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for the lulz
12-28-2013, 02:50 PM
lets take a moment to recognise the fact that the devs of pl are computer geniuses who made this game so awesome for us .

i remember the first time i started to play . i was at my friends house for a sleepover , it was a couple of years ago , we were playing beyblade and i was totally pwning everyone with my storm aquario ..but thats not the point . so my friend was on his ipad like ALL the time . i looked over at his game . i had no clue what an mmo was but he forced me to join cus back then u cud get 5 plat for inviting someone to the game if they joined. So he invited my email and made me join FORCEFULLY ! so i joined , he made a lame bear for me , he said it was a "boys" character , too bad he chose the ladybear face -.- . so then i started playing on the weekends and stuff . STRICTLY speaking i never played , i just got on the game and started chatting with random . i remember it like it was just 2 years ago , i was in forest haven AND obviously there were hands for help recruiters recruiting everyone . so i joined them , who knew the master wud become my closest friend in the game . well nvm that , i usually came online to troll ppl and basically spam and do fun things like that . i used to rage sometimes , got muted many times . then i met this GIRL ( who turned out to be a boy who was trying to scam me ) . but she was really nice and stuff and we became friends and i know her..him , till today . that made me wanna level up to their level and soon i did! i was like a freaking PRO . i felt like a king with my l52 account and my nooby ao gear that i thought was uber cool . (especially the alien staff of fate ) today im here... and idk how to thank sts for giving me an amazing online childhood except for buying their plat that my parents wont let me buy :D ( yes online childhood , i was sick alot so i didnt go out ) .

So how did you join pl , and what motivated you to become what u are :)

12-28-2013, 02:59 PM
lets take a moment to recognise the fact that the devs of pl are computer geniuses who made this game so awesome for us .

I'd rather take a moment to realize the game it used to be back in the days. That was fun :)

for the lulz
12-28-2013, 03:02 PM
yea....it was such fun being a noob back in those days ..no worries about ur stuff falling or rising in price ...just playing a game after coming home from the pool on a summer evening when ur mom is yelling for u to put down ur ipad and take a shower

12-28-2013, 03:03 PM
back then u cud get 5 plat for inviting someone to the game if they joined.

Pretty sure that such a system never existed...

for the lulz
12-28-2013, 03:07 PM
it totally did , i remember doing that for plat for all my plat store chiroptera stuff ...i thought it was cool cus it glowed green...

12-28-2013, 03:13 PM
I joined pl about 1 and 5 months ago I was bored and looking at the app store searching multiplayer (I enjoy online games :D) so I scrolled through the games to see a game called pocket legends.
I told my self hmm.. should I get this looks silly
I got it anyways and
My first account was "masterisbeast" (lmao...) so I was just auoting mobs in road to forest heaven then I went to tonwe where I jeet this girl she was very nice at first I didn't knew she was a girl so I was like ohh another guy!:) she was the very close friend I had on PL.
So she leveld me a while till like 45 and I went to 47 I was in a gulid and very rich (for a noob) had 200k and an fb I tried pvp got owned a lot so I quit that char regerting ever making it so I told my friend hey am ganna delete this char what should be my new char name she said
"Synfulmagik" I really enjoyed that name and this time I choose mage instead of bird because she inspired me seeing her own the mobs
So she began leveling me again I went up to 51 before she lacked in playing pl it was my first time alone then I met this new guy hes was very very nice..very thankfull of him he gave me cool looking gear (like void gear) so then I continued leveling and at 71 she came back I was excited showing her all my progress (this was later on when I understood the game a lot IMO) I showed her all my toons she was proud of me I soon found out she was a founder and I was wah..right now were trying to cap cause she hasn't capped once!
Ty to all mah pvp friends and L51 56 and some 61's :D

12-28-2013, 05:13 PM
Pretty sure that such a system never existed...

