View Full Version : BamHammer????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????

11-18-2010, 08:58 PM
It's awesome!

11-19-2010, 12:18 AM
Bring the MAEGABANN for making such a long @s$ name for a thread...

Also please stop getting banned. You're fun when not paranoid.

11-19-2010, 09:43 AM
It's awesome!

My signature owns yours.

11-19-2010, 09:44 AM
Wow that was fast on the quote.

11-20-2010, 02:16 AM
My signature owns yours.

shut up noob.

11-20-2010, 02:17 AM
shut up noob.

Shut up froob.

11-20-2010, 02:17 AM
Shut up froob.

stfu seriously!

11-20-2010, 02:18 AM
stfu seriously!

Fine noob.

11-20-2010, 03:52 AM
Fine noob.

Extremely accurate insult Channel, as for lightning, shut up noob;) I kid.

11-20-2010, 12:08 PM
Wow, LL, back from your ban and missing it already?

11-20-2010, 12:09 PM
Wow, LL, back from your ban and missing it already?

He was banned? Awe, I shouldve thrown a party....

11-20-2010, 12:36 PM
He was banned? Awe, I shouldve thrown a party....

We'll get our chance yet.

11-20-2010, 12:53 PM
Is he like the most hated person after laquint or something?

11-20-2010, 12:54 PM
nah, its just that he gets very paranoid and very offended and starts a few troll wars here and there... sorry LL stating facts.

i managed to play like 4 maps with him before we got into our first 'war', which i STILL dont know why it started.

11-20-2010, 01:01 PM
I think he's on my friends list. AWESOME. are they lame troll wars, or are they full blown awesome insulting parties? those make me laugh. (it's a bit mean though)

11-20-2010, 01:03 PM
I think he's on my friends list. AWESOME. are they lame troll wars, or are they full blown awesome insulting parties? those make me laugh. (it's a bit mean though)

He doesn't insult the other person, well, he kinda tries to, he just overreacts, cries and complains about it then pms the person asking them to stop. Oh yes, I've been there.

11-20-2010, 01:09 PM
oh, so it's like this.

LL:your stupid
LL:Please stop.
LL:thx bro, your the best

11-20-2010, 01:14 PM
oh, so it's like this.

LL:your stupid
LL:Please stop.
LL:thx bro, your the best

Not it's like....

You: this thread is pointless
Him: stop threatening me you noob, jk, but stop threatening me
You: how am I threatening you? I'm just saying this thread is pointless, which it is, and you're the noob
Him: Stop trolling me, seriously
You: I'm not, I don't see why you're overreacting
Him: I have a persecution complex, and it's very very very serious, I wouldn't know what
it was if fluff didn't tell me, but I have one, that's why I'm getting pissed and taking this so seriously
You: ok, waterer lmao, keep using that as an excuse
Him: ..........................

Veiw some of his older threads that he made if you wish;)

11-20-2010, 01:16 PM
lol. "stop threatening me"

11-20-2010, 01:17 PM
lol. "stop threatening me"

He uses the word "threat" more than the word "the" I swear -_____-

11-20-2010, 01:18 PM
lol lalalala

11-20-2010, 01:23 PM
that convo was half sigged

11-20-2010, 01:30 PM
Lol, fancy sig you got there

11-20-2010, 02:46 PM
And guys, if you get bothered by his persecution complex, please, take the anger out on me

We can't blame him for his own mental disease. And if you completely disagree and choose to take your anger out on him, I will come and get revenge on you.

11-20-2010, 02:53 PM
He uses the word "threat" more than the word "the" I swear -_____-
lol. "stop threatening me"
Not it's like....

You: this thread is pointless
Him: stop threatening me you noob, jk, but stop threatening me
You: how am I threatening you? I'm just saying this thread is pointless, which it is, and you're the noob
Him: Stop trolling me, seriously
You: I'm not, I don't see why you're overreacting
Him: I have a persecution complex, and it's very very very serious, I wouldn't know what
it was if fluff didn't tell me, but I have one, that's why I'm getting pissed and taking this so seriously
You: ok, waterer lmao, keep using that as an excuse
Him: ..........................

Veiw some of his older threads that he made if you wish;)
He was banned? Awe, I shouldve thrown a party....
We'll get our chance yet.
He doesn't insult the other person, well, he kinda tries to, he just overreacts, cries and complains about it then pms the person asking them to stop. Oh yes, I've been there.

