvp I was involved in.... There is only one problem, I did not log into my account until when I capped my mage, at 76, pre nerf, and then not until recently again. I had stopped playing just because of shear time management skills, and frustration. I did log on occasionally to talk to people, but I NEVER pvped at 71. I'm trying to figure out how this is possible. Then I realized, when I got my phone, I handed down my iPod to my now 10 year old brother. I didn't delete any of the apps, or anything either. I had nothing bad on it, It was just games. What I am assuming happened was that he used the Pocket Legends app, and had my login and password saved within it. I am 100% sure he played and has been playing, although I didn't know at the time. I can assure you I leveled to 76 on my own, and the sets I have I acquired recently myself by farming slayer. Well he recently got his own kindle, and gave my iPod back, and I saw pocket legends on it and was like oh, I remember this game. That was maybe a month ago. I first had my suspicions he played when my mage was renamed from "Stevenmc" to "Plasmastar". But I didn't think too much of it, 66 had a lot of pvp wars and I probably did it to get out of them, but I didn't remember doing it. He must have done it. My question is, is this considered account sharing? Will I be banned for this? I'm not going to lie and say it was me, as it wasn't. But I did not give out my password, he just clicked the app and it was already logged in for him. I did not intentionally do this either, and I will take screenshots of everything I have to prove he did nothing beneficial to my account. I did not device share either, it was all from the same iPod 4th gen, and a recent kindle I bought for myself. I really do not want to get banned for this, but I don't want to lie either. I have only played spottedly and stopped before the nerf out of frustration. But now things seem a lot better. I would prefer not to lose my founders account, and all the hours I spent in this game. And I'm really enjoying catching up with my online friends that are still around.

My apologize,

*If my little brother did offend anyone, or scam?.. I hope not, but please pm me, and I will farm to make even on matters and money. When I do buy platinum again I will be going back to "Stevenmc" too, so you will be able to reach the ACTUAL me there. Good day everyone!

12-08-2013, 04:49 AM
Hi Stevenmc,

The best thing to do would be to contact support and tell them about it. Us as forum members have no control over this sort of thing.

Email support(at)spacetimestudios.com and tell them the story.

12-08-2013, 08:39 AM
Sounds fishy to me

12-08-2013, 09:22 AM
As far as I know, account sharing is bannable..but the situation here is a bit different, from what I am reading. You didn't intentionally do it, and didn't know that , or your brother played it.
As far as I know, people who get banned for account sharing are usually the ones who tell each other in game, or from PL plat sites, or things like that, DocDoBig and Flacs got banned for something like it, I forgot. But I don't think you'll get banned for this, best thing to do, just email StG and see how things roll.

All for one, and one for all.

12-08-2013, 09:51 AM
Sounds fishy to me

Agreed. I doubt he would be posting about this if "his brother" wouldnt do something bad in the game... But then again, we are not supposed to discuss this on the forum.

12-08-2013, 10:20 AM

12-08-2013, 10:41 AM
Might not as you didn't do it with an intention.
We don't know though as we are not devs

12-08-2013, 11:43 AM
Nah you won't, sts understands that accidents happen sometimes well sometimes they do, hehe.

12-08-2013, 01:23 PM
Agreed. I doubt he would be posting about this if "his brother" wouldnt do something bad in the game... But then again, we are not supposed to discuss this on the forum.

I am posting this because I don't know if he did something bad in game, I am worried he ruined/ended some of my old freindships, and I'm not sure if he even knows what scamming is, but what if he accidentally did it? It has me worried. I just don't have any way of knowing without openly asking the community. And if he has I will work to fix it.

