View Full Version : Devastator (scorn crusade) needs to be nerfed?

Solid Scorpion
12-28-2013, 07:42 AM
I'm not as frustrated with Bio mech, since there are no healers healing and trees on STS give us some leverage, but perhaps they need a little check up/nerf too.

Well, devastator recently has been a pain in the arse (perhaps worse than miner mcguirk), couldn't complete the quest, and the closest time I got to completing it (2 lvl 51 guys using 4x combo enhancer), got him down to half health, healer healed him to full health and he somehow charged into us THROUGH THE WALL and mowed us down with the laser.

Here's some suggestions that could make devastator kill-able for a group of scorn crusade lvl equivalent team.

-laser, mowing everyone down every 3 seconds, that's insane. I know you can hide behind walls, but that will:
1. take virtually forever even with dmg enhancer, and healers *facepalm*
2. one person screws up everyone dies.
3. He sometimes shoot through walls, and charge THROUGH THE WALL and...game over.

suggestion: Make laser like a long cool down skill, something that shouldn't be spammed every 3 seconds, should be used when health reach certain point, or every 10-15 seconds at least? And when the laser is used, it should have a charging time (2-3 seconds?) and give some sort of early warning (like laser tail brightening while charging, makes laser humming noise). Considering the devastating dmg (one swing, kills a lvl 44 commando with 1.2k armor and 650+ health), and the long sweeping range...

-health, it's seriously a bit too much, even for enhancer buffed fellows, and with the healers...

suggestion: nerf healers (1k heal every 3 seconds SERIOUSLY?!), or cut down the hp, and when healers kick in devastator could maybe stop attacking (while being immune to incoming atks?)

So in the end Devastator should be something like a beefed up vular tank with lasers, he will still be very "devastating" but he should be kill-able.

12-28-2013, 10:04 PM
Sure, he's hard, but easily beatable. Quite frankly, I sometimes solo him with a commando.

You need to set him on the opposite side of the tree, so your back is toward the healers. This takes skill, but it is easily done with enough stims. After this, use a napalm and back up enough so the auto shoots sideways around the tree, but the napalm still damages him. Once the first healer comes, don't shoot it. It will be behind you, and won't be able to heal through the tree. Sure the healer damages you, but with a Warfather implant (5 hp regen in total), you can sit there. Also, the healer's hit % must be quite low, because he frequently misses. When I'm soloing it, I often minimize the window, and work on something else for half an hour, come back, and Durrex is dead.

Sure this takes a long time, but unlike AL where the bosses health changes based on people and level, Durrex's health is constant. So if it takes 30 min solo, you can do the math for 2,3,4, and 5 people and figure out it doesn't take that long. Sure, longer than other bosses, but it's not that bad.

Your other points:
1. With five people who know what they're doing, it's not that slow. Sure, it's still the slowest boss, but it's manageable. Patience is a virtue.
2. One person screws up, everyone dies. That's true. Just say at the beginning, "Nobody use skills. Only use buffs." If nobody taunt's, the target won't change and that's not a problem.
3. I have done my fair share of Durrex's, but I have never seen him go through the wall. If he goes around it, that is because its target switched, and it walked a bit out from behind the tree, and therefore had a path to you. Don't let it switch targets, and it won't do that. Same goes for the laser.

Yeah, it's health is high, but that makes it a hard boss, which is why some of the TAC weapons it drops go for 500k+ in auction. In a game, you need bosses that are extremely hard, to keep certain items expensive.

Bottom line is: you NEED someone with a napalm to beat him. Hands down. But, there are easy ways to beat him once you have one. If you need any other tips or help in-game, hit me up @ Taxation.

12-29-2013, 07:14 AM
Siz saved me the typing but I still have a few things to add.

-First, you need to get killed a lot before beating him without a scratch.
-Secondly, you'll need some *experienced* player to show you how it's done.
-Thirdly, HP measurement has shown he has around 44K HP. Easiest way is with napalm but we bested him before them anyway.
-Lastly, they're called priests not healers :D. And they can be blocked with right positioning. Also, he can't rush through walls unless someone moves out of cover for longer than 1.5 secs after 50% where he goes into rage mode.