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View Full Version : What's The Nicest Thing Someones Done For You?

12-17-2013, 03:29 PM
Say something nice which someone did for you, me:

A friend gifted me a deary when I was a newb back in the day. Made me so happy and thought I was going to be so good at game.

12-17-2013, 04:43 PM
Someone gave me a deary and all is savings 15k (which i thought was a hell of amount), that act made me superhappy and proud also thanks to that deary i met my best AL friend Zeorine when he told me i had a noob pet and if didnt have enough money for at least a horton Ahahah...i think thats is the best thing anyone has ever done for me in AL :) (if i find that guy that helped me back then he is rich)

12-17-2013, 04:56 PM
Jafythegreat helped me with farming for my myths, he did left some weeks ago and left me 3m.. Im happy with the 3m but I miss him Hmppf

Noisykillar- A good guildie of me!!
Immortalis- A good Master of Me!!
Samdegreat (He deserves a single post)

12-17-2013, 05:11 PM
Im probably not supposed to say this but.. someone once bought me 100 plat and i didnt even ask for it

I let her try out my mage and boom! im not a plat user and dont get many free offers where i live or any at all so having 100 plat was huge for me

12-17-2013, 05:12 PM
Immortalis and brutoman always there to cheer me up :)
(Lend me gold) XD

And Desperoto- there is no word to describe him... (Thanks for giving me all of your loot)

Not to mention noisykillar/city/voicy - for confusing me with her many names, and doing arena with me :)

Blakadder- 'I don't run with warriors- you slow me down'

12-17-2013, 05:16 PM
Immortalis and brutoman always there to cheer me up :)
(Lend me gold) XD

And Desperoto- there is no word to describe him...
Omg <3

12-17-2013, 05:18 PM
I forgot Sam, samdenoob how I call him.. Or Scamdegreat... I met him when I joined the guild (Insomnia) And he was nothing more then noob. But he is one of the best guildies you can have. you can laugh about his daily fails and he can helps u in PvP (Hes pretty good for a tank WITHOUT stun or without glaive/maul)
So thanks sam, for everything

12-17-2013, 05:21 PM
I forgot Sam, samdenoob how I call him.. Or Scamdegreat... I met him when I joined the guild (Insomnia) And he was nothing more then noob. But he is one of the best guildies you can have. you can laugh about his daily fails and he can helps u in PvP (Hes pretty good for a tank WITHOUT stun or without glaive/maul)
So thanks sam, for everything
*heart skips a beat*

12-17-2013, 05:25 PM
I remember, back in season 3 when mythic helms came out, I was running a map and then randomly, this rogue named xxkunoichixx gifted me a mythic warrior helm... I asked her why and her response was that she didn't need it... I regret it, but back then I was sooo darn nooby and sold the mythic helm for 200k *Facepalm* Sigh... After a few days, though, she just disappeared... T'was sad.

12-17-2013, 05:30 PM
This isn't nicest players in al.. just some storys sam

12-17-2013, 05:31 PM
This isn't nicest players in al.. just some storys sam
Yes lol i am one of the nicest players for him, cuz im not pro or arrogant or holy like some people feel. And u dont even know us (Awesome people)

12-17-2013, 05:38 PM
Urgh seriously? I mean this isnt the 'nicest players' thread. This is nice story thread. Zzz

12-17-2013, 05:38 PM
I was scammed and pride was broken. My uso Rare gifted me one of the fairly expensive items I lost. Ups uso...i'll never forget.

12-17-2013, 05:57 PM
Urgh seriously? I mean this isnt the 'nicest players' thread. This is nice story thread. Zzz

Says a lvl 10 twink

12-17-2013, 06:32 PM
Sorry I kinda went of track lol

12-17-2013, 07:48 PM
Someone gifted me a cinder when I started off...OMG A PINK DRAGON!!!! :O

12-17-2013, 08:03 PM
Someone gifted me a cinder when I started off...OMG A PINK DRAGON!!!! :O

Don't you remember when cinder and movement speed passive was the absolute **** back then!? It was devastating.