12-08-2013, 01:25 PM
Well this is a general question towards STS and the community. As you all know, I have a mage named "IStaff" that I recently renamed. Well I have recently been talking to some old PL friends over KIk and such, and they began to talk of the 71 cap and all that. And the pvp I was involved in.... There is only one problem, I did not log into my account until when I capped my mage, at 76, pre nerf, and then not until recently again. I had stopped playing just because of shear time management skills, and frustration. I did log on occasionally to talk to people, but I NEVER pvped at 71. I'm trying to figure out how this is possible. Then I realized, when I got my phone, I handed down my iPod to my now 10 year old brother. I didn't delete any of the apps, or anything either. I had nothing bad on it, It was just games. What I am assuming happened was that he used the Pocket Legends app, and had my login and password saved within it. I am 100% sure he played and has been playing, although I didn't know at the time. I can assure you I leveled to 76 on my own, and the sets I have I acquired recently myself by farming slayer. Well he recently got his own kindle, and gave my iPod back, and I saw pocket legends on it and was like oh, I remember this game. That was maybe a month ago. I first had my suspicions he played when my mage was renamed from "Stevenmc" to "Plasmastar". But I didn't think too much of it, 66 had a lot of pvp wars and I probably did it to get out of them, but I didn't remember doing it. He must have done it. My question is, is this considered account sharing? Will I be banned for this? I'm not going to lie and say it was me, as it wasn't. But I did not give out my password, he just clicked the app and it was already logged in for him. I did not intentionally do this either, and I will take screenshots of everything I have to prove he did nothing beneficial to my account. I did not device share either, it was all from the same iPod 4th gen, and a recent kindle I bought for myself. I really do not want to get banned for this, but I don't want to lie either. I have only played spottedly and stopped before the nerf out of frustration. But now things seem a lot better. I would prefer not to lose my founders account, and all the hours I spent in this game. And I'm really enjoying catching up with my online friends that are still around.

My apologize,

*If my little brother did offend anyone, or scam?.. I hope not, but please pm me, and I will farm to make even on matters and money. When I do buy platinum again I will be going back to "Stevenmc" too, so you will be able to reach the ACTUAL me there. Good day everyone!

If you didn't want a risk of being banned you shouldn't tell publicly you possibly shared accounts in the first place lol

12-08-2013, 02:06 PM
I may be new here, but there are a lot of loopholes in your "story."

1. When have you played PL? You say you are a "Founder" but do not remember playing until the 76 cap.

2. You state you may, or may not, remember changing your name during the 66 cap, but again didn't begin playing until recently. See above question.

3. According to your forum join date, you began forums in Jan, 2012. Are you saying that all the posts you made in the last 2 years are not yours? Looking back, you seem to talk pretty regularly of things in game so either you have "forgotten" all of this as well are your "brother" had access to your forum account.

4. As stated above, why would you continuously bring up whether your brother did anything wrong or not if you aren't even sure. You make it seem as though you know something is up and are just playing the "dumb card."

5. Again, based on your words, your brother may or may not have been using your account since the beginning of having installed PL, and yet state he is now 10. You mean to tell me a 7 y/o (which is how old he would have been when all of this "confusion" began) is able to play/rename/scam/act as a teenager?

I may be missing something, but it seems to me you are trying to cover something up. I would also think a person who has played since the beginning of the game and has been on forums since 2012 would understand the answer of his question (account sharing is against ToS) and discussing all of this on forums will do nothing as forum rules state you need to email STG with any issues you have.

12-08-2013, 02:16 PM
Policed xD

12-08-2013, 02:39 PM
Nah you won't, sts understands that accidents happen sometimes well sometimes they do, hehe.

That's a lie.


12-08-2013, 02:42 PM
I may be new here, but there are a lot of loopholes in your "story."

1. When have you played PL? You say you are a "Founder" but do not remember playing until the 76 cap.

2. You state you may, or may not, remember changing your name during the 66 cap, but again didn't begin playing until recently. See above question.

3. According to your forum join date, you began forums in Jan, 2012. Are you saying that all the posts you made in the last 2 years are not yours? Looking back, you seem to talk pretty regularly of things in game so either you have "forgotten" all of this as well are your "brother" had access to your forum account.

4. As stated above, why would you continuously bring up whether your brother did anything wrong or not if you aren't even sure. You make it seem as though you know something is up and are just playing the "dumb card."

5. Again, based on your words, your brother may or may not have been using your account since the beginning of having installed PL, and yet state he is now 10. You mean to tell me a 7 y/o (which is how old he would have been when all of this "confusion" began) is able to play/rename/scam/act as a teenager?

