View Full Version : 30 iceberg debuff bear guide

12-24-2013, 12:15 AM
Hi guys its burn here; bringing you a 30 iceberg debuff bear guide.

Now you may ask me why i chose icebrg over shivering, well i chose iceberg. Because as a shivering bear i found myself dying to quickly to every class. but when i chose iceberg I was able to get into the range i needed to land debuufs. Therefor i was able to tank away and kill the target

Table of contents

I ~ stats
II ~ build
III ~ gear
IV ~ combos
~ vs mage
~ vs bear
~ vs bird
~ vs fox
~ vs rhino


what you need to do is have minimum amount for iceberg set and put remaining points in dex.



Now. I was seriously debating sharing this build with the community because i have kept it secret for the better part of the year!



( you can swap sms for crippling slash if tpyou want to keep them pinned)

The gear you need to be successful is the iceberg frosty hatchet set.

And the highest level pink helm you can find, i personally use 30 str plat pack helm . But u can substitute this for a 27 conquerors helm. (Vyx also works too but a bit pricier)


~ vs mage

This is likely to be your toughest match up. At the start you want to stack taunt 2x then hit rage and run towards your target.

What happens after that is dependant to the fact if they are a nuke mage or kite mage.

If they are a kite mage as soon as you hit 12m range hit the skills

Beckon (if they dodge run back wait for beckon to cool down) immeadiately after beckon start running towards the mage and as soon as you reach 8m press hellscream and keep running. After that get close use crushing blow and sms then finally stomp.

Rinse and repeat

EXTRA TIP~ always try and beckon the mage to a wall and keep them pinned there to keep your auto hitting.

~ vs bear

Ok. Vs bear you need to land your debuffs first so use the skills


After that try and exit out of CB range and try and keep them stunned.

EXTRA TIP ~ try to just use taunt at the start and when you see their rage disappear use your rage buff and try and catch them iff guard and use the combo.


~ vs bird

This is either going to be a piece of cake or you are going to get kited hard.

At the start stack buffs (as per other classes) then run into 12 and beckon if that lands use the combo we have used on everyhing else. But vs bird it is crucial you keep your taunt up and have the bird pinned against a wall.

If at the start the bird repulses and kites just run to a wall and wait. When they run into your 12m use the combo beckon> move so the bird is closest to wall> hs> stomp> cb> sms

Rinse and repeat.

~vs fox

Since the nerf a longsword fox can nuke you hard, so be careful

At the start buff and run to nearest wall, the fox will chase you and when they get close pin them to the wall and use the combo we used on bird.

Its alot easier imo to kill a fox than it is a bear mage or bird

~vs rhino

Rhinos i have found not to be very active but they are basically same as fox.

Which means you can use same tactics.

But just be wary that rhinos have an extremely good heal. So no matter what keep them pinned and try to keep landing the debuffs.




IGN Storm
12-24-2013, 12:35 AM
Nice to see someone who doesn't use plat pack. I reccomend -2 taunt and +1 Crip and +1 Venge though

12-24-2013, 12:42 AM
Cool thanks for feedback :)

And ill post pic later but plat pack has less armor and dps so choose for yourself :)

And ill try your build when i get some plat :)

12-24-2013, 12:57 AM
Vyx helm is good for l30 str

12-24-2013, 01:32 AM
Vyx helm is good for l30 str

Cool. Ill add that in :)

12-24-2013, 08:01 AM
I thought you switched to shivering?

12-24-2013, 12:40 PM
Nah went back to iceberg shivering imo was terrible for a debuff build

12-24-2013, 11:14 PM
Thanks for feedback everyone :D

12-24-2013, 11:39 PM
Nice guide! If the debuffs land, the enemy is basically screwed.. Great tanks with this build.

12-25-2013, 01:36 AM
Can u post a pic of ur stats with gear on?

12-25-2013, 02:41 AM
also, isn't crippling better? u might want to root ur target to land ur autos as a str bear

12-25-2013, 04:55 AM
also, isn't crippling better? u might want to root ur target to land ur autos as a str bear

K ill deffinitely try that thx :)

12-25-2013, 08:41 AM
also, isn't crippling better? u might want to root ur target to land ur autos as a str bear

I think crippling is less damage but yes it is better for the root. Crippling and SMS is better than crippling with vengeful slash.

