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View Full Version : Suggestions: translations/mobs variety/environement interaction/menus/....

11-17-2010, 12:42 PM
Hi Spacetime Studios,
first i want to say that you did an amazing work with (pocket) legends. It's one of the best mobile game i ever played. :)

Here's a few thing i wanted to say:

- i would be glad to help you start a translation of the game in french, it could be a significant feature for other languages too, and support for special caracters.

- More informations about the game and in-game systems, for newbie players. Youtube videos tutorials links could do the trick.
A comprehensive video explaining the basics of trading, doing quests, join games, stores auctions, interacting with other players.
each time a reach forest haven, theres always guys asking "how to trade, how to, blabla, and so. " there's a lack of support at this i think.
After they pass the first step, to the village new players should have a choice to see that video, as a little guide to the game.

Plus it could be a great video to advertise the game, to show how rich it is.

- i prefered the older Icon of PL with the shield. Even if the elv is great loooking, the app Icon have to be neutral to any class i think.
the loading screen look a liitle to "flat". vector art is visually not deep enough compared to bitmap draws. The one before was better to me, because it was more immersive.

-better character/item designs/styling (i can help if you need.) U did a great job but it could look better. :)

-Alien Oasis Pack / frozen Nightmare-Skeller return pack.

- Survival Maps: defend an objective from waves of enemies with increasing difficulty could be awesome.

- new maps / bad guys.
I found a lot of great ideas in the forum, vampire wolves, ninjas, islands and other steampunk volcanos...

To me a cool addition could be more visually different enemies and bosses, like spiders, centipeds, worms, slimes, ghosts, turrets, flying mobs..
i know it need new character rigs, and may hurt polycount and ressources. but its missing to me.

environement interaction:
poisonous gas, slowing ice winds, crater heats, healing/curing herbs/oasis and why not a day/night cycle...

till i don't know how your engine work and his limits so i don't know what is possible and what is not. So I stop there with graphics upgrades.

-Mac version, a PC version is on the work, is a Mac OSX is also on the way? As a mac user, i would really love that, and good reason to spend more plats. Since i don't own an iPad (yet) small screens are kinda frustrating sometimes.

-Oh and last suggestion:
the possibility to compare stuffs you buying/trading to your actual equiped gear to see if it's really better and what it looks like.

By the way, i think that PL is a very awesome game, a bit expensive for now because its still young, but it's already in some ways better than many console and PC games.

keep up the good work, and plats will drop :)

11-17-2010, 04:50 PM
a few more:

Players interaction:
- Push notifications and mailing system for players,
could be usefull to notify items availability for example or to make pvp and ctf organisation easier and fun.

- Friends groups.
Managing guilds, traders, buyers, etc.

- a Post to Facebook/twitter button when you finish a quest.
And little bonus reward when a player share it, like 20% gold bonus.
its a win/win to spread PL name all over the net, all the time. :)

-Mage class:
magic necklaces, belts, braccers, even capes. Eyes-balls are trully cool, but, u know..
better 3D model for INT caps, they look like water-polo caps. Since the hairs looks good maybe adding some items that hide only the neck/mouth like scarfs, for a more mystic feel :)
glowing eyes, when cast a spell/buff.

-Magic Miror,
custom skin color, eyes colors, haircut for mage, tats for bears, beak shape/color for birds. Players should be able to make their really own character.
this one is a pretty long shot but custom color for armors, caps, shields, could be a great visual change.
i see all the time peoples with blue chainmail using red helms and purples swords, thats just ugly,
magic mirror should be able to fix that for the one that cares about their character look...
and by the way its exacly the purpose of magic mirror, no?

- Run button
its painful and not fun at all to walk back all across a map to kill a forgotten mob, Bears should be able to Run, birds to fly, and mages to hover this skill could be activated by double tapping the virtual stick starting a buff time,
on run mode, you move 50% faster but can't cast any spell and Hp regen is cut by 50%. This could turn CTF way more strategical and fun too.