I may be missing something, but it seems to me you are trying to cover something up. I would also think a person who has played since the beginning of the game and has been on forums since 2012 would understand the answer of his question (account sharing is against ToS) and discussing all of this on forums will do nothing as forum rules state you need to email STG with any issues you have.

If you would read more carefully, please, I played until close to the end of the 66 cap. I think leveling from 1-66 would be enough time to know I'm a founder? Maybe.. And it was a long time ago when I stopped playing, when my name was changed, I thought it was nothing, as I had probably done it to get out of the Influence Olympus ect guild wars.. And again, if you read more carefully I did come on, under this device, and talk to people, discuss the pvp forgotten items ect, but it was mostly forum based and not as much in game. Am I playing the dumb card? I looked at my friends list, and for example, Angeldawn is no longer on my friends list, and I saw her in game. She was one of my best friends. I think he may have done something to lose me some friends. And if nothing has been done wrong, then cheers, I'm making sure my old friends weren't done wrong by me. At your next point, you didn't read very well yet again, I played at the 66 cap and to my knowledge until right before the cap was updated, so my brother was older. Are you telling me this game is too hard to figure out? And are you to tell me a kid growing up in this age with Internet access wouldn't know how to google anything he wanted to know? I'm not saying he does/Did, I'm saying he easily could. Finally of nothing has been done wrong anyways, there would be nothing to cover up. This is to mainly tell my friends what went on, and hopefully get in contact with the ones that are left, and if and only if he did anyone wrong, I want to make it right. And I do not understand if this was truly against TOS, as I DID NOT LET HIM ON INTENTIONALLY, I did not give a password, I did not give an email, I did not let him play for my benefit, and I'm almost sure nothing beneficial came from this. This was an accident, one that I want to make right. Thank you for making things I was unclear on pointed out though :)

Good day!


*An example of me being on would be when I joined The community guild on my alt, and donated money towards the tournament. That was indeed me.

12-08-2013, 02:45 PM
That's a lie.


What happened to Doc?

12-08-2013, 02:55 PM
Why dont you just ask your brother if and what he did wrong then?

12-08-2013, 02:56 PM
If you would read more carefully, please, I played until close to the end of the 66 cap. I think leveling from 1-66 would be enough time to know I'm a founder? Maybe.. And it was a long time ago when I stopped playing, when my name was changed, I thought it was nothing, as I had probably done it to get out of the Influence Olympus ect guild wars.. And again, if you read more carefully I did come on, under this device, and talk to people, discuss the pvp forgotten items ect, but it was mostly forum based and not as much in game. Am I playing the dumb card? I looked at my friends list, and for example, Angeldawn is no longer on my friends list, and I saw her in game. She was one of my best friends. I think he may have done something to lose me some friends. And if nothing has been done wrong, then cheers, I'm making sure my old friends weren't done wrong by me. At your next point, you didn't read very well yet again, I played at the 66 cap and to my knowledge until right before the cap was updated, so my brother was older. Are you telling me this game is too hard to figure out? And are you to tell me a kid growing up in this age with Internet access wouldn't know how to google anything he wanted to know? I'm not saying he does/Did, I'm saying he easily could. Finally of nothing has been done wrong anyways, there would be nothing to cover up. This is to mainly tell my friends what went on, and hopefully get in contact with the ones that are left, and if and only if he did anyone wrong, I want to make it right. And I do not understand if this was truly against TOS, as I DID NOT LET HIM ON INTENTIONALLY, I did not give a password, I did not give an email, I did not let him play for my benefit, and I'm almost sure nothing beneficial came from this. This was an accident, one that I want to make right. Thank you for making things I was unclear on pointed out though :)

Good day!


*An example of me being on would be when I joined The community guild on my alt, and donated money towards the tournament. That was indeed me.

I can read just fine. If you would look at your initial post, you can see that you never clearly stated when you played. Your posts are unorganized, grammatical nightmares.