12-17-2013, 08:32 PM
Never recieved anything from anyone.
I give, not recieve.

12-17-2013, 11:40 PM
i was once gifted a grim egg :)

12-17-2013, 11:46 PM
I don't want to make it a name calling thing but for me was when Elite Runners took me in as a noob and helped me reach endgame.

12-18-2013, 01:15 AM
When I was a nobody (still am lol) I asked level 31 capped rogue where to buy items from and I ended up with 10k which I thought could buy A LOT! I didn't even ask for it :3

12-18-2013, 01:19 AM
Well i didnt got any expensive gift, but this dude helped me so much( lvling, pets, builds, mechanism) when i came back to al!!!!! Thank u so much boz/bozack..
He literally made me like this game xD too bad he disappeared and doesnt replies me on kik( i think he uninstalled it) oh well:(
Bro i miss u <3 i hope u come back..

On a side note, i know this dude since 2 years from sl, but we nvr talked!!!!

12-18-2013, 01:31 AM
Immortalis and brutoman always there to cheer me up :)
(Lend me gold) XD

And Desperoto- there is no word to describe him... (Thanks for giving me all of your loot)

Not to mention noisykillar/city/voicy - for confusing me with her many names, and doing arena with me :)


Blakadder- 'I don't run with warriors- you slow me down'

Jafythegreat helped me with farming for my myths, he did left some weeks ago and left me 3m.. Im happy with the 3m but I miss him Hmppf

Noisykillar- A good guildie of me!! Thanks :3
Immortalis- A good Master of Me!!
Samdegreat (He deserves a single post)

Omg <3

Flesperoto! Great guildie and always pressures me into farming when I don't want to LOL

Samdeflop lol.. Just lol, you rock!

Immortalis (No cool name) He's y GM.. Obliged to mention him D: jkjk, I love you Immy, you're cool!

Paulsebi Paul, I don't know if you remember, but you gave me 300k and a Sealord Helm of Will in S3 back in SK.. Thanks :b

12-18-2013, 01:32 AM
Average Joes!! Best guild for making me feel welcome and making everyone who joins welcome :)

12-18-2013, 01:47 AM
This one guy gifted me a leprechaun ammy, right after he told me " omfg dude it was an accident plz give it back!" Exc exc.

Such a nice guy,
Thnx for the lep <3

12-18-2013, 03:19 AM
Nicest thing anyone has ever done for me would be; when Venom gifted me a Rare Armor from nowhere and when Crow gifted me a Steel Commando set for my warrior. They are both probably the only times people have ever gifted me anything for no reason. Mucho love to both.

12-18-2013, 03:37 AM
Jempiz,who told me to be patience on something :D
and Peeniweda,who told me everything about lvl 8 twink :D

12-18-2013, 04:02 AM
noone ever gifted me anything :(
I never gifted anyone either (actually I do give low level legendary stuff but because I dont use :(). I got nothing to gift and also got no friend to join my friendlist :(

12-18-2013, 04:35 AM
Best moment in AL for me was when i had been tricked by someone into thinking i had a good deal; he offered me to exchange his 'pro' item for a 'noob' item in cs.

Without thorough price check i decided to swoop in and seal the deal, i bought off the item from cs and traded the fella. When he rejected, everything came back to me n it became clear that i've been had.
Being dissapointed with my choice and utterly embaressed by it i decided to pm the guy saying that it was a good scam. Immidiately after saying that i was set to save up gold again to reach my next goal, even though i've been moved back to square one. To my astonishment, this guy pmed me saying that im different from the others; that i don't scream and threaten the fella. I was like... 'What is this man... Stop already, u win.' He continued to pm me with reasons behind his deed.

