View Full Version : Auction House is Irritating

Prahasit Prahi
12-10-2013, 02:50 AM
After the winter content went live the ac house completly ruined

Which ever item i search it shows 1 of 100 and the number doesnt change
and the refresh is not working it doesn't refresh at all
rather if we change from weapon to helm and come back again to weapon choosing then it refreshes pls fix this as soon as possible

12-10-2013, 11:50 AM
I have had the same issues. When I list items and then go back to the search list it is not there. Hitting search again does not refresh the list. To refresh the list I have to order the items from highest to lowest price, then back to the lowest to highest price, and only then does the list refresh.

12-10-2013, 12:11 PM
I have had the same issues. When I list items and then go back to the search list it is not there. Hitting search again does not refresh the list. To refresh the list I have to order the items from highest to lowest price, then back to the lowest to highest price, and only then does the list refresh.

Same same..

12-10-2013, 02:16 PM
I have the same problem, when you list something it doesn't show up. I use Chrome so I don't know if its a specific issue with Chrome. But all you need to do is list one item, go back and search for that same item and it doesn't show up. But if you go to My Sales, it is listed. I can show you screen shots if you want or record a video.

12-10-2013, 02:27 PM
I have had none of these issues playing on my phone

I believe H2N said in Chat last night, it was a new Cache feature you guys were testing out.

Nvm; http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?128066-Follow-up-bug-fix-patch-for-Arcane-Legends-on-12-10

12-10-2013, 04:17 PM
Sorry for the issues. We're improving functionality to address concerns today. Please let us know what you think after this patch. Thanks!

12-10-2013, 06:31 PM
Sorry for the issues. We're improving functionality to address concerns today. Please let us know what you think after this patch. Thanks!

I still don't like it because I list something I go back to check and it still doesn't show me what I listed. Also I don't know how else the caching is effecting what is being shown to me. So I don't trust the prices in CS. If you reverse the sorting (high to low) then go back to low to high. Then it refreshes, so this obvious rebuilds the cache. When I buy something I want to make sure I am looking at the lowest prices. Or if I am listing something what the lowest price is. I can imagine now this won't always be correct and will lead to mispricing things.