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View Full Version : breeze is rare ?

12-20-2013, 07:06 PM
i think its my first topic..

opened that topic because ppls still talking about " its rare and its good how is it now " so i believe this topic will be stop ppls open topic about breeze or event..

is that rare? its 1.5 mil in cs and most old player / plat player buyed it from auc.. so its not a rare pet right now coz who have 1.5 mil person can get it from auc ( as i will do ). so i just said how could be better for make it better rare + giwe more reason to ppls to play... alot of ppl have ton of money they dont really need it or plat players for 1.5 mil isnt big money... event is ok sametimes funy but if there a true rare thing ( hard to earn for everyone, not just 1 click to buy from auc with 1.5 mil / not just lucky base thing ) that could be better... if you see a breeze user just ask how to get it, mostly they will tell you " buyed from auc "

breeze could better buyable with 2-3-5-10 k token
lets take a look how it gonna be if its happen ..

1= that way everyone will get a reason for farm ( enjoy event ).. right now full set ppls dont need farm gate coz they can buy it from auc " its same for plat players "

2= hard farmerer will get price for a hard work + spend alot of time on game with collect breeze..

3 = breeze will be rare + hight price

4 = hard farmerers will not waste time for nothing after open 30-40 imbude and get nothing <<< i am sure any ppls gonna say atleast they will get other pets vanitys and legendary items :)) my answer for they = legendars mostly 106-300 gold in auc so its nothing.. vanitys 40 k right now its noting to coz 550 token collect time u can farm locked in bracken you will earn more than 40 k in that time.. ahh and there tarlok potency lvl 35 worth 35 k lvl 36 worth 150 k, if u luckly u will get it but its still not worth to waste 2 week without stop play... before reply that just do a calculate thx..

5 = as i said on other topic " we are just talking, there nothing gonna change and event will over like that. hard work alot ppl will upset coz they will not have this rare pet after waste 3 week 7/24. plat players will ok with it coz they will have it, also old players who collect ton of millions they to will happy coz they to will buy it in auc "

event is funy a while but for me it can funnyer if there a true rare pet " breeze or another xxxxxxx name can be earn only with hard effort ".
again saying event will over like that, i didnt open topic for prices get down or change event pls "but i hope next event gonna have a rare pet..

what you think about it ? pls down of your reply let us know how did you get your breeze to, buyed or farmed or plat farm ? thx...

Hmm there a topic about it but idk how to delete my topic.. nvm its still will be good if you guys share us how you get your breeze + i wish next event a new true rare pet..

12-20-2013, 07:40 PM
i think its my first topic..

opened that topic because ppls still talking about " its rare and its good how is it now " so i believe this topic will be stop ppls open topic about breeze or event..

is that rare? its 1.5 mil in cs and most old player / plat player buyed it from auc.. so its not a rare pet right now coz who have 1.5 mil person can get it from auc ( as i will do ). so i just said how could be better for make it better rare + giwe more reason to ppls to play... alot of ppl have ton of money they dont really need it or plat players for 1.5 mil isnt big money... event is ok sametimes funy but if there a true rare thing ( hard to earn for everyone, not just 1 click to buy from auc with 1.5 mil / not just lucky base thing ) that could be better... if you see a breeze user just ask how to get it, mostly they will tell you " buyed from auc "

breeze could better buyable with 2-3-5-10 k token
lets take a look how it gonna be if its happen ..

1= that way everyone will get a reason for farm ( enjoy event ).. right now full set ppls dont need farm gate coz they can buy it from auc " its same for plat players "

2= hard farmerer will get price for a hard work + spend alot of time on game with collect breeze..

3 = breeze will be rare + hight price

4 = hard farmerers will not waste time for nothing after open 30-40 imbude and get nothing <<< i am sure any ppls gonna say atleast they will get other pets vanitys and legendary items :)) my answer for they = legendars mostly 106-300 gold in auc so its nothing.. vanitys 40 k right now its noting to coz 550 token collect time u can farm locked in bracken you will earn more than 40 k in that time.. ahh and there tarlok potency lvl 35 worth 35 k lvl 36 worth 150 k, if u luckly u will get it but its still not worth to waste 2 week without stop play... before reply that just do a calculate thx..