Yeah it did, but it was also when the game was extremely new and everything in the plat store went from 5-10 plat (which included purchasing the dungeons) - so getting that 5 plat back then was a big deal. A cool way of marketing for when STS started out with 5 team members (I think).

12-28-2013, 06:04 PM
I joined PL about 2 years ago when I was bored out of my mind and was scrolling through the App Store for what seemed like forever trying to find decent looking apps that had at least a 4 star rating. I had saw PL about a year before then also but it seemed lame and moved on. But when I saw it again I thought "what the heck why not check it out". I downloaded it and then it had to do the update thing when I opened the app which took what seemed like forever and made me regret trying to check it out but I continued with the update anyways because I was bored and my parents took me out of public school to make me homeschool that year so I had no more friends to hang out with to cure my boredom. I made a character and did the tutorial having no idea what I was doing then I went to forest havens dungeon. I had already met some new people one of which went by the in game name of Reabeze. I went from dungeon to dungeon leveling up and when I finally got to the dungeon of lost expedition I noticed Reabeze had been in every level of every dungeon with me so I finally added them. We continued leveling together and talked a lot, becoming great friends. Then there came a time when I started looking forward to seeing Reabeze online. We talked and went all over together every day. Then a few months later Reabeze told me they were quitting the game and it saddened me that they were leaving but they were also saddened to not see me again so we exchanged emails (yes I broke ToS and didn't know that it was against anything 2 years ago) and we eventually became best friends in real life, emailing each other and using Skype every day. We're still best friends to this day and meeting her made me see the world isn't always full of bad people. I found that I can trust her and she can trust me with things and someday I plan to visit her in Sweden and she plans to visit me in America. Anyways, moving on. I logged on one day only to find my characters were all gone. I made new ones, angered that all that hard work was gone just like that. And it happened again. Then I find some guy in game who says they had fun with my account and later on finding it was my own brother who lives for nothing but to ruin my life every day. I made a completely new account and a new character called TheScaryBeary. And later on creating a forum account after discovering the forums. I got close to capping at 66 and again in the 71 cap on my new account but realizing leveling only bored me I planned to get better in Pvp. I achieved that goal of becoming good in Pvp at any level I did, met some awesome new people, and got to where I am today. I started using the forums more and went from having less than 30 posts to over 1k posts in half a year and also meeting a ton of new friends through the forum. I am now glad I found PL and as much as STS now ignores it I am glad they exist to keep it running. I am glad you made this thread. Some people were losing faith in STS of ever bringing PL back to what it was but this may make them realize without STS they wouldn't have had all the great friends and fun times that they did. :)

12-28-2013, 06:40 PM
Started playing 3 years 5 months ago and still going...that's how good PL is ;)

12-28-2013, 08:06 PM
June 4th 2010 I got my Ipad 2 (Yes my birthday). That day I didn't really look through the apps and stuffs, but I think 1 month after I got my Ipad, a friend of mine Told me that PL is a really fun game, so I went home and downloaded it. After I downloaded theres this patch not that long tho (I'm impatient >.>). Aight so I started as a Really noob bird named by the random generator which I can't even remember, I was like "Mike wtf is this" in the first few months (yes Mike was his name). After a few months Mike left our school I was very lonely, so I thought I would tell my other friends to play aswell, but none of them wanted to play so I quitted for about 1.5 years and came back at fang cap. I played together with 2 of my RL friends I was a bear "Itsmezeus" I capped to L66 together with 2 of my friends. When it was 2 days before humania I was banned, permanently banned. I started again as a Bird known as "Sixdown" luckily this acc had spent $50 so I got the Angel set, It took me 1 month during my holidays to come up to L70 and capped with Plat to L71 and changed my name to "judgementals". 1 of my friend didn't get banned at All and one had same luck as me, he didn't wanted to start over and he was really really mad, while my other friend lvled to L68 (He was a Mage" then he had to go to China for a study tour after a few days he came back and found out his acc was hacked. Until now I still play PL w/o my friends, it was so fun back then during fang we were always going to each others house to play, So yeah thats my story.. Long read I know, just thought I should share mine.

