View Full Version : Allocation for Enchantress

11-17-2010, 10:48 AM
Hi- Love the game!! This is the next best thing since Ultima Online :)

I am wondering as I built my Enchantress character about the allocation of points...

I am level12 right now and have dumped everything into intelligence... Should I distribute more or keep going? :)


11-17-2010, 02:24 PM
Things are changing but for now, the rule of thumb is simple:

Make sure you have enough on your primary stat to equip items for your level. Put everything else into Dex. If your primary stat is Dex, put the extra into Str.

Here's an example for a level 14 Warrior who has Forest Chain of Legend. The stat requirement is 45 Strength (http://i1203.photobucket.com/albums/bb387/YanisW/IMG_0446.png). A level 14 character has 13*5 stat points to spend, and a bear (in this example) starts with 7 Str, so... the bear only needs to spend 38 more points on Strength and then he puts the remaining 27 points into Dex, leaving his Int at 1.

That's the rule of thumb, but some people want more mana regen so they put some of this into Int. But I say, if you want mana regen at level 14, find an item with m/s...

11-17-2010, 04:18 PM
Thanks that helps out alot! :)

11-21-2010, 02:13 PM
There are a bit more complex setups that increase total ability. If you put 125 into int, you can equipt all cosmos gears (with the help of some lower level pinks and thoth). Then put everything into Dex for some serious damage. Or put the rest into str for survivability. I would go for Dex unless you plan on farming high level bosses more than lower level bosses.