5 = as i said on other topic " we are just talking, there nothing gonna change and event will over like that. hard work alot ppl will upset coz they will not have this rare pet after waste 3 week 7/24. plat players will ok with it coz they will have it, also old players who collect ton of millions they to will happy coz they to will buy it in auc "

event is funy a while but for me it can funnyer if there a true rare pet " breeze or another xxxxxxx name can be earn only with hard effort ".
again saying event will over like that, i didnt open topic for prices get down or change event pls "but i hope next event gonna have a rare pet..

what you think about it ? pls down of your reply let us know how did you get your breeze to, buyed or farmed or plat farm ? thx...

Sorry to say but this is about the 10th time today I've seen a "breeze needs to be earned via tokens thread" it can't happen, the max tokens u can hold is 1000, STS isn't going to revamp there system to change that plus its un-fair to anyone who bought breeze with gold who did that

You want breeze it's simple:

1. buy it with gold or

2. Get all chest recipes, Farm for portals & make imbued chests then open them

He's not as rare as people think he is, it just takes time to get him if you can't put the time in well... Sorry but there's Prance, snowy, frosteye, winter vanities & many other things this event has to offer

12-20-2013, 07:52 PM
I.... I can't.... I just...


12-20-2013, 07:53 PM
Sorry to say but this is about the 10th time today I've seen a "breeze needs to be earned via tokens thread" it can't happen, the max tokens u can hold is 1000, STS isn't going to revamp there system to change that plus its un-fair to anyone who bought breeze with gold who did that

You want breeze it's simple:

1. buy it with gold or

2. Get all chest recipes, Farm for portals & make imbued chests then open them

He's not as rare as people think he is, it just takes time to get him if you can't put the time in well... Sorry but there's Prance, snowy, frosteye, winter vanities & many other things this event has to offer

tehe while i try delete my post you replyed :) but i said it to i dont think its a rare and i reply long ago to other topics about breeze " event will over like that, there nothing will change " i didnt want sts change system.. just hopeing a true rare thing on next event ppls should efort for get it, not just buy from auc or lucky base... also as you said can buy recipes and farm portals soo hard, and open imbudes but its still not mean you will get breeze.. ty for your reply

12-20-2013, 08:03 PM
That's what makes it rare though...the fact that no matter how many you open, you're not guarenteed to get it keeps it rare. If you were able to just farm enough tokens for it then it wouldn't be all that rare because you'd either farm the gold to buy from cs or farm the tokens for just breezaga, and nothing else. 1.5 mill isnt all that hard to get if you focus, and I think its a suitable price for a pet the isn't arcane or mythic. And personally, I think the way the did it is the way to go. Its the same concept as mythic and arcane items with lockeds and elite chests, what makes their price and rarity is the fact that you either HAVE to gamble for it or cough up the gold and buy it through the cs.

12-20-2013, 08:09 PM
I.... I can't.... I just...


400th thread in a week eh? *facepalm* :banana:

12-20-2013, 08:24 PM
Even Scooby and the gang are stumped.


12-21-2013, 12:09 AM
im fine if breeze is made common. i never bought it ....yet. lesson learned from previous maps: never buy anything when it's still early.

anything can happen

12-21-2013, 02:25 PM
im fine if breeze is made common. i never bought it ....yet. lesson learned from previous maps: never buy anything when it's still early.

anything can happen

breezaga its not like grimm.can buy and stock up .

12-22-2013, 07:51 AM
Agree with OP

12-23-2013, 01:11 PM
1. its a bad idea.
2. your english is just fantastic.

12-27-2013, 08:39 PM
What's the point in adding two rare pets in one event anyway? One rare arcane is enough! Give everybody a chance to add this cool looking(almost worthless) pet to their collection

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