12-28-2013, 08:09 PM
pretty fun and addicting game.... but the lack of attention and new content.. sigh the downfall has begun

12-28-2013, 09:00 PM
Started playing PL in Jan 2011. It was awesome. Later got discouraged by increased greediness then took a LOT of breaks in between. Now I'm back. Dang it's so hard to put this game down .

I actually thought you would say : let's take a moment and think about... Dudetus

Dudetus is me superhero
12-28-2013, 09:14 PM
Started playing PL in Jan 2011. It was awesome. Later got discouraged by increased greediness then took a LOT of breaks in between. Now I'm back. Dang it's so hard to put this game down .

I actually thought you would say : let's take a moment and think about... Dudetus

Dudetus Fo' lyfe!

Michael Liu
12-28-2013, 09:26 PM
I was bored and searched mmo game. Found this, made a bird called Fitzwifi. (Too noob, random name. Lmao) Then after it sucked, made a bear called Fitzwifibear. It sucked in pvp too; Some of you may remmeber farming it... I was a rusher noob but I always fail rushed. Lmao. Then I quit and made another bear called Welovejesus, which I then capped. Hehe.

12-28-2013, 09:39 PM
i dont even know how i started playing this game, im just so glad that i didnt accidentally liquidate my grat shield xd

for the lulz
12-29-2013, 06:25 AM
im sorry you got banned , iv been playing for 2 years and i havent capped once , idk how it feels to have all that effort go down the drain

12-29-2013, 06:50 AM
im sorry you got banned , iv been playing for 2 years and i havent capped once , idk how it feels to have all that effort go down the drain

Played for 3.5 years, was never even close the cap. Beat that.

Yeah it did, but it was also when the game was extremely new and everything in the plat store went from 5-10 plat (which included purchasing the dungeons) - so getting that 5 plat back then was a big deal. A cool way of marketing for when STS started out with 5 team members (I think).

That doesnt go together then... does it?

i had no clue what an mmo was but he forced me to join cus back then u cud get 5 plat for inviting someone to the game if they joined. So he invited my email and made me join FORCEFULLY ! so i joined , he made a lame bear for me , he said it was a "boys" character , too bad he chose the ladybear face -.- .

for the lulz
12-29-2013, 08:22 AM
Played for 3.5 years, was never even close the cap. Beat that.

That doesnt go together then... does it?
started playing in march 2011 , and im absolutely sure there was the 5 plat to invite thing cus i made fake accounts and invited myself on other devices lulz

for the lulz
12-29-2013, 08:23 AM
oh wait
i guess that means iv been playing for 3 years , time flies

12-29-2013, 08:28 AM
oh wait
i guess that means iv been playing for 3 years , time flies

Not quite 3 yet :p march 2014 it would be 3 years.

for the lulz
12-29-2013, 08:43 AM
Not quite 3 yet :p march 2014 it would be 3 years.

and i used to think i was good at math... this is embarrassing

12-29-2013, 02:40 PM
Played for 3.5 years, was never even close the cap. Beat that.

That doesnt go together then... does it?

How does it not go together?

12-29-2013, 02:51 PM
How does it not go together?

Well, you sad when the game was new. And those faces came after 5 months into the game...

12-29-2013, 08:03 PM
Well, you sad when the game was new. And those faces came after 5 months into the game...
I remember the dungeons cost platinum after I started playing, which was Nov. 21, 2010. I believe it was at least January when the dungeons became free. Those faces were there around the same time the dungeons became free, or when the 5 platinum thing became removed. They became removed after the faces came I think.

