View Full Version : How to upgrade mythic armor???

12-26-2013, 12:25 PM
First off... yes I've searched the forum and I can't find answers anywhere,just lots of people buying,selling,trading,and whining. Now I'd like to know how to upgrade my recently acquired vili Mage armor and where I can find the quest please. I've asked dozens of mythic players....all snubbed me...called me noob...or cussed me in very creative fashions. I understand that y'all "mythic players" don't like new comers. Personally idc. I would like to advance my toon so any and all help would be appreciated. Thank you... :)

12-26-2013, 12:36 PM
There is guide about this in guide section.

12-26-2013, 05:10 PM
The quest is started in shuyal by talking to the hermit in the cave i believe. (map with ferrix)
Welcome to "the club"

12-26-2013, 05:17 PM
First of all.

You only mentioned your armor. You need the helm as well. Both pieces are required to start your upgrading journey.

The quests will begin in the Cavern where the Hermit and the bat lives. In the 2nd map of Shuyal, right by the boss Ferrix.

You'll go through self explanatory quests, I.e. Killing inash, etc.

You should also make sure you have exactly 100k to buy a special essence to upgrade during the quests.

Then have fun looking for the Hemmingleva/Vili/Uller helm shard hunting lol some may go through it within hours, and some, like me, had to hunt for a day or two.

PM me if you need further answers to your questions.

12-26-2013, 05:28 PM
Please refer to: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?114630-Guide-How-to-Upgrade-Your-Mythic-Helm-and-Armor-and-become-%93The-Hero-of-Legend%94

This is a full in-depth guide on how to become "The Hero of Legend" meaning upgrading both your Mythic Armor and Helm.