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View Full Version : Does gameplay pick up at maximum level?

11-20-2010, 02:16 PM
So I've been playing (currently level 21 dexBird) and I've noticed that the gameplay is rather similar ALL the time. I go on, get a quest, and run through an easy dungeon with some other players. Occasionally, I'll get bored and go get destroyed in PvP (generally no more than 5 players are in the PvP games).

Anyways, I was wondering if the gameplay got more in depth and fun at level 50. A.e. Harder dungeons with complicated strategy / larger PvP pools with closer matches / among any other things I'm not familiar with.

So I'd to here your insights on this and if there are any level 50 activities in particular that you enjoy please post them here. Thanks!

EDIT: Would buying the 5v5 and Capture the Flag arenas help at all at my level?

11-20-2010, 02:22 PM
until lost expedition it is all castles and forests and skeletons etc... it starts to change it up a bit afterwards, but same general gameplay.

-starting in lost (lv25-30) some enemies will start having lots more armor in general. good idea is to target these enemies with armor destroying skills and pound them away.
-starting with swamps/skeller (lv30-35) you start getting pretty good gear to go and murder with. lost too, but not so much. (notice drop rates in swamps and AO1 are agonizingly bad. skeller has your lv35 needs, so stack up there before doing AO1 if you wish)
-Unfortunately until AO3 (lv45-50) there is no real tactics maps. here gameplay enters hard mode for the unprepared, and some bosses require techniques to beat.

11-20-2010, 02:26 PM
Well, ao3 required strategy until a few days ago. Now they neutered the bosses, so they're pretty much like any other bosses. No real strategy needed anymore :(

11-20-2010, 02:34 PM
Alright thanks! But what about level 50 PvP and PvE?

11-20-2010, 02:38 PM
Ao3 is the lvl 50 pve. That's the latest map released. I can't personally vouch for Pvp, tho, bc I haven't really tried it yet.

11-20-2010, 02:49 PM
i JUST got into l50 pvp. looks ok.

maybe the only bosses needing technique still are gurgox (no way to avoid that killing-blast without being careful for mages), Overlord (MUCH less than before).

11-20-2010, 04:42 PM
It picks up in the sense that at higher levels it takes more teamwork and skill to play effectively. The other nice thing about being 50 is you start to recognize people day after day and you can actually build friendships.

11-21-2010, 06:02 AM
The new rebalance nerfed many of the areas I think. Hopefully, they'll check this out, because watching a group of 30s run through swamps, including the Boss Brawl is a bit depressing. Well, it was fun for the group but I got really bored. So much for sticking together, work as a group etc. Same with Ao1. You used to have to be careful. No more. People just run around and kill. Almost like that in Ao3 also. Not quite for bosses, but in the hallways, we're back to mages running ahead of everyone and NOT dying.

It's fun and not fun at the same time. I must be schizophrenic :)

11-21-2010, 08:42 AM
The new rebalance nerfed many of the areas I think. Hopefully, they'll check this out, because watching a group of 30s run through swamps, including the Boss Brawl is a bit depressing. Well, it was fun for the group but I got really bored. So much for sticking together, work as a group etc. Same with Ao1. You used to have to be careful. No more. People just run around and kill. Almost like that in Ao3 also. Not quite for bosses, but in the hallways, we're back to mages running ahead of everyone and NOT dying.

It's fun and not fun at the same time. I must be schizophrenic :)

Lol yea. im even luring out yellows away from bosses on my own Heheh