What you also seem to be missing is all the "probably's" and "maybe's" in your statements. (As highlighted above) You are not absolutely sure about anything, yet expect to be treated as you are. Again, as stated above, if you aren't sure as to what may, or may not, have happened, why make a post which would lead to STS investigating your account. Why not just clarify things through pm's and Kik (whatever that is) than bring attention to yourself here?

12-08-2013, 03:04 PM
I can read just fine. If you would look at your initial post, you can see that you never clearly stated when you played. Your posts are unorganized, grammatical nightmares.

What you also seem to be missing is all the "probably's" and "maybe's" in your statements. (As highlighted above) You are not absolutely sure about anything, yet expect to be treated as you are. Again, as stated above, if you aren't sure as to what may, or may not, have happened, why make a post which would lead to STS investigating your account. Why not just clarify things through pm's and Kik (whatever that is) than bring attention to yourself here?

If you will read more carefully, I said end of 66 was when I stopped playing, because of the guild wars, and a little after that was when I stopped playing PL, and gave my brother my iPod. Yes, I am not sure what happened when It wasn't me, I am sure I want to make things right, and get in touch with my friends. I did talk to my brother and he said he did play. I'm not sure the dates exactly. Will you please let this message go to my friends that may still be around that I am no longer in contact with, and let me be honest with sts without being questioned? To be honest I am not here to argue with someone I don't even know 0_o. So bye! :)

12-08-2013, 03:11 PM
If you will read more carefully, I said end of 66 was when I stopped playing, because of the guild wars, and a little after that was when I stopped playing PL, and gave my brother my iPod. Yes, I am not sure what happened when It wasn't me, I am sure I want to make things right, and get in touch with my friends. I did talk to my brother and he said he did play. I'm not sure the dates exactly. Will you please let this message go to my friends that may still be around that I am no longer in contact with, and let me be honest with sts without being questioned? To be honest I am not here to argue with someone I don't even know 0_o. So bye! :)

If this wasn't up for discussion/attention, why did you post in a public forum? How can you be honest when you are not sure of all the things which have occurred? I went back and looked at when the 66 cap began and found it to have been around the same time you began your forum account. Why would you begin posting on forums if you were about to quit? When you came back to the game during the 76 cap, why did you not mention you noticed your name was changed and say something then? Why wait til now?

I am sorry if you do not like my questions, but these are all things STG will be looking into when seeing your post and making a determination on your account.

12-08-2013, 03:19 PM
If this wasn't up for discussion/attention, why did you post in a public forum? How can you be honest when you are not sure of all the things which have occurred? I went back and looked at when the 66 cap began and found it to have been around the same time you began your forum account. Why would you begin posting on forums if you were about to quit? When you came back to the game during the 76 cap, why did you not mention you noticed your name was changed and say something then? Why wait til now?

I am sorry if you do not like my questions, but these are all things STG will be looking into when seeing your post and making a determination on your account.

I wanted to know if this was breaking TOS, I did not want my life questioned. I began my forum account at 66, because that was when I really got into pvp, and really took the game seriously. I quit because (and people could vouch for this) I got way into pvp and raged ect... And I stopped using my time on things outside of the game! I did notice my name was changed, but I figured I had done it before I quit, because of this pvp. I appreciate your detective work on a person you don't know, as to just try and make them look bad because you have nothing better to do, but all I'm saying is at some point my brother was on this account without my knowledge. And if he did anything wrong at all I will make it right. And I did mention my name was changed, go look at any of the posts about TCG ect, people knew Plasmastar was me, it was mentioned :P Thank you detective Lion, but I think my dog just peed downstairs and I need to clean it up.

Oh I read that and it sounded really rude, I'm sorry! There is no need to be rude to someone I do not even know!

12-08-2013, 03:29 PM
I wanted to know if this was breaking TOS, I did not want my life questioned. I began my forum account at 66, because that was when I really got into pvp, and really took the game seriously. I quit because (and people could vouch for this) I got way into pvp and raged ect... And I stopped using my time on things outside of the game! I did notice my name was changed, but I figured I had done it before I quit, because of this pvp. I appreciate your detective work on a person you don't know, as to just try and make them look bad because you have nothing better to do, but all I'm saying is at some point my brother was on this account without my knowledge. And if he did anything wrong at all I will make it right. And I did mention my name was changed, go look at any of the posts about TCG ect, people knew Plasmastar was me, it was mentioned :P Thank you detective Lion, but I think my dog just peed downstairs and I need to clean it up.

