View Full Version : Why Sword Warriors are the best out of the other 1h and 2h blade warriors

05-03-2010, 06:46 PM
Sword Warriors are the best
Axe/Pik/Mace warriors don't compare
2h-swords are dumb IMO (Warrior is a tank, you want damage, go archer)

Swords have the fastest attack speed
Swords because they have the fastest attack speed, crit more often (I am getting 85 DPS with rage and 57 with no rage)
When combined with rage, they give higher DPS then a 2h with rage due to the additional damage per hit and the high hit per second combined.
You have a freehand for a nice shield

Why Axe/Pick/Mace is bad
Slow attack speed means rage isn't nearly as effective
Slower attack speed means less critting
Rage effect is reduced

Why 2H is bad
Slow attack speed means rage isn't nearly as effective
Slower attack speed means less critting
Rage effect is reduced
Lack of shield that makes the warrior a tank, I mean it gives you 15 more armor and has a bunch of extra stats, why NOT use it?

Ranting done~ Feel free to criticize, I do feel that maybe dex warriors that weild daggers may not be too bad, but then there tanking wouldn't be so top-notch.
As for now, I, as a hypocrite, am using a pickaxe of legend due to the 2h/s that makes me a walking tank.

05-03-2010, 07:06 PM
Respectfully, i disagree with most of what you wrote :confused:

Edit: and when i'm done studying for my test tomorrow, i'll post why.

05-03-2010, 07:13 PM
Thats fine, I would like to know.

05-03-2010, 08:45 PM
2hand swords ftw!! It doesn't suck, you just have to be pro to be a good 2-1hand sword user XD

05-11-2010, 09:29 PM
For the time being i see one pretty obvious reason why 2h are far much better then 1h: their bigger then anything else u gan get ur hands on!!!

Whos felling dumb now?!?

05-11-2010, 09:59 PM
I marinate steaks with orange juice.

05-12-2010, 01:52 AM
Respectfully, i disagree with most of what you wrote :confused:

Edit: and when i'm done studying for my test tomorrow, i'll post why.

More than a full 8 days later, still waiting for response.


05-12-2010, 02:38 AM
More than a full 8 days later, still waiting for response.


So true and i apologize for the delay. However it may just have been fated as such as the new skill descriptions have changed my mind somewhat.

Basically you point boiled down to "dps > damage" and we all know this is a constant debate. You like swords because they are faster but what you are confusing is that faster doesn't necessarily mean higher dps. So far in this game that has been the case, but the speed is irrelevant until the damage is also calculated into dps. Second things you should know is that crit doesn't factor into the dps display shown on the stat screen. A slower weapon doesn't equal less damage because its slower. Rage is never less effective just because a weapon is slower. You may have less crits, but those crits do much more damage. Rage's relative effectiveness is not determined by the weapon you are using against a target that stationary.

Now here is why i said i disagreed. Slashes are free swings. Aka they don't interrupt your auto attack cycle. In most games a skill like slash would be based on attack speed and therefore a higher damage weapon would do more damage with the free swing. Since its a free swing, speed is irrelevant, it just happens and your auto attack is not interrupted. With that thinking you increase your real dps by having a slower weapon. HOWEVER, in this game, that is not the case. With the new skill descriptions added this weak, we now know that all damage skills and specials have a fixed damage. Thus it doesn't matter what weapon you are using, it will always do the same damage. This is a flaw in the game design in my opinion, but thats not relevant atm. The point is that takes a lot of the bonus away from using a slower weapon, which was the primary reason i said i disagreed with you.

So for PvE, find the highest dps weapon and use it. The only other factors should be stats on the weapon like crit or h/s etc, or if the weapon has a proc (the freeze proc on the frosty hatchet is sick).

Once PvP is released though, higher damage slower weapons will still be viable because regardless of what your dps says, real players will not stand there are let you hit them. You will have to fight for every hit you get, and you will want each hit to be doing more damage than a .9 speed sword can do. Its to early to tell what will be best in pvp though, but again that frosty hatchet freezing people in place will be real nice.

Lastly, 2h swords have been improved since this was posted, and are a highly viable weapon. Lacking 17 armor is easily made up for with iron blood and evasion and hell scream. You may have less opportunities to crit, but that doesn't mean the chance to crit is any less, and like i said each crit will do more than double what a 1h swords crit will do. Rage is equally effective with a 2h than a 1h, and definitely has better burst damage. With rage and the new copperhead 2h you can easily hit 70% crit, and remember rage is increasing your damage as well. Now i said that rage equally effective with any weapon as long as the target isn't moving. What if that target is a player with an archer thats rooting you and running away. The hits you get on the archer will be few and far between, and supplemented by slashes. Statistically there shouldn't be too great a difference, but in reality a two hander can provide better burst damage more often than the fast 1 hander, assuming the 2 handers damage is high enough.