12-30-2013, 04:39 AM
lets take a moment to recognise the fact that the devs of pl are computer geniuses who made this game so awesome for us .

i remember the first time i started to play . i was at my friends house for a sleepover , it was a couple of years ago , we were playing beyblade and i was totally pwning everyone with my storm aquario ..but thats not the point . so my friend was on his ipad like ALL the time . i looked over at his game . i had no clue what an mmo was but he forced me to join cus back then u cud get 5 plat for inviting someone to the game if they joined. So he invited my email and made me join FORCEFULLY ! so i joined , he made a lame bear for me , he said it was a "boys" character , too bad he chose the ladybear face -.- . so then i started playing on the weekends and stuff . STRICTLY speaking i never played , i just got on the game and started chatting with random . i remember it like it was just 2 years ago , i was in forest haven AND obviously there were hands for help recruiters recruiting everyone . so i joined them , who knew the master wud become my closest friend in the game . well nvm that , i usually came online to troll ppl and basically spam and do fun things like that . i used to rage sometimes , got muted many times . then i met this GIRL ( who turned out to be a boy who was trying to scam me ) . but she was really nice and stuff and we became friends and i know her..him , till today . that made me wanna level up to their level and soon i did! i was like a freaking PRO . i felt like a king with my l52 account and my nooby ao gear that i thought was uber cool . (especially the alien staff of fate ) today im here... and idk how to thank sts for giving me an amazing online childhood except for buying their plat that my parents wont let me buy :D ( yes online childhood , i was sick alot so i didnt go out ) .

So how did you join pl , and what motivated you to become what u are :)
I pwn everybody with my clay aries ;D anyway i just got bored n randomly look for a cool game.

12-30-2013, 04:43 AM
I joined PL about 2 years ago when I was bored out of my mind and was scrolling through the App Store for what seemed like forever trying to find decent looking apps that had at least a 4 star rating. I had saw PL about a year before then also but it seemed lame and moved on. But when I saw it again I thought "what the heck why not check it out". I downloaded it and then it had to do the update thing when I opened the app which took what seemed like forever and made me regret trying to check it out but I continued with the update anyways because I was bored and my parents took me out of public school to make me homeschool that year so I had no more friends to hang out with to cure my boredom. I made a character and did the tutorial having no idea what I was doing then I went to forest havens dungeon. I had already met some new people one of which went by the in game name of Reabeze. I went from dungeon to dungeon leveling up and when I finally got to the dungeon of lost expedition I noticed Reabeze had been in every level of every dungeon with me so I finally added them. We continued leveling together and talked a lot, becoming great friends. Then there came a time when I started looking forward to seeing Reabeze online. We talked and went all over together every day. Then a few months later Reabeze told me they were quitting the game and it saddened me that they were leaving but they were also saddened to not see me again so we exchanged emails (yes I broke ToS and didn't know that it was against anything 2 years ago) and we eventually became best friends in real life, emailing each other and using Skype every day. We're still best friends to this day and meeting her made me see the world isn't always full of bad people. I found that I can trust her and she can trust me with things and someday I plan to visit her in Sweden and she plans to visit me in America. Anyways, moving on. I logged on one day only to find my characters were all gone. I made new ones, angered that all that hard work was gone just like that. And it happened again. Then I find some guy in game who says they had fun with my account and later on finding it was my own brother who lives for nothing but to ruin my life every day. I made a completely new account and a new character called TheScaryBeary. And later on creating a forum account after discovering the forums. I got close to capping at 66 and again in the 71 cap on my new account but realizing leveling only bored me I planned to get better in Pvp. I achieved that goal of becoming good in Pvp at any level I did, met some awesome new people, and got to where I am today. I started using the forums more and went from having less than 30 posts to over 1k posts in half a year and also meeting a ton of new friends through the forum. I am now glad I found PL and as much as STS now ignores it I am glad they exist to keep it running. I am glad you made this thread. Some people were losing faith in STS of ever bringing PL back to what it was but this may make them realize without STS they wouldn't have had all the great friends and fun times that they did. :)


12-30-2013, 09:48 AM
Thank you for this thread. It really makes you reflect.

I started playing PL for many reasons. The greatest things PL has done for me is help me cope and given me a social outlet.

