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View Full Version : Infected spawn rate

12-16-2013, 07:14 AM
I've ran shuyal like 10 times in the past hour...and got 3 of tarloks infected minions...I dont see how this is a feasible rate when frost fiend appears more than them, and I don't have hours to spend farming for these minions. Why can't the 3 that spawn when a rift appears count? Or just make them appear more often when you have the quest in your log...a bit ridiculous when I cant even complete the winter content DAILY in a single day, because it requires me to farm for 2+ hours. When the event first started I could do the dailys in 2 - 3 runs through shuyal, now I spend 2 - 3 days running shuyal 40 - 50 times to get through this infected minion daily. What's the deal? Thought spawn rates were supposed to go up in harder maps for this stuff.

12-16-2013, 07:22 AM
Check these maps: Rooks hideout, km3, any tombs, hauntlet, southern seas.

12-16-2013, 07:28 AM
Hours O.O, I get 5 Infected from 1 Ashral tower run.

12-16-2013, 07:29 AM
I run southern seas often too, have never had an infected spawn there...I have better luck with infected spawning during my bard quests. Same wiwith hauntlet...ran it a few times and only got that frost fiend. All I'm asking is that the spawn rate gets bumped while you have the quest in your log or at least have the 3 that spawn when a rift spawns count. I see more rifts than infected these days.

12-16-2013, 07:31 AM
Hours O.O, I get 5 Infected from 1 Ashral tower run.

Not even kidding...spent from 8pm to 10pm last night and got 4...and then from 530am to 7am this morning and got 1... this morning was all breach and plains, last night was alternating between undim fields, hauntlet, and southern seas

In fact the only time I see them really spawn like you're saying now is when I've completed the daily already and am trying to do timed runs.

12-16-2013, 08:15 AM
i normally find 2 each ydra forest run, sometimes i find 3. ss has lower mobs count, so it spawns less infected. You know frost fiend spawns 1 each map, right?

12-16-2013, 08:51 AM
Run Jurn woods... I've been running there or Mount Spyr (for Bael runs) and it usually takes only 4 or 5 runs to finish the quest. Usually finish my winter dailies in 20-30 minutes without any trouble.

Milan Lame Man
12-16-2013, 09:02 AM
Well I was running 10 toons on Saturday and no kidding, it took me 21 hours. I started immediately (11:00 am here), only slept for 3 hours and finished it 8 minutes before dailies reset.
Sometimes, the rate is OK on any map you run, although generally, skeletons seem to give a bit more.
Whether it is Rook's Hideout alley, Rook's nest if you wait at necromancers, Hauntlet, WT, KT (don't have access to KM).
But there are also times when they just won't spawn no matter what you do. Haven't figured this one yet. Try to logout and login back if you feel this is happening.
Yesterday, I was cleaning all mobs past Jarl and it took me ~30 minutes per toon, on 7 toons. Maybe I was just lucky.
You don't get portals this way, though.

12-16-2013, 11:24 AM
They spawn slow, so maybe you ran past some

12-16-2013, 11:28 AM
Lol guys try barricanridge each run 2-3infected do it abt 5-6times boom! 12/12 in 30mins!

12-16-2013, 12:28 PM
I think most areas spawn 2-3 each run. However, I've noticed that if I am just a little bit removed from where the infected spawns and someone else kills it, it won't count for me. And in some groups, we can be running really fast, which will result in only 0-1 spawns per run that count.

So actually for finding infecteds, I like to go in smaller groups (solo or duo). Generally Ydra should do it, but yep, the more mobs the better.

12-16-2013, 02:54 PM
I noticed for me the best maps are the first 2 Shuyal Maps and KM3. I always manage to finish it within these maps.

Normally I do it with the /partyi 0 solo option since its way faster for me.

12-16-2013, 04:10 PM
Wt4. It's magic. I literally get 5-6 per run.

12-16-2013, 08:11 PM
All solo here so the party and moving too fast point just aren't an issue. Maybe I just have bad luck the past couple days, but I never PUG, not in a guild, and like 2 active people on my friends list so its definitely not the party or me moving too fast. And I know more mobs are better, I was running shuyal maps the majority of the time, but people have been suggesting ss so I thought why not throw it in the mix. I seem to be one of few with this issue, so I guess its really a non-issue.

12-16-2013, 08:46 PM
Some times it feels like forever finding all 12. Other times, it's pretty quick.
I generally do my portal farming first and then when I'm tired of seeing Bloodhammer's face, I'll switch to running dense maps (Shuyal, Jurn, WT4) to finish finding any remaining needed.

But yes, there are times where I clear clear out WT4 and find just one infected. The rate of them does seem to be a bit low, considering just how fast the other daily gets completed.
It might be intended to prevent some people from making 50 lvl 10 toons to complete the 15 daily quests and pooling the 20k achievement gold to their main, along with all the gold each one would get from doing each set of dailies.