To cut things short he decided to give back my gold for the 'noob' item. Haha he even cursed his conciousness in the end! I just cant believe it! This event in AL woke me up and thought me 2 things. Always try to be possitive even when the odds are againts me and to always think things through before taking actions, even when they dangle a shiny opportunity infront of my eyes. I've also come to a conclusion that AL have the worst cases of scams in all of the mmorpg that i've played. (IMO)
So becareful, everyone! :) and have fun at the same time X)

12-18-2013, 04:47 AM
well the nicest thing ever happened to me was some1 gave me betrayer set when it was worth 100k....

really... i regret getting scammed for plats after that.... the girl took my set T.T

12-18-2013, 05:09 AM
When Jon got me a star for my lil blue dude when we hit lvl 31 :smile:
Venom gifting me a rare staff and my name <3
And I have to agree with dagy ....

To Elite Runners Guild for taking Jon and I in when we were new to the game and taking us under their wings <3

And I am thankful to my 2 best friends Ana & Lia as everyday they make me smile and are always doing special things! xx

12-18-2013, 05:14 AM
I've been gifted a samael by this good friend of mine and another one with mythic daggers for an ultra low price. We're talking about 3m below!

12-18-2013, 05:44 AM
Nicest thing ppl did to me in game is being my friends, n trusted me, encourage me, and being there for me in every situation possible. I got lots of gifts.. n every one of them is special n nice, but i value things i said above more. No need to mention names they know who they are. Thank u guys

I would like to say special thanks to my Cheeselets, Emma and Jon, thank u, for everything, not gonna put here because list is endless.

12-18-2013, 08:03 AM
Overheard who gave me fang of fenrir to complete my set end s4.
I still remember his words to me that make me who i am today.

Bro i know you are not on forum.but do know i treasure what you have done for me.

12-18-2013, 08:45 AM
Many amazing moments :)

12-18-2013, 09:05 AM
I've been gifted a samael by this good friend of mine and another one with mythic daggers for an ultra low price. We're talking about 3m below!

wait what? wow.

12-18-2013, 09:06 AM
mine is when judgement was pretty good middle of s4 beatriix gave me a mage myth helm. thnks

12-18-2013, 09:07 AM
wait what? wow.

yes, there r actually that nice ppl in game

12-18-2013, 09:09 AM
yes, there r actually that nice ppl in game

i know that but sam is um well 20m. razorbacks arent cheap either.

12-18-2013, 09:20 AM
Nicest thing anyone's ever done for me was, Veelacharm (an amazing guildie and dear friend), gave me 100k to buy the condensed essence after getting my mythic set.

I was flat broke 5k after buying them, and she just hooked me up to upgrade them and said not to worry about it. It was the kindest gesture from any person I have met in-game, and recently I gifted her a Prance when she wanted a new holiday pet after missing a couple of days of the event. It was a small token of my appreciation for her generosity.

Thank you again Veels, I'll never forget it!~ :3

12-18-2013, 09:44 AM
Well reading these stories make me realize I need new friends.

JK, but still some of these are just jaw dropping.

12-18-2013, 09:54 AM
Well reading these stories make me realize I need new friends.

JK, but still some of these are just jaw dropping.

like someone gifting a friend sam? yea ikr

12-18-2013, 10:49 AM
When Pandamoni Gifted Me 15-20K Worth Gear
Emma For Loaning me 40k
Rare for everyday Helping me in Halloween event
Jon for making me laugh my butt off and gifting me scuff
Vys for Gifting me A lot of gear Yesterday

Ily all

12-18-2013, 12:25 PM
No one in this specific game has done anything too important to me, also specifically (I solo too much), but in PL my friend gave me 90% of his items where he stopped playing.

12-18-2013, 12:27 PM
Jafythegreat helped me with farming for my myths, he did left some weeks ago and left me 3m.. Im happy with the 3m but I miss him Hmppf

Noisykillar- A good guildie of me!!
Immortalis- A good Master of Me!!
Samdegreat (He deserves a single post)

Onlyjafy/jaffythegreat/jafyagain...nicest player in Al period.
I was fortunate to have known him and bummed to see him go.

12-18-2013, 12:28 PM
When trenton gave me nothing, i was overjoyed

12-18-2013, 12:50 PM
When I first joined AL as a rogue, cutiepie gifted me a legendary weapon. I was so grateful.