Ok. Attack the "new" guy when I wasn't the only one in this thread who questioned your post. Might want to keep from posting publicly if you are going to get so easily upset.

12-08-2013, 03:30 PM
Ok. Attack the "new" guy when I wasn't the only one in this thread who questioned your post. Might want to keep from posting publicly if you are going to get so easily upset.

Yeah I edited in an apology, :P wasn't going for a personal attack in any way :)

12-08-2013, 03:36 PM
LionHeart, there is no need for attacking him. He hasn't done anything wrong. What happens here is called a mistake, and an accident. He is a founder, and he wouldn't go through all the trouble for this.
In fact if actually did it on purpose and knew it, then I suppose he wouldn't even make the thread, I dont think he's done anything bad.

12-08-2013, 03:36 PM
Yea i was trying to say like why would you post this publicly.

Why not jus email sts or talk to your friends in game to ask for their opinions

12-08-2013, 03:54 PM
Ok. Attack the "new" guy when I wasn't the only one in this thread who questioned your post. Might want to keep from posting publicly if you are going to get so easily upset.
Obviously he replied to your post as it was the most disrespectful.

12-08-2013, 04:13 PM
What happened to Doc?

He tried to help his good friend solve a problem and logged into his account and got permabanned for sharing accounts and no one listens to him, not support or mods. Kinda spit on a face to do this type of thing to a great community leader and a loyal customer.

12-08-2013, 04:17 PM
How did da devs kno doe?

12-08-2013, 04:21 PM
How did da devs kno doe?

IP herpderp

12-08-2013, 04:25 PM
Yes your going to be banned, quick log on an give all your stuff to Oldcoot
Just kidding, I really don't know what will happen but I hope it works out for ya

12-08-2013, 04:28 PM
Yes your going to be banned, quick log on an give all your stuff to Oldcoot
Just kidding, I really don't know what will happen but I hope it works out for ya

If I am going to get banned for this ill give my stuff to you, not to hold for me, but to keep! I hope I don't get banned, my brother doesn't even have his own PL Account :P

12-08-2013, 04:36 PM
LionHeart, there is no need for attacking him. He hasn't done anything wrong. What happens here is called a mistake, and an accident. He is a founder, and he wouldn't go through all the trouble for this.
In fact if actually did it on purpose and knew it, then I suppose he wouldn't even make the thread, I dont think he's done anything bad.

Obviously he replied to your post as it was the most disrespectful.

Because I pose questions based on uncertainties I am "rude", "attacking", and "disrespectful", but someone posting "Something smells fishy." is completely normal? I am beginning to realize these forums are all about "cliques" and less about being a true forum.

12-08-2013, 04:36 PM
Not telling you what to do but if it was my brother I'd half to punch him one

12-08-2013, 04:44 PM
How did da devs kno doe?

IP herpderp

I didnt kno dey put in da effert to ban ppl now

12-08-2013, 04:47 PM
Lion no one likes a stuck up jerk, your 23 posts says that you don't know much about the people on here, Oldcoot was OBVIOUSLY joking, and everyone except you seems to know that. I'm pretty sure I know who you are, not many people can just join the forums and act like they're the highest being on the Earth.

12-08-2013, 04:48 PM
Lion no one likes a stuck up jerk, your 23 posts says that you don't know much about the people on here, Oldcoot was OBVIOUSLY joking, and everyone except you seems to know that. I'm pretty sure I know who you are, not many people can just join the forums and act like they're the highest being on the Earth.

Trentun don't be mean to new members:(

12-08-2013, 04:51 PM
Because I pose questions based on uncertainties I am "rude", "attacking", and "disrespectful", but someone posting "Something smells fishy." is completely normal? I am beginning to realize these forums are all about "cliques" and less about being a true forum.