I had seen PL in the iTunes Store so many times. Eventually, I downloaded it. Then I let it sit there. One day I tried it again. I had to create a name and all the names I usually used were taken so I put it down again.

At the end of Feb 2011 my mom gotten very sick and was taken to the ER. The doctors said she needed to be put on life support or would pass away that night. My family was completely aware of my mothers DNR and her refusal of being put on machines. Our toughest and most emotional decisions came that day. We refused to abide by my mother's wishes and put her on the life support. I traveled home to be with her and sat at her bed side in ICU every moment I was awake. Disregarding all the hospital rules for a week. Her diagnoses would bounce up and down depending on who we talked to and so many decision we had make along the way. Finally, she was well enough to leave ICU but she needed to be transferred to a physical rehab facility to learn how to breath again properly. Since she was gonna be there for a about a month. I felt it was ok to go home and return to work. However, the guilt of not being there started to eat at me and that is when this lovely game helped for the first time.

On March 2nd 2011 I created my account. (I looked all this up in purchases) I remember seeing you can buy plat with real money and I swore I never would!! That was crazy! Well according to my purchases, that lasted for 10 days lol (it felt like forever) I bought the additional campaigns and trudged along on my merry way. I remember I was so scared to talk to ppl. I thought it was weird. I wouldn't say hi back and sometimes I would just plain run away. I started coming out of shell in AO. I think I had about 10 close friends.

I own my own company and work from home so me and some of my friends would turn the game on and just chat in AO while we worked. Then leveled after work together.

Then in May my amazing grandmother started declining in health and I refused to believe it. I talked to her everyday. She was my closest family member and friend. Eventually it got to the point where I couldn't deny it anymore and I knew she was slipping away from me. The PL friends that I made were there for me and comforted me as I cried and drove to say good bye to her. This is something I will never forget and the biggest gift PL gave me. I was struggling to cope with everything, I started to focus and distract myself with the game and we lost her the week before Memorial day. I had already had a trip planned for the holiday weekend so my family was adamant about postponing the funeral and making me take my trip. Unfortunately, my trip wasn't something I could really enjoy so I committed to capping my main at 56 that weekend in the hotel. My Mage capped on May 30th.

From then on I poured myself into PL. When I'm stressed, I cap or lvl. I love grinding for the calm it bring to me. It puts my mind at ease. It stops me from thinking.

I have had a few other emotional points that PL has helped me through. (The sickness and passing of my grandfather another huge one)

I am so grateful this game exists and for the ppl I have met along the way!! I hope PL stays around with its wonderful community so it's there when others really need it.

Sorry for all the errors I'm sure I have included but I can't really proof read it right now.

for the lulz
12-30-2013, 10:01 AM
Thank you for this thread. It really makes you reflect.

I started playing PL for many reasons. The greatest things PL has done for me is help me cope and given me a social outlet.

I had seen PL in the iTunes Store so many times. Eventually, I downloaded it. Then I let it sit there. One day I tried it again. I had to create a name and all the names I usually used were taken so I put it down again.

At the end of Feb 2011 my mom gotten very sick and was taken to the ER. The doctors said she needed to be put on life support or would pass away that night. My family was completely aware of my mothers DNR and her refusal of being put on machines. Our toughest and most emotional decisions came that day. We refused to abide by my mother's wishes and put her on the life support. I traveled home to be with her and sat at her bed side in ICU every moment I was awake. Disregarding all the hospital rules for a week. Her diagnoses would bounce up and down depending on who we talked to and so many decision we had make along the way. Finally, she was well enough to leave ICU but she needed to be transferred to a physical rehab facility to learn how to breath again properly. Since she was gonna be there for a about a month. I felt it was ok to go home and return to work. However, the guilt of not being there started to eat at me and that is when this lovely game helped for the first time.