I just PMed him about this and he said the exact same thing

Guys, I know how he feels. I have a few friends that have persecution complex. I didn't believe him at first, so I looked it online. I truly feel sorry for him now. And you know what's more sad? People like you don't believe him even though he's telling the truth. And things like these make it worse.

11-20-2010, 02:56 PM
well what happens in the internet happens for no reason whatsoever, nor needs one. thats a good motto to take.

if looking for examples, i think offtopic is a goldmine... was about to give actual examples but felt mean :/

11-20-2010, 03:00 PM
Wow. I lurked for the first time in quite a while, saw the title of this post from the main forums, came in here, and I feel like I (as an oldy who was around here before LL even was) that I can give some input into this situation.

First off, LL didn't even KNOW he "had" persecution complex until somebody mentioned it's existence to him in a post. If it really was that serious (or real), he would have known about it beforehand. Second, LL is younger and because of this probably over-reacts to things by taking things too seriously. I've seen LL react strongly even to sarcasm because he didn't understand that it was sarcasm.

Now, although I DON'T believe LL has persecution complex, I DO believe that everyone should treat everyone with respect. Because LL is sensitive, he tends to react strongly, which only hurts the situation more. So please, for the best of everyone, don't bother with him. If you see topics like this by him, IGNORE THEM. LL is just trying to get attention.

To LL: I've said it before, I'll say it again. Please learn to take everything with a grain of salt (that is, don't take everything seriously). Also, if you really do believe you have persecution complex, please, talk to your parents about it, I'm sure they'll be more than happy to help you get it sorted out.

Thank you for reading, and have a nice day.

11-20-2010, 03:24 PM
Wow. I lurked for the first time in quite a while, saw the title of this post from the main forums, came in here, and I feel like I (as an oldy who was around here before LL even was) that I can give some input into this situation.

First off, LL didn't even KNOW he "had" persecution complex until somebody mentioned it's existence to him in a post. If it really was that serious (or real), he would have known about it beforehand. Second, LL is younger and because of this probably over-reacts to things by taking things too seriously. I've seen LL react strongly even to sarcasm because he didn't understand that it was sarcasm.

Now, although I DON'T believe LL has persecution complex, I DO believe that everyone should treat everyone with respect. Because LL is sensitive, he tends to react strongly, which only hurts the situation more. So please, for the best of everyone, don't bother with him. If you see topics like this by him, IGNORE THEM. LL is just trying to get attention.

To LL: I've said it before, I'll say it again. Please learn to take everything with a grain of salt (that is, don't take everything seriously). Also, if you really do believe you have persecution complex, please, talk to your parents about it, I'm sure they'll be more than happy to help you get it sorted out.

Thank you for reading, and have a nice day.

You think he's lying about having persecution complex? How cruel can you be???????

11-20-2010, 03:43 PM
You think he's lying about having persecution complex? How cruel can you be???????
He didn't even know about it, it was another user on the board saying he did. LL didn't say he had it. Just because somebody doesn't believe something doesn't make the person cruel. A while back there were people in game saying they wanted items because they had either cancer or aids or something serious like that. They likely didn't have any of them, they just wanted items, and I believe they have since been banned. Not everything you read on the internet is correct and thus you learn to not be so gullible to everything.

11-20-2010, 03:50 PM
You think he's lying about having persecution complex? How cruel can you be???????


First off, LL didn't even KNOW he "had" persecution complex until somebody mentioned it's existence to him in a post. If it really was that serious (or real), he would have known about it beforehand. Second, LL is younger and because of this probably over-reacts to things by taking things too seriously. I've seen LL react strongly even to sarcasm because he didn't understand that it was sarcasm.

he is 13. if not persecution complex then it is puberty or simply youth. lol i sound like 40...

11-20-2010, 03:55 PM
He didn't even know about it, it was another user on the board saying he did. LL didn't say he had it. Just because somebody doesn't believe something doesn't make the person cruel. A while back there were people in game saying they wanted items because they had either cancer or aids or something serious like that. They likely didn't have any of them, they just wanted items, and I believe they have since been banned. Not everything you read on the internet is correct and thus you learn to not be so gullible to everything.

Oh ok


he is 13. if not persecution complex then it is puberty or simply youth. lol i sound like 40...

He's 14 and yes that is true. He told me everything. How he knew about iT and everything. But that doesn't matter. Now he knows he has PC (I'm calling it that from now on) and he is yet finding a cure to it!

By the way, cool sig :P