View Full Version : Not getting NativeX platinum for offers?

12-11-2013, 11:30 AM
Hi all,

I've emailed NativeX about a platinum problem. I've completed several offers on NativeX but they haven't been verified and I haven't got platinum for them.

Can someone try downloading an offer and getting platinum for it for me using NativeX on Arcane Legends? I want the new winter vanity set in the store.


Is it just me or can you guys not get plat for offers on NativeX?

12-11-2013, 11:36 AM
They'll get back to you and reimburse your platinum to you eventually. Something is going on with them though. I've been waiting two and a half weeks since I sent my first email and have yet to hear anything from them. Getting a little ridiculous

12-11-2013, 11:49 AM
They'll get back to you and reimburse your platinum to you eventually. Something is going on with them though. I've been waiting two and a half weeks since I sent my first email and have yet to hear anything from them. Getting a little ridiculous

Oh. Glad I'm not the only one.

It's strange. I'm doing everything right.

12-11-2013, 12:30 PM
It took me a week-- I emailed NativeX through the app and attached the confirmation from Creditreport.com that I had indeed completed the offer. Once confirmed, they email STS to add the plat.
I don't know if it helped, but when I received the reply email from NativeX saying that they would inform STS to adjust my account, I forwarded that email and the initial offer confirmation to support@spacetimestudios.com. I had my plat in 24 hours once I was at that point.

They must be a bit backlogged, once the process started and I began receiving emails the turn around was quick, just be patient and they will take care of it! All in all I was very pleased with the way NativeX handled my issue.

***Oh, make sure you include your account name in the email request--I had to email NativeX this info 3/4 the way through the process which slowed it down another day!