View Full Version : The Whole Damage/HP/Crit restructure

11-20-2010, 01:04 PM
Alright so I got this game and kept it mainly for how much fun the PvP was. I've spent money on this game for the PvP and the quick-paced live or die fighting was what made this game so appealing and got the adrenaline going. Additionally, the ability to do quick 50% chance crit damage was AWESOME and fun.

I have no idea how or why everything was restructured but it really has completely ruined the game for me. A lvl 10 enchantress solo taking down any level 15 Ursan is a bit ridiculous. Additionally any two enchantresses are virtually unbeatable and it has completely destabilized the PvP. Not because of the "unfairness" or anything but because it has taken all fun out of the quick-paced PvP action. Fights now are absolutely ridiculous and you run around just waiting for the person to FINALLY run out of HP or to run out of mana so they can't heal anymore.

Please address this.

I joined this forum because I was getting a lot of frustration from in-game players but wasn't seeing much reaction. As I said, it was the PvP that made me spend money on this game and it was the PvP that made it so fun for me.