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View Full Version : When will level 41 expansion be?

12-23-2013, 03:26 PM
Does anyone have any idea when next expansion is?
I wanted to by some mythics but dont think its worth it if expansion is quite close :)

12-23-2013, 03:51 PM
Any ideas right now on when it will be is just speculation. My guess would be 2-3 months tho. As for buying mythics, if you want to buy mythic armor and helm they will still be competitive for next season once upgraded. Mythic items last 2 seasons. While the mythic weapons from this season will still be competitive then as well, there is likely to be new mythic weapons released next season. Its not likely, on the other hand, for new helm and armor to be released. So, if you are going to buy mythics i would get the helm and armor.

12-23-2013, 03:52 PM
If sts doesn't want to lose a lot of players they'll expand their older games first before people realize AL will just be like them as soon as their more popular game comes out.

12-23-2013, 04:04 PM
I've asked three different devs (justg, samhayne, and h2n) if there will ever be a new expansion and level cap in AL. They were all very secretive and guarded. None would give a simple yes answer. Justg said they would continue to support AL. Which to me is a lot different from saying there will be an update. H2n said it depended on what we mean by an update. This was before the winter content and his other comments suggested to me they will continue to make holiday and special content. I wasn't asking for a set date or any inside info, I was simply asking if there will EVER be any new level cap. None would say yes.

I was wondering because they have completed the stories of the three classes. Also, the next level cap we are going to have a hard time usefully using up any more skill points. I think I can usefully use one more on my rogue before I start putting them in passive that I don't really want but can't use the points anywhere else. So to me it seems like the game was designed to reach level 36. Sam did say they were aware they would have to do something in the area of skill points usage.

All in all, I don't think they have any new level cap or new campaign on the horizon. I think their attention will turn to new games and AL will be updated about as often as PL, DL, and SL.

12-23-2013, 04:06 PM
Apple, according to a chatbox message Justg made a little over a week ago. AL will not be dropped for a long time. And that STS has no new legends titles in the works. This is enough for me, and quite honestly old technology is what is holding back the old titles. Now a solution to new titles, (whenever or if ever there is one) would be to create a reward program for the new game based on performance/items/gold/playtime in the older STS titles. I don't know how STS would implement this but I have some ideas.


12-23-2013, 04:07 PM
i would say a new set of active skills will be more interesting than lvl cap :D

12-23-2013, 04:10 PM
Any ideas right now on when it will be is just speculation now. My guess would be 2-3 months tho. As for buying mythics, if you want to buy mythic armor and helm they will still be competitive for next season once upgraded. Mythic items last 2 seasons. While the mythic weapons from this season will still be competitive then as well, there is likely to be new mythic weapons released next season. Its not likely, on the other hand, for new helm and armor to be released. So, if you are going to buy mythics i would get the helm and armor.

so, r u saying that we'll be able to upgrade our lvl 36 mythic helm/armor to lvl 41 armor/helm?

12-23-2013, 04:28 PM
This is enough for me, and quite honestly old technology is what is holding back the old titles.

I'm not very experienced with app making as of yet, but C++ 11 (programming language) was released back in 2011. Far before Dark Legends was released (2012). I can understand SL because it was released 15 days after the new version of C++ was released. As well as PL since it was released even before that. Unless it's a server issue, which they could dig a little into all that money from crates to upgrade it, I see no reason why they can't release new advanced versions of DL, and at bare minimum release basic updates to PL and SL. AL has gotten to 36 cap before a single cap on any other game. Up until now, SL and DL have only received xp, damage, and plat bonus updates.

Anyways, back on subject.

12-23-2013, 05:44 PM
I can't speak for SL and DL as I've never played them, but PL was ruined due to poor planning. PvP and the economy were both pretty much ruined, and there is really no way to fix these things without breaking something else. AL looked like we could end up like this last season, but some changes to the locked crates may have saved us from that. Although these bugs that keep occurring in updates (i.e. the portal bug) do not help.

Either way, I can't imagine that they are done with AL. However, given the size of the winter content update, I think STS would need to allow 2-3 months more before releasing the next expansion. Remember that this winter expansion includes the best level 35/36 legendary gear available, even better than the elite legendary (architect) gear that drops in elite Shuyal dungeons. If they were to release a new expansion a couple of weeks after the winter content goes away, then prices would crash on all this new gear, and that could ruin the economy. The last thing players want is to have just paid a lot of gold to upgrade their gear, only to find it worthless and now need new gear again. Give it some time..... I'm sure there will be another expansion.

