View Full Version : Is Savior of Frozen Hope Bugged?

12-10-2013, 05:06 PM
Just wondering if this quest may be bugged? I was able to complete all the daily winter event quests but I don't have the Savior of Frozen Hope in my quest book. However I do have it on my other character. Is there something I need to do to collect this quest so that I might have a chance at completing the achievement.

12-10-2013, 05:08 PM
Just wondering if this quest may be bugged? I was able to complete all the daily winter event quests but I don't have the Savior of Frozen Hope in my quest book. However I do have it on my other character. Is there something I need to do to collect this quest so that I might have a chance at completing the achievement.

Did you forget to get the Frost Fiends bag? You need it to complete

12-10-2013, 05:10 PM
No i didnt forget it.

12-10-2013, 05:12 PM
Idk then :/ guess a Dev respond is best

12-10-2013, 05:16 PM
You have to get the quest first. I think you skipped the Guide (went in via joining a friend, for instance). Go to a town and take the guide quest. When you turn it in you get the 15x quest.

You can also skip the Guide quest (and not get the 15x quest) by killing a Frost Demon, getting his quest, and clicking "Go To..."

12-10-2013, 05:31 PM
And just to be sure i killed him again and it says i already did the frost fiend today. :(

12-10-2013, 05:36 PM
You have to get the quest first. I think you skipped the Guide (went in via joining a friend, for instance). Go to a town and take the guide quest. When you turn it in you get the 15x quest.

You can also skip the Guide quest (and not get the 15x quest) by killing a Frost Demon, getting his quest, and clicking "Go To..."

I followed your suggestion and to be sure, I checked the guide in all the towns and still I have no frozen hope quest.

12-10-2013, 05:38 PM
Guide does not have a yellow "!" ? That was my best guess.

12-10-2013, 05:42 PM
The achievement text was a little misleading, sorry about that. You'll need to complete 15 days of dailies to get this achievement. We're working on rewording that so it's less confusing. :)

12-10-2013, 06:22 PM
I thought he was saying it's "not in his quest book" meaning it can't increment x/15 because he doesn't even have it.

12-10-2013, 06:42 PM
The achievement text was a little misleading, sorry about that. You'll need to complete 15 days of dailies to get this achievement. We're working on rewording that so it's less confusing. :)

I thought he was saying it's "not in his quest book" meaning it can't increment x/15 because he doesn't even have it.

It's exactly how snakespeare says, its not listed in my quest book, but it is on my other character.
I do understand it takes 15 days to get the AP.

12-11-2013, 09:27 AM
I was able to get it today thank goodness, and even though I've already completed the quests twice it only gives me one day. Thats ok though, I'll catch up.:('

Jeff Williams
12-13-2013, 03:05 AM
are we getting something worth while for completeing the quest or we getting another stupid banner

12-13-2013, 10:12 AM
Achievement and banner. Its not stupid... it has a pretty effect. If you don't like it you don't have to play. :)

12-13-2013, 10:18 AM
We're working on rewording that so it's less confusing. :)

That's really reassuring, thanks!

12-14-2013, 03:25 AM
I have similar issue (i did indeed join the frozen hope via join friend), but I do have the 2/15 saviour quest in my questlog. However I am not able to complete it for 2nd day in a row now (new dailys not poping up again) with no other frozen hope related quest in my questlog (finished all). Do I have to delete the Saviour quest and retake it? If yes, will it delete the 2 days of dailys I already completed successfully?