View Full Version : Victory Lap- T'PAXX drop table.

11-20-2010, 03:38 AM
Hey guys,

Im not sure if theres been a suggestion like this or not, but I'll post it anyway. I suggest that T'PAXX in Victory Lap also drops the Wraith Armor of Void. For weeks, I've been waiting to buy a Wraith Armor, but as it only drops in Ao3 map 3, the prices are soaring too high. We need to stabalize the prices at least, to 300k-500k, other than that is too much for anyone to afford. T'PAXX loots are among one of the most expensives in game now, from prices like 1.2m-1.6m for the Wraith armor. I hope the Devs will fix this problem and make the prices more stabalised or change the format for Consignment Shop(will make a different thread). Thats all for now.

**Devs, please read and post, I need to know at least why you guys arent changing the loot table.

11-20-2010, 04:22 AM
Yes we made this thread a few days or weeks before. We tried figuring it out and haven't really had proof that it drops Map 3 loot.

It would be a nice addition since it would actually put everything into one map, but with the latest updates map 3 is way easy now. :)

11-20-2010, 06:32 AM
I think it would nicer and convenient as you can get all drops in one map, then you won't need to kill so many creeps to get to just one boss that has 1/100 chance of getting the drop.

11-20-2010, 06:34 AM
Agree. I don't see any reason why Tpaxx has to have a special loot table. Its not like map 3 is any easier or faster to do. Lets just wait and see :P

11-20-2010, 07:08 AM
The problemen is not only the droprate but also hybrids that buy them and greedy sales. Besides that i see enough numbers appear in the shops but THE chance to buy for à decent price.....

11-20-2010, 07:31 AM
Tpaxx is the main problem. Not enough people are farming him compared to the other bosses (since he basically doesn't exist in Victory Lap). And there doesn't seem to be any logical reason for his loot table to be like this.

11-20-2010, 09:37 AM
the loot table of the bosses in his portal are bad anyway. why does the executioner only give greens? he should be an outright boss.