View Full Version : #Winter Festival Bugs/Errors.

12-21-2013, 06:39 PM
Out of boredom, I'll share a few interesting yet weird things I observed. There are actually quite a few issues with the access elixir system:

1. For any players level 40 or lower, killing *any* of the three bosses ends the access elixir. The description is only correct for 40+ levels, since it states that the access elixir ends only if you kill Ed Neezer or after 4 hours.

2. For any players level 40 or higher, the vanity caps(2013 Winter Fest Beard included) have drop rates of 95% or higher. This does not hold true for any lower level player.

4. A rather small addition to my first reported error, the actual time you get is 4 hours *and* 10 minutes. When buying the access elixir the description says 4 hours only.

3. On each and every mob, the enemy operatives can use Psychic Binding, although it *roots* instead of just slowing down. Note that in the playable operative class, the maximum slowdown you can get is 70%.

5. This one is my favorite actually. If, as an operative, you time your Psychic Lash skill with the Psychic Binding the enemy units throw as mentioned above, you escape the root effect and animation completely while YOU perform the animation of throwing a Psychic Binding skill, even if you don't have any points in it!! :D

6. If your inventory is full, the game doesn't prevent you from purchasing the access elixir but it doesn't let you join the game. This results in wasting 2 platinum.
*This was found by Zhame*

7. You didn't notice I switched number 3 with number 4. Hahaha hope you enjoyed! Laters. :)

12-21-2013, 07:49 PM

Trolled me -.-

Haha nice.

12-22-2013, 10:57 AM