View Full Version : any tips?

12-25-2013, 02:54 PM
do u have any tips for a 71 pure phantom bird ? (serious pls)

IGN Storm
12-25-2013, 08:03 PM
VS flying birds, Repulse Blind Blast

12-25-2013, 08:45 PM

12-25-2013, 08:54 PM
Hm tips..
I think I remember some when I was 71/72
Vs bears..probably most common you'll ever see: Blind repulse (avian repulse if they got you beckoned/hell screamed) thorn wall, wait for bear to use stomp to get out of it, then thorn root (becomes sitting duck) and shatter blast/break blast.
Vs mages: (not too experienced against mages)
Early ms: blind, blast, root repulse, repeat
Late ms: Blind root repulse, when ms, use blast root blind repulse.

Vs other birds: Blast, root, blind repulse.

Vs pallies: (try to stay at 13m and make em lose frost) blind both roots, shatter blast repulse.

Vs warbirds: Blind repulse, both roots, and break blast (shatter blast strictly when you know he can't get to you)

Dex bow bears: Blast root repulse, follow up with blast blind repulse. They can kill you in a beckon stomp

Remember to always stay at 13/12m, your xbow helps for kiting. Only come in to 10m for roots, and strictly only 8m for shatter against bears when you ensure they can't get you/they beckoned you and you're close to them.

Some of it may be wrong since it was a long time ago when I was 72/71

All for one, and one for all.

12-25-2013, 11:03 PM
kite repulse kite repulse go in for the combo :)

12-26-2013, 12:15 AM
Doesnt phantom have a stun proc? ._.

12-26-2013, 01:36 PM
Doesnt phantom have a stun proc? ._.
I'm pretty sure, the uncrafted version does

IGN Storm
12-26-2013, 01:50 PM
Doesnt phantom have a stun proc? ._.

Yep. ESB has that bomb thingy

12-26-2013, 02:34 PM
ty guys i ll try those the last thing is that is there a basic skill build

12-26-2013, 02:49 PM
9 evasion 9 focus 9 blast 8 blind 9 root 5 avian scream 1 shatter scream 9 break armour 1 repulse, u can now either get 9 thorn wall and 1 heal, or 6 thorn 4 heal, idk i'm using 1 heal but i'm not sure if it matters a lot in 71.

against birds: blind,root,shatter,blast,break,etc or u can use blast,break,blind if theyr not death after this use roots etc.
against bears: Always blind first, root, break, shatter blast, if they dodged or if they broke ur roots, use thorn wall and if needed repulse.
against mage ( early ms ): blast,blind,root,break,etc.
against mage ( late ms ): blind, root, blast, if this doesn't kill use break,thorn,shatter, repulse.
against mage ( pally) make sure blind hits, root, shatter blast, and hope it doesn't dodge all skills.
against mage ( late ms ) blind,root,blast,