You're not new. Actually, you're doing the same thing he is! Playing the "dumb card", right? :)

12-08-2013, 05:01 PM
Lion no one likes a stuck up jerk, your 23 posts says that you don't know much about the people on here, Oldcoot was OBVIOUSLY joking, and everyone except you seems to know that. I'm pretty sure I know who you are, not many people can just join the forums and act like they're the highest being on the Earth.

How in the world do people get "jerk", "rude", and "attacking" from a line of questions? Also, if you notice, I edited my post as when I was writing it, I only saw the first line of OldCoot's post and not the joke part. Thus, it was edited. Hypocritical much?


You're not new. Actually, you're doing the same thing he is! Playing the "dumb card", right? :)

Actually, I am "new" in the sensee that I haven't posted much. I can say I have been around forums for years, but all people pay attention to are "thanks" and post counts. Multiple people in this thread have proven this to be true. Considering your near 16K posts, you ought to have known what I meant, or should I quote all the times I have been called new in response to my now 24 posts?

12-08-2013, 05:04 PM
...Aaaaaaand that's why you don't post anything remotely connected to banning on a forum.

Anyway, I don't see why you guys are analyzing/attacking the guy who made some valid points. I don't care about his personal history as it has nothing to do with this thread's OP.

Just for the record, the OP was on the forum for a long time and he knew that posting about bans on the forum is against the rules. I'm also pretty sure he saw tons of threads like this, where somebody does something against the ToS in the game and later blames somebody else for it. No idea why he acts so surprised now.

12-08-2013, 05:07 PM
He tried to help his good friend solve a problem and logged into his account and got permabanned for sharing accounts and no one listens to him, not support or mods. Kinda spit on a face to do this type of thing to a great community leader and a loyal customer.

Now I'm getting PM's over PM's.

12-08-2013, 05:09 PM
banned for trying to sell glitches/hacks to Mysticaldream, no?

I will deny that. Never got banned for that. Got banned for using a so called "hack" once though.

Nice to see you on the PL side of the forum though, Apollo :)

12-08-2013, 05:11 PM
I will deny that. Never got banned for that. Got banned for using a so called "hack" once though.

Nice to see you on the PL side of the forum though, Apollo :)

That was a factor... David reported it if I remember correctly.

Anyways, this thread should have ended at this quote:

Hi Stevenmc,

The best thing to do would be to contact support and tell them about it. Us as forum members have no control over this sort of thing.

Email support(at)spacetimestudios.com and tell them the story.

12-08-2013, 05:11 PM
In your PM, you told me that you started playing their games during the Android release. Let's stop with the inconsistencies.

It doesn't feel too good to be repeatedly questioned and interrogated, does it?

You're an adult, he's a kid. I'm sure you can find something more productive to do than berate on kids on a gaming forums. If STG finds something wrong with the case, let them deal with it.

You only say that because you're Klemen. :p

Also previously banned for trying to sell glitches/hacks to Mysticaldream, no?

Hmmm... as I replied to your pm, just because I started AL upon Android release last year doesn't mean I have to have an account until now. If we look at the OP, he states he began PL in the beginning and yet has a forum date of Jan 2012, that is what? A 2 year difference, almost? Just as post counts on forums don't equal how "knowledgeable" someone is, neither does their join date.

12-08-2013, 05:17 PM
Nice to see you pop in Apollo

12-08-2013, 05:20 PM
AL is a year old game & you were able to name my PL characters that honestly could not have been found easily via search. Some of the ones that you mentioned were hardly known ones.

Again, responded in your pm. Something I left out in pm is your GoA shield giving things away. If you look at the Community Leaders section of the forums, it gives you away by simple process of elimination. You are the only one who has had multiple names. There is no Zeus on that list and all the other GoA's profiles are easily found.

12-08-2013, 05:22 PM
Again, responded in your pm. Something I left out in pm is your GoA shield giving things away. If you look at the Community Leaders section of the forums, it gives you away by simple process of elimination. You are the only one who has had multiple names. There is no Zeus on that list and all the other GoA's profiles are easily found.

