View Full Version : Is there a Plasma Pyramid in AL ?

12-22-2013, 03:32 PM
I've never really been a merch, but I can farm for days in the right place. I am only lv 20 so sorry if this question seems trivial but I haven't seen any places like Plasma from PL to farm in, where do you guys farm gold?

I've actually gone broke to pots now...

I think I've hit rock bottom...

12-22-2013, 03:37 PM
Collect a reroll elixir from klaas and farm locked crates from jarl. Buy a leprechaun pendent asap and use that to collect better loot from bosses.

Your main goal will be to reach the level cap and farm elite. The good elite loot sells anywhere from 100k - 3.5mil. However, the odds of looting that 3.5mil ring is borderline imaginary.

12-22-2013, 05:07 PM
Probably the closest thing to it in AL is kraken mines 3. This is where everyone does mindless farming. Like plasma pyramid, the pinks are pretty worthless except for the occasional nexus egg drop. Unlike plasma pyramid you won't make money with pure gold drops, but will get drops of crates from the bosses which are easily sold. There is no good place to farm for pots like in PL :(. This is probably the best place for an easy slow grind for gold, probably netting you a million in a week or two if you use elixers and the Lep amulet and you are dedicated. For the relative big money drops you got to go to elite shuyal.