EDIT: nvm thought the build had 2 slashes until I looked back. SMS is better than crippling and crippling is better than venge.

12-25-2013, 10:46 AM
How much hit, crit, dodge do u have fully geared?

12-25-2013, 03:54 PM
How much hit, crit, dodge do u have fully geared?

90ish hit with face a bit more

I decent enough crit to be able to nuke when i want to and i have 30 dodge buffed :)

12-25-2013, 06:37 PM
One thing for fights against the rhino..rhinos also have a knock back skill, and has two skills which both get out of stuns. So hard to use same tactics as you would do a fox. But one thing, if you have cripple instead of SMS, then the rhino will be pinned by 4 skills, beckon, stomp, hs, and cripple, which is very hard to get out of, and easy to land CB on them. I know since I have a 31 rhino :)

All for one, and one for all.

12-25-2013, 07:21 PM
One thing for fights against the rhino..rhinos also have a knock back skill, and has two skills which both get out of stuns. So hard to use same tactics as you would do a fox. But one thing, if you have cripple instead of SMS, then the rhino will be pinned by 4 skills, beckon, stomp, hs, and cripple, which is very hard to get out of, and easy to land CB on them. I know since I have a 31 rhino :)

All for one, and one for all.
Rhinos are good? Most of them you can just mash random skills on to kill… should be easy to kill with any class?

The only good ones I can think of are Chao and Loip.

12-25-2013, 07:27 PM
Rhinos are good? Most of them you can just mash random skills on to kill… should be easy to kill with any class?

The only good ones I can think of are Chao and Loip.

U forgot shadow…

12-25-2013, 07:38 PM
Rhinos are good? Most of them you can just mash random skills on to kill… should be easy to kill with any class?

The only good ones I can think of are Chao and Loip.

Rhinos don't suck at all there's just certain levels they're better at than others

12-25-2013, 08:31 PM
Rhinos are good? Most of them you can just mash random skills on to kill… should be easy to kill with any class?

The only good ones I can think of are Chao and Loip.

Huh? No. True, they're underpowered, but it takes skill to use one properly. I have been playing rhino ever since it came out, and 31 rhino is one of first levels I played with. Can kill, can be defeated, bears like BurningDexs build with cripple can destroy em, mages can too.
Wait u dun wanna derail your thread burn D:

All for one, and one for all.

12-27-2013, 11:15 PM
Huh? No. True, they're underpowered, but it takes skill to use one properly. I have been playing rhino ever since it came out, and 31 rhino is one of first levels I played with. Can kill, can be defeated, bears like BurningDexs build with cripple can destroy em, mages can too.
Wait u dun wanna derail your thread burn D:

All for one, and one for all.

Cmon u kno u wanna derail ;)

12-28-2013, 12:02 PM
Like others said, you definitely need crip. Taunt is a complete waste of skill points for your gear setup and level. Mages can kite you easily and your goal is to pin them in place.
Try this maybe:
6 rage 6 hs 6 cb 5 beckon 1 stomp 1 sms 1 crip 3 ib. Or do 1 ib 3 stomp.
The first move you do when you get in 3m is crip, before you cb and combo them. Then it will be easy as you can continue to debuff them.
A dex bear this level will always have an advantage over you as a str bear due to your low hit. I myself am using a str dex hybrid with halloween and str swamp items. With this I have enough dex to use shivering talon as well.

12-28-2013, 03:04 PM
Before anyone else says anything i now use same build but 5 taunt 1crip

01-02-2014, 04:16 PM
i use longsword as well when i can be bothered ill post that bit


11-29-2014, 12:57 AM
What ring do you use?

11-29-2014, 02:43 PM
Nice guide, I find that 4-5 beckon is good vs a kiting mage though.

11-29-2014, 03:50 PM

11-29-2014, 04:41 PM
What ring and shield you use?

11-29-2014, 07:53 PM

If this is the most recent guide for a 30 debuff bear, I don't it counts as a necro. Also, burning gets on forums still so he can answer sythe's question

11-29-2014, 09:04 PM
If this is the most recent guide for a 30 debuff bear, I don't it counts as a necro. Also, burning gets on forums still so he can answer sythe's question

sent in a pm :)

11-29-2014, 10:35 PM
sent in a pm :)
What ring do you use on L30 debuff bear? Its me scything your friend!