In conclusion, DPS is the most important in pve, regardless of skills. In pvp however it won't necessarily be the case. Speed alone without damage is an irrelevant weapon stat unless one is only considering procs. Rage provides an equal bonus to any weapon regardless of speed (this is def true for crit, however now that im concluding all this, a faster weapon might gain more dos from a boost in weapon damage... i'll do some math on that tomorrow).

Anyway its 3 am and that was more of a ramble than anything else, but i'm pretty tired. Despite that i wanted to get back to you since its so late. Maybe ill clean up my thoughts tomorrow with an edit.

05-12-2010, 01:58 PM
very nicely said, but dont forget how big and cool they are ok!!

05-16-2010, 06:06 PM
Just skimmed your post, I didn't really try to understand it but more arguments for my side
- 2nd hand if they miss, they lose more damage than a sword most likely since sword has a faster attack rate, and also in PVP, if your guy has all the buffs on with a 2h and my guy has all the buffs on with the 1h/shield, I think that it would be more advantageous for me as I do high damage while having 17 more armor and having higher evasion and what not, which would mean the 2h would miss more which with slower attack speed, would mean alot less damage over time.

05-21-2010, 02:03 AM
I'm bumping this post once again to fix something YET AGAIN

Weapon damage does effect Skill damage. Your free swings with slashes and stomp and the damage done by beckon will be HIGHER if you have a higher damage weapon, aka a slower weapon. It affects real dps. keep it in mind.

05-21-2010, 10:35 AM
2-Handed FTW!

05-21-2010, 10:43 AM
I'm still waiting for duel wielding, however they did a decent job of improving 2 handers.

05-21-2010, 01:10 PM
I can't wait for Dual Wielding either. 2-Handed swords will definitely "PWN UR NOOB" if I'm carrying one in each hand! :)

05-21-2010, 11:21 PM
I can't wait for Dual Wielding either. 2-Handed swords will definitely "PWN UR NOOB" if I'm carrying one in each hand! :)

I don't think that's goin to be possible... if they make a duel wielding.. it'll probably be 1 handers on each hand

05-23-2010, 12:20 PM
So true and i apologize for the delay. However it may just have been fated as such as the new skill descriptions have changed my mind somewhat.

Anyway its 3 am and that was more of a ramble than anything else, but i'm pretty tired. Despite that i wanted to get back to you since its so late. Maybe ill clean up my thoughts tomorrow with an edit.

Yay response! Sorry for MY late response to your post; good detail in it. Always a pleasure to read.
And yes; when you (LODD2) say that DPS is important, a lot of 1h axes compared to 1h swords (for example) have higher DPS, allowing for higher DPS + shield when you use an axe at times.

And especially about the part of PvP enemies vs. PvE enemies; exactly, while enemies in dungeons will rush you without a second thought, player opponents in the game will most likely to be a great deal more cautious than their AI counterparts in fighting.

To wrap it up; in speculation (and general facts as of late 1.1), 2H swords SHOULD be better in PVP for the most part, but we'll have to see how the PVP system ticks. Until then, let's go twiddle our thumbs while slashing off crocs' heads. Ciao.

06-06-2010, 06:11 PM
I started out going 2-hand, then switched to sword and shield when I got the Sword of Legend, and Zombie's Saintly Shield. I was also running with a lot of archers and got seduced by DPS haha. However I now run with the Battle Sword of Legend, and am convinced that 2-handed weapons are the way to go for Bears.

When buffed (that's why I have so many mana pots!):

The difference between 140 and 120 armor at this level is negligible. If the Oasis is that much tougher I might need the extra armor to survive, but at this point I can run through the swamps perfectly fine at 120. DPS takes a shot, but like it's been explained before, if you're using your skills this difference isn't that much. Quick hitting with the sword in swamps was a slow process, but I can fly right through mobs (again, this necessitates the mana pots).

All in all, I think the way to go is to only put in enough points to strength to get past your item requirements, and to put the rest in dex to keep your DPS up despite using a 2-hander. I could probably respec to be more percise, but you get the idea.

Just my two cents!

06-07-2010, 04:13 PM
thats only when ironblood is up. Shield provides a much higher level of survivability in pvp and pve from experience. In both however a 2h will kill faster. Just depends on the situation. Generally i run 2h these days.