12-18-2013, 03:46 PM
I never got to say to tinyblue, mobslayer, badazz all for entrusting me and helping me get my mythics much appreciated.

12-18-2013, 03:55 PM
Yobotak, taught me how to be a merchant. Best thing that ever happened to me in this game
Teach a man to fish.....

12-18-2013, 06:16 PM
Once I yelled in outpost....."homeless, food plz, gold plz...." someone give me 20k...
But i did not really need the money,just have fun......so i refund him 50k....

12-18-2013, 06:53 PM
When trenton gave me nothing, i was overjoyed


12-18-2013, 08:29 PM
Once patrick gave me ethyl. I was happy.

12-18-2013, 09:15 PM
I became a officer in the Darksiders.

12-18-2013, 09:45 PM
When Jon sold me a nightmarish blades of force for 13.5m even when I gave an offer of 15m.

12-18-2013, 10:21 PM
When Jon sold me a nightmarish blades of force for 13.5m even when I gave an offer of 15m.

See Jon? You ARE a generous person!

12-19-2013, 03:15 AM
See Jon? You ARE a generous person!

Sometimes :p

12-19-2013, 07:41 AM
when a friend of mine left the game and gave me all the awesome stuff he had...i was seriously broke and ddnt even have gold to buy pots.
Idk if he will see this but i cherish what he did :)
What i am now is due to his help :')

12-19-2013, 08:12 AM
Someone noob gave me too much locked,Zaocajaba gave me ribbit and many people helped me to kill all the Bosses in Nordr and Shuyal..

12-21-2013, 06:31 AM
my best moment is when Crownwelll teach me how to play rogue in pvp spare his time 1 hours just for teaching, and Blessedknight GM from Holy chapter 1 st which patiently teach me a lot how to play warrior , maybe they didn,t give something such armor etc, but knowledge is everything and unpayable :)

12-21-2013, 12:30 PM
So many stories, but 2 are my favorates,

My sweet amazing friend sorceress and her bf scar gifted me samael for christmas and just made my christmas so amazing, santa must be jelous now.

And back in the nooby days i once openned the leaderboard and added carmany as friend when she was on top in overall, and she accepted me and took me to her guild and i learnt so much from her and that amazing guild probably cause of her i am what i am now

12-21-2013, 12:53 PM
I'm sure Jon+Emma are married

12-23-2013, 01:17 PM
once when i got scammed on 90k and i was supersad my friend "happyblanket" cheered me up, and then he said "u know what? i have this in spare." and then he gave me a lepre. it was in that days when my highest amount of money i had ever had was about 100k...

12-23-2013, 01:23 PM
This one guy gifted me a leprechaun ammy, right after he told me " omfg dude it was an accident plz give it back!" Exc exc.

Such a nice guy,
Thnx for the lep <3

XD that was fun lol

12-23-2013, 01:27 PM
Best moment in AL for me was when i had been tricked by someone into thinking i had a good deal; he offered me to exchange his 'pro' item for a 'noob' item in cs.

Without thorough price check i decided to swoop in and seal the deal, i bought off the item from cs and traded the fella. When he rejected, everything came back to me n it became clear that i've been had.
Being dissapointed with my choice and utterly embaressed by it i decided to pm the guy saying that it was a good scam. Immidiately after saying that i was set to save up gold again to reach my next goal, even though i've been moved back to square one. To my astonishment, this guy pmed me saying that im different from the others; that i don't scream and threaten the fella. I was like... 'What is this man... Stop already, u win.' He continued to pm me with reasons behind his deed.

To cut things short he decided to give back my gold for the 'noob' item. Haha he even cursed his conciousness in the end! I just cant believe it! This event in AL woke me up and thought me 2 things. Always try to be possitive even when the odds are againts me and to always think things through before taking actions, even when they dangle a shiny opportunity infront of my eyes. I've also come to a conclusion that AL have the worst cases of scams in all of the mmorpg that i've played. (IMO)
So becareful, everyone! :) and have fun at the same time X)
there is hope for human kind after all...

