View Full Version : Epic guns of sorcerers are truely epic?

12-12-2013, 09:23 AM
Hi all! I noticed this a very long time ago (since I knew about cs) but I didnt think it could be that bad :p I only thought that it gave pity damage, didnt know it REDUCEs your damage lol :p here is the prove got.

This is me with Pylon

This is me without pylon

This is me with lvl 5 epic event gun

This is me with lvl 30 epic event gun, still gives some minus damage lol

So, a weapon that gives MINUS damage. What kind of weapon is that when weapon means it gives more damage to user? Who will buy and use it? Ive tried a few epic guns in cs too and the low level ones reduce damage, while higher levels give a bit more.

12-12-2013, 04:16 PM
Its epic :o

Sent from my LG-V500 using Tapatalk 4

12-12-2013, 04:37 PM
Edit: it's for people who are so powerful that they need to nerf themselves :D

12-13-2013, 11:15 PM
Notice the change in dps.

The gun is a very weak DAMAGE weapon...even weaker than your hands.
HOWEVER, it is FASTER than them.

The lvl 5 gun is so weak that its attack speed doesn't make your dps improved.
The lvl 30 gun has higher damage than the lvl 5, but slightly lower than your hands. However, it is faster, thus your dps is higher.

Example, with made up numbers:

Hands: 100 damage, one attack per second.
Lvl 5 gun: 20 damage, 3 attacks per second.
Lvl 30 gun: 50 damage, 3 attacks per second.

Your hands do 100 damage & 100 dps.
Lvl 5 gun does 20 damage & 60 dps.
Lvl 30 gun does 50 damage & 150 dps.

I'm sure the damage calculation for the lvl 5 isn't glitched. It's working as intended. They inserted a formula for how the weapon changes in damage & stats through a range of levels. They probably started with the more cared about ones--the stats at 35 & 30; and then plugged in a linear formula to decrease the stats as the level of the item went down.

Therefore, nothing is glitched or bugged here, as everything is working as intended. However, it created an [likely] unintended result--a weapon that has lower damage and dps than your hands. I guess this weapon is just very inefficient at using the arcane energy harnessed by the sorcerer. :D