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View Full Version : not to put oil on the fire

11-18-2010, 02:53 AM
not to put oil on the fire........ but I guess Keeper staff now owns right?

With no buff I get close to 230 damage on the high end..... and with AOE damage / buffs and the nurf'ed bad guys, I'm clearing AO3 greens and yellows pretty quickly....

Only thing is I have to manage my mana well as the regen sucks and the pool is huge so im playing like I have no mana regen as its not much different....

maybe we can get AOE damage for the other classes as well... just a thought.

11-18-2010, 04:29 AM
Yes, keeper staff owns now compared to the megablaster. I already switched from dual dex/str to dual int/str because of this.