12-23-2013, 01:27 PM
When I just started playing , I had no knowledge of the game, had no money, and couldn't even get past most maps without help. Meecah/Meecax totally carried me, help me gear up, ran through maps with me, and taught me about the game until cap! She helped me so much! And I don't think I would be playing al that much today without her help.

Thanks Meecah!

12-23-2013, 07:36 PM
I would say when i gave someone 200 gold cuz they 'needed it'. About 10 mins later, they gave me 1k back. I told him 'no thanks, keep it' but he insisted that i took it. Cant remember the name (one of those randomly generated, hard to remember ones), but it just shows that there are actually good people out there.

12-23-2013, 07:37 PM
When Jon and Emma gifted me Glacian for xmas. Omg, that made my xmas!

12-23-2013, 10:31 PM
When STS had guild charters for 10k in the 2 week limited release for australia and canada ;) lel thenks guys!

Sent using blood on a bathroom wall

12-23-2013, 11:50 PM
Player named Hassanvd just gave me 10000 gold back when i was lvl 13/14 something. It was a LOT for me! Helped me improve a lot, i will never forget that player :)

12-24-2013, 03:28 AM
a guy name harm gave me alot of stuffs in season 1 as a headstart. thanks harm.

12-24-2013, 03:31 AM
probably asadruic he gave my brother 600 plats when he got scammed

12-24-2013, 03:37 AM
The nicest gift that someone give to me is trust. I know what trust is. TRUST IS LOYALTY . Trust is having faith,confidence, belief in something or someone. Even when you overwhelming fear you have trust.

12-24-2013, 03:40 AM
Why is it all about the money money money </3

12-24-2013, 09:25 PM
My friend podermaximo is a great friend he helps me alot throughout the game not to mention how to pvp and he teaches me alot of things that I have yet to find out. He is a great friend! I'm glad I met that noob xD

Sent from my LG-MS770 using Tapatalk

12-25-2013, 07:52 AM
well true most people keep scamming... really annoying but... oh well... i wish that if you were to kill a scammer in a Duel you would get 10 plats lol

12-25-2013, 06:17 PM
The nicest thing someone did to me was When Urqui gifted me a Leprechaun :) . Before that I survived AL with 5k :/ (Yah I was a poor and still noob rogue)
A few days after that I looted 2 Malisons.
All my good friends in AL helped me at least once. I'm still grateful to have friends like that :'3


12-26-2013, 02:20 AM
from season2, minjun,gentry and wolverinez my former gms of korean adult guild called team elite, they helped me how to do elite,pvp,skills,gold and how to merch(even i learned i was very noob until i know pml and boss)
boss- helped me how to solo rogue elite jarl with trap and brought me to be lb players. a lots of motivation.
avshow,limsyoker,avietnamese(can't rmb proper ign) - they showed new AL of fun stuff(time run)
glenbuterol- randomly met him and hes very nice to everyone. hes second one teach me right build and strages on pvp


zentess- I can very sure hes best time runner ever. he beats record even not full gear he knows his skills very well ( this guy made me into timerun)
melissamls- she was first one borrowed me items while i am lack of gear. :)


jojo,dodobear- very very awesome farmer couples. if they still here, the party with them will love:)
overheard,ryuzawa,zidane- once i got scammed, they helped and borrowed gold and items to start over buy gears. big special thanks to overheard(he helped me reach all my 3class to lvl cap)
epilion- this is questionable cuz i didnt ask to borrow mythic rings but he borrowed it once inspect me and am not fully gear for 1 months.


special thanks to
alfai,mzchrissy,ceonatrah,goblin,freelancer,apai,m atanafox(forgot his full name),xradioactive,some of pt members,hawk,defatsu,crei,haligali,hopesolo,elitwa rrio,baeapa,radafalcao,lucifer,barzgli,geem(forgot his full name),orangekahel,famousfame,samuraisouls,truorigi ns, demigod(forgot his current name)paulsebi,xxsakura(forgot her full name),noisykillar,nasty,cero,uichusa,rasi,hakoom, for being teaching me,help me ap, always inv me first for portal, good informations, good deal, help my guild members, making fun, still thinking that i am good warrior, not to bother to help, farming tips, not bother to pm me for greeting, and be trustful:)

01-01-2014, 05:52 PM
Been playing since mid season 2 and have learnt everything the real hard way, its been quite an adventure and we are where we are.