On March 2nd 2011 I created my account. (I looked all this up in purchases) I remember seeing you can buy plat with real money and I swore I never would!! That was crazy! Well according to my purchases, that lasted for 10 days lol (it felt like forever) I bought the additional campaigns and trudged along on my merry way. I remember I was so scared to talk to ppl. I thought it was weird. I wouldn't say hi back and sometimes I would just plain run away. I started coming out of shell in AO. I think I had about 10 close friends.

I own my own company and work from home so me and some of my friends would turn the game on and just chat in AO while we worked. Then leveled after work together.

Then in May my amazing grandmother started declining in health and I refused to believe it. I talked to her everyday. She was my closest family member and friend. Eventually it got to the point where I couldn't deny it anymore and I knew she was slipping away from me. The PL friends that I made were there for me and comforted me as I cried and drove to say good bye to her. This is something I will never forget and the biggest gift PL gave me. I was struggling to cope with everything, I started to focus and distract myself with the game and we lost her the week before Memorial day. I had already had a trip planned for the holiday weekend so my family was adamant about postponing the funeral and making me take my trip. Unfortunately, my trip wasn't something I could really enjoy so I committed to capping my main at 56 that weekend in the hotel. My Mage capped on May 30th.

From then on I poured myself into PL. When I'm stressed, I cap or lvl. I love grinding for the calm it bring to me. It puts my mind at ease. It stops me from thinking.

I have had a few other emotional points that PL has helped me through. (The sickness and passing of my grandfather another huge one)

I am so grateful this game exists and for the ppl I have met along the way!! I hope PL stays around with its wonderful community so it's there when others really need it.

Sorry for all the errors I'm sure I have included but I can't really proof read it right now.

tears shall be shed . im sorry , i cant imagine what it would be like to go through something like that .we are always there for u

12-31-2013, 02:14 PM
Pretty sure that such a system never existed...

Yea it did, I referred a group of friends from school and got about 50 platinum! I thought that was a lot back then :p

None of them play anymore because the game was "confusing" for them -.- Anyway, yea... It did exist.

12-31-2013, 02:19 PM
From when to when did this "invite & get plat" system exist?

12-31-2013, 02:33 PM
Not quite 3 yet :p march 2014 it would be 3 years.

The game launched, officially, on April 3rd 2010. Making April 3rd 2014, 4 years since the game was released.

12-31-2013, 02:34 PM
From when to when did this "invite & get plat" system exist?

Hm... It was a few years ago. I think 2010-11 it ended I believe by the end of 2011. I may be wrong on the dates! Don't hate me :p


Brave Sir Robin
12-31-2013, 04:50 PM
I started playing PL when I bought my first Android phone. I hesitated to try it at first as, even though I liked RPGs I had never played a MMO before.

When guilds were introduced, I was about level 50 and happy in my mystery armor of the ancients. I joined a guild where the entry requirement was 50+ but all members were 55+; so I tried to level up faster to make myself useful :dread: In the process I discovered things like xp runs, elixirs, game forums and that all I was doing with my bear was scattering :confusion:

I met some interesting people; we had fun; when they quit I was sad but then I met other interesting people :)
I remember playing from impossible places like a mall in Barcelona, Anchorage airport... always in search of a power socket!

There were fun times, silly times, awesome times and, of course, sad times. Which made the game more interesting. Anyway, since we are nearing the end of the year, I would like to send my very best wishes to everyone involved in the game, devs, mods, gamers and forumers.

P.S. Regarding plat for referrals, I am not sure about the exact dates but I found the following entries in my plat history. If others could post screenshots with earlier/later dates we could approximate the time interval that the award was given.


01-01-2014, 07:00 AM
^ 2011/2012, that's more like it. I knew this didn't exist when the game was new, or when we still had to pay for dungeons.

Yeah it did, but it was also when the game was extremely new and everything in the plat store went from 5-10 plat (which included purchasing the dungeons) - so getting that 5 plat back then was a big deal. A cool way of marketing for when STS started out with 5 team members (I think).

And you sir, are a liar. Or you just have a really bad memory.