View Full Version : Little bit of everything

12-17-2013, 04:43 PM
This game has a lot of potential, yes I don't like certain things about the way the company works but I really like a lot of what they have done with the game and where it's going.

For instance, more diversity in character development and the more unique you alow the players to make their characters weapons and so forth the more people will fall for this game. I'd love to see more of this more skill types, more weapons, I would love to see a way to make same pets different colors, skills...abilities. The less likely hood for people to have basically the same person/stats as one another the better the game will be because who doesn't love customization! Let the abilities and from chests show on stats plz lol so frustrating to think about "are they working" would love to see more of a play towards people who have been playing longer rather than spend money on things. Maybe make lvling skills say instead of spending skill points you have to lvl up each skill type speed... How long you run around in game for, damage how many people you kill increases damage.. Not saying this is how it should be just throwing examples out there so you guys understand what I mean without going crazy here. Less forcus on drying out people's pockets and more about the fun and enjoyment of a really really potential ally amazing game you guys have started. Weapons lvl up the more you use them... Idk lol just throwing things at you guys. What do you guys have in mind?