Wanna thank first and foremost Vietwar, My sensei, He showed me so much about the game, lifted the lid to its inner workings and goings on, How to always play fair, Avoid scams and scammers and to never scam ever, merch and stuff and be genuine nice player.

Avaree for being such a polite nice person and player who also happens to be GM of top guild.

Jon/Emm/Eek & the Crow, 4 top geared players who first took me into PvP, yes it was a babtisim of fire (we lost first rd of tourney) but it opened my eyes to PvP.

Crowfoot for always responding to call in a flash, His arrival always swings battle our way.

Brazz/Sayqo/Ieatyoualive and randorv for showing me that PvP also has a dark side at times.

For iPreds and CTF who ruined my KDR at Ctf, Yes it was my fault to keep dueing with them but to be the best you have to beat the best (still cant beat them haa haa)

Zilious for accompanying me on some real marathon KM3 farming runs, Love him to bits hes a real fearless mage, Will charge straight into huge mob and certain death.

Maarkus for showing me that not being in a guild isn't essentially a bad thing.

For Sara/Azi/Geo/Hardy & the rest of my Line buddys for having some funny chit chats.

And lastly to Ramy for giving me a mention, Taa mate.

01-02-2014, 02:27 AM
Thanks to Samdegreat for getting killed by me so many times in game xD

01-03-2014, 12:15 AM
Back when i was a noob in season 2, i was running my first time in the ydra campaign with a pug, but i ended up befriending them. There was 1 level 26, and another noob (we were both around level 12 or 13). The level 26 guy basically showed us the ropes, explaining every detail about the game and giving tips. I forgot his name (it was like yoda-something) but he showed me how to play. We sat in rooks hideout for like an hour the hole time. The other noob also became my friend. He gave me old legendary gear (they were the best thing ever to me back then), and we eventually started playing together (i forgot his name as well). However he randomly stopped playing after level 17, and i had lost contact with yoda soon after. I want to give a big thanks to those two.

I also want to give a shout-out to:

Sifera for being my biffle ;D
Friiz-fry for being an awesome friend from way back when. (HomeSlice4Life ;D)
Chaoticturok for being an awesome friend (you havent been online for a while bud!)
Twinkbudds for helping me set up my first-ever rogue twink.
Paulsebi for being a great guild master

01-03-2014, 05:36 PM
Many good thing happened to me, 1 of them when a random player gave me 15k when i was low lvl n it was like a fortune to me, n 2nd when my friends helped me complet my ap which mean alot to me n last is good n sad thing in the same time is when a close friend quietted the game n gave all his items ( miss u hollow ) n thnx to all of them :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk (http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1)

01-03-2014, 07:06 PM
The nicest thing that God has done for me is that he introduced me to Jon!!

01-03-2014, 07:53 PM
One of the nicest is that Emma gave me my name back :) I wouldnt want to play without it tbh. Still need Lilbless

01-03-2014, 08:04 PM
One of the nicest is that Emma gave me my name back :) I wouldnt want to play without it tbh. Still need Lilbless

Emma is honestly awesome. God bless her lil smurf! :p

01-04-2014, 09:51 AM
just want to add crowsfoot always give knowledge how to use warrior properly, unlike other dont want to teach

01-04-2014, 09:55 AM
just want to add crowsfoot always give knowledge how to use warrior properly, unlike other dont want to teach

I'll second that. Hes always happy to help - if a bit strict (charge HEAL, not SS, and WHY THE **** ARE YOU LEADING WITH JUGG?!!)

Still, thanks a bunch crow. Your advice made my tank able to tank and not be a kiting smurf...