View Full Version : Bucephalus (Speed Record Breaking Guild)

12-14-2013, 06:58 PM
Master: Crusaderr

1. Goal
1) Break all speed records in all categories
2. Method
1) Four rogue parties for Elite Map Records and Arena Records
2) Mages invited for Tomb Map Records
3. Rules
1) No health packs and healing
2) 10,000 pot and 10,000 mana
3) Biggest pulls possible
4. Recommended build for Rogues
1) Maxed out in 4 passives: Speed, Dex, Crit, Dmg
2) About 3.2 skills: Dash, Nox, Crit, Traps
1] Dash: 3 points; Triple hit, Health regen
2] Nox: 4 points; All except one
3] Crit: 4 points; All except one
4] Traps: 4 points; All except one
5. Recommended Weapon of Choice
1) Mythic Bow with 3 Fire Gems maxed at 5 Dex for non-tomb records
2) Blades with 3 Fire Gems maxed at 5 Dex for tomb records

Bond: Where's my Bentley Q?
Q: You will no longer drive the Bentley for M said you ought to drive the new DBIII
Bond: (Frown)
Paraphrase from "Goldfinger" written by Ian Fleming (Thomas and Mercer)


12-14-2013, 07:11 PM
1. Do you even have the gear requirements specified?

2. How do you expect to break records without Aimed Shot?

3. Assuming crit means Aimed Shot, how do you expect to break records without Shadow Veil? O_O

12-14-2013, 08:54 PM

12-14-2013, 08:57 PM
Good luck not getting ohko'd.

12-14-2013, 09:11 PM
Now you're just simply not even trying.

12-14-2013, 09:27 PM
Now you're just simply not even trying.

No, he's trying way too hard to troll.

12-15-2013, 10:43 AM
Mythic level trollage. I gotta give it up to crusaderr that he takes some time and puts thought into his trolling technique but its a shame that you can't put yourself to better use. Be realistic (I know thats hard for you) and you might find yourself making friends, gathering guildies and getting things done in game instead of alienating everyone w the silliness. There is some genius hiding somewhere behind this banter. Let's meet that guy.

02-06-2014, 10:07 AM
Mythic level trollage. I gotta give it up to crusaderr that he takes some time and puts thought into his trolling technique but its a shame that you can't put yourself to better use. Be realistic (I know thats hard for you) and you might find yourself making friends, gathering guildies and getting things done in game instead of alienating everyone w the silliness. There is some genius hiding somewhere behind this banter. Let's meet that guy.
Omg,I couldn't have put it better myself, but if there's genius he keeps it well hidden under totally inappropriate behaviour!