I responded in PM & deleted the post. I'm not going to derail the thread anymore, as this is an entirely different issue.

As I said, I just wanted to point out exactly how you're interrogating Stevenmc. Granted, I have done so in the past, but now, I refrain from it if possible.

As I said earlier, the thread should've ended at SkeletonLord's post.

12-08-2013, 05:38 PM
I have no idea what's going on, didn't even read anything...just wanted to say that Tamales go really good with hot-sauce.

"Hot tamale I'm sweat'n"

12-08-2013, 05:40 PM
...Aaaaaaand that's why you don't post anything remotely connected to banning on a forum.

Anyway, I don't see why you guys are analyzing/attacking the guy who made some valid points. I don't care about his personal history as it has nothing to do with this thread's OP.

Just for the record, the OP was on the forum for a long time and he knew that posting about bans on the forum is against the rules. I'm also pretty sure he saw tons of threads like this, where somebody does something against the ToS in the game and later blames somebody else for it. No idea why he acts so surprised now.

I thought discussing bans that happened was against TOS, not discussing if something is actually breaking TOS, I'm going to request this be locked though, I don't want a bunch of people arguing! 0_o

And also, since i have not received any messages, I honestly don't think he ever did anything wrong at all. Just logged on thinking it was some app. I talked to him about it and told him he couldn't play this game anymore if he uses my iPod, and he agreed.

12-08-2013, 05:42 PM
I sent a pm to some of the devs about the situation, is this the same or will have the same outcome as emailing?

12-08-2013, 05:45 PM
I sent a pm to some of the devs about the situation, is this the same or will have the same outcome as emailing?

I suggest you go to their support site. Don't bother the devs with your personal issues, they are busy working on a new cap in PL.

Yup, sarcasm.

12-08-2013, 05:45 PM
I sent a pm to some of the devs about the situation, is this the same or will have the same outcome as emailing?

I suggest emailing support@spacetimestudios.com.

Although honestly, I would just suggest to leave it. If you're going to be banned, you will be banned. By emailing them, all you will be doing is highlighting it for them to see if you have done anything wrong.

Please note, I am not accusing you. :)

I suggest you go to their support site. Don't bother the devs with your personal issues, they are busy working on a new cap in AL.

It seems you missed a letter on the keyboard. Don't worry, I fixed it for you. ;)

12-08-2013, 05:49 PM
I suggest emailing support@spacetimestudios.com.

Although honestly, I would just suggest to leave it. If you're going to be banned, you will be banned. By emailing them, all you will be doing is highlighting it for them to see if you have done anything wrong.

Please note, I am not accusing you. :)

It seems you missed a letter on the keyboard. Don't worry, I fixed it for you. ;)

Okay :) Thanks! Being honest I have no way of knowing what he did on here! I can say I did not know he was logging on on my iPod! :)

12-08-2013, 05:50 PM
It seems you missed a letter on the keyboard. Don't worry, I fixed it for you. ;)
A for the effort. Though it seems that you missed a part of my post :)

12-08-2013, 05:51 PM
Being honest I have no way of knowing what he did on here!

Again, how about you ask him?

12-08-2013, 05:52 PM
A for the effort. Though it seems that you missed a part of my post :)

Nice stealth edit, sir.


Okay :) Thanks! Being honest I have no way of knowing what he did on here! I can say I did not know he was logging on on my iPod! :)

I'm not one to judge on that, so no need to explain it to me. :)

If you really want to email support, then do so. But honestly, I think you're just going to be asking for more hassle if you did that..

12-08-2013, 05:57 PM
Again, how about you ask him?

I asked him if he played already, but he doesn't know what he did, he said he just played the app.

12-08-2013, 08:35 PM
I thought discussing bans that happened was against TOS, not discussing if something is actually breaking TOS, I'm going to request this be locked though, I don't want a bunch of people arguing! 0_o

And also, since i have not received any messages, I honestly don't think he ever did anything wrong at all. Just logged on thinking it was some app. I talked to him about it and told him he couldn't play this game anymore if he uses my iPod, and he agreed.