As for skill points, they can solve this issue very easy. In PL they increased the number of upgrades for each skill to solve this problem. They can do the same in AL. Allow more passives upgrades in each category (maybe it goes to +7 instead of +5?), allow more skill upgrades for each skill, or both.

12-23-2013, 06:09 PM
I've asked three different devs (justg, samhayne, and h2n) if there will ever be a new expansion and level cap in AL. They were all very secretive and guarded. None would give a simple yes answer. Justg said they would continue to support AL. Which to me is a lot different from saying there will be an update. H2n said it depended on what we mean by an update. This was before the winter content and his other comments suggested to me they will continue to make holiday and special content. I wasn't asking for a set date or any inside info, I was simply asking if there will EVER be any new level cap. None would say yes.

I was wondering because they have completed the stories of the three classes. Also, the next level cap we are going to have a hard time usefully using up any more skill points. I think I can usefully use one more on my rogue before I start putting them in passive that I don't really want but can't use the points anywhere else. So to me it seems like the game was designed to reach level 36. Sam did say they were aware they would have to do something in the area of skill points usage.

All in all, I don't think they have any new level cap or new campaign on the horizon. I think their attention will turn to new games and AL will be updated about as often as PL, DL, and SL.

I'm pretty sure AL makes more revenue than all 3 of those other games combined which would explain why the events keep getting better here and why those other games get less. I played all of them but the only one that kept my attention was this one.

12-23-2013, 10:29 PM
we still have valentines expansion to deal with ;)

12-24-2013, 12:08 AM
we still have valentines expansion to deal with ;)

I've never seen them do a whole expansion for valentines day. At best just a couple of vanities and maybe I could see maybe something that jumps out of barrels like we had for st. patricks day.

12-24-2013, 01:42 AM
was kidding en. but i hope therell be some new little expansion to keep us all occupied

12-24-2013, 02:32 AM
They should totally do whole event for valentines day:ooo there r lots of "couples" in this game LOL

12-24-2013, 10:04 AM
thnx everyone for replies :)

12-24-2013, 10:18 AM
They said end of January or early February

12-25-2013, 01:08 AM
I heard it was a jungle-themed forest expansion for rogues! :3 and it will come Jan-Feb...

But that's only rumor. And sometimes (if not always) rumors are proven completely wrong.

Hi Akizah <(^^)/

12-25-2013, 03:52 AM
jan 13 was mentioned for upcoming patch, or patch and update is different thing?

12-25-2013, 07:50 AM
Jan 13 is the patch to remove the winter event crafting recipes, won't be the update to 41...I bet its in feb or later, they've put a lot of effort into halloween and winter events that they probably couldn't focus on a cap expansion.

12-28-2013, 07:39 AM
Jan 13 is the patch to remove the winter event crafting recipes, won't be the update to 41...I bet its in feb or later, they've put a lot of effort into halloween and winter events that they probably couldn't focus on a cap expansion.

12-28-2013, 09:40 AM
Jan 13 is the patch to remove the winter event crafting recipes, won't be the update to 41...I bet its in feb or later, they've put a lot of effort into halloween and winter events that they probably couldn't focus on a cap expansion.

I'm sure that they had some sort of calendar with certain events that they plan on getting out within the year. So I'm sure that they have already started maybe the concept and a little animation or what not with the next expansion (if it does come) it takes a long time, so who knows when they started developing the expansion

12-29-2013, 09:07 AM
Yeah, any software engineering firm sets timeframes and has a team of coders, animators, etc who all work together. But were not talk about a huge company like blizzard who has multiple teams for each game...I imagine sts has 1 team for AL and they can't be expected to work on 2 things at once. As a software engineer myself I know the complexity of projects like these, and Ill tell you, you make 1 change to 1 word in 1 line of code....and 150000 lines down this has caused a huge mess of issues that need to be worked out. Its a very time consuming profession and stressful on top of it. Id expect it feb at the earliest, and that's if there's no major issues. We all know how Murphy's law likes to take precedent...its even more pronounced with software engineering.