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12-29-2013, 12:07 AM

How to Farm (Rogue’s Perspective): Elite Shuyal

Just hit L36 cap and are looking how to earn money? Or someone who is looking for a new way to earn money? Whatever reasons may be, farming elite shuyal is a very efficient way to work towards mythic and arcane items!

I. Gear:
I am not going to elaborate too much on gear as there are many good options out there. I am sure, by now, anyone who is running L36 knows which versions of gear are best suited towards their class.

If not, the basic format is:

• Sorcerer: Int/Str, with the majority of stat points in gear allocated for intelligence.
• Rogue: Dex/Int, with the majority of stat points in gear allocated for dexterity.
• Warrior: Str/Int, with the majority of stat points in gear allocated for strength.

Note: Always, always, always, wear a leprechaun amulet for the boss. If you can refrain from wearing it the entire run, please do so as it really hinders performance! There is NO such thing as "I can afford to lose the stats". I would recommend wearing it while the boss is at 5-10% health to help minimize deaths. If there is a warrior in your party, wait for him to use his Horn of Renew & quickly switch while under the shield protection.

II. Pets*:
• Slag
• Haze
• Malison
• Abaddon
• Talon

III. Skills*:
Well, honestly, there are a variety of builds you could go with, but below is the build that I have found most efficient.

• 5/5 Aimed Shot
• 4/5 Veil (Excluding the Exploding Upgrade)
• 4/5 Traps (No Combustion Upgrade)
• 5/5 Noxious Bolt

IV. Passives:
• 3/5 Int
• 4/5 Str
• 5/5 Dex
• 5/5 Damage

V. Theoretical Party*:
• Party #1: 1 Warrior, 1 Mage, 2 Rogues (Least Deaths)
• Party #2: 2 Mages, 2 Rogues (Quickest)

Now, why damage over crit? Well, trust me, as there are many high level mobs
in Shuyal, you will need all the damage you can get. The way that you will be using this build will not have you rely on critical hits as it is most efficient without it.

VI. What to Lead With:
1. Set up your traps
2. Set up your veil (preferably some distance from the traps)
3. Start applying charged Noxious Bolt to mobs
4. Apply Aimed Shot whenever possible

VII. What to Charge:
• Noxious Bolt
• Veil

VIII. How to Effectively Use:
• Noxious Bolt: See quote below:

The purpose of this one is to inform fellow Nox Bolt users on the proper player positioning to untilize in order to get the maximum effectiveness out of the subject skill's damage capabilities. I like to call it "The Nox Bolt Box". The tipical bow user's basic tac is to first: "Don't get hit, stay on the outside" and second: "Circle the mob to keep the agro rotating". The Pro's tac is first: ......thats another thread. Back on topic, the key to Nox is NOT to circle the mob while releasing the skill, but rather looking at the area around the mob as a "box". Releasing a charged Nox on the four equal sides of the mob insures the DoT stacks on every enemy. If you circle, you run the risk of impacting the same group due to skill cool down time vs average player movement speed. During testing, the only exception to this tech are those very dense mobs from "pro pulls" in areas such as Leet Lost Mage Mine. In those cases you're going to have to get on the inside for one release to keep the whole mob bleeding those red numbers. So, Charge, STOP, release, cycle through other skills on your way to the other side of the box...repeat. This is effective if you have at least one other skill that has a two sec cool down...which we all should have...AS of course. Veil, RS, Traps...etc can be worked in...with practice. Remember, "If it feels uncomfortable, then you're prob on to something" (;• Trap: Set it up where you expect mobs to gather before you start fighting. Make sure to reapply often.
• Veil: Set away from the mobs, as grouped up, these mobs are very dangerous and WILL result in a party wipe if there is no tank.
• Aimed Shot: Use this skill to take out the most dangerous mobs first. The ones that I would classify as most dangerous are wolves and mages.

IX. How to Fight Boss(es):

Ashral Heart:
1. Run away from the green circle
2. Charge noxious bolt on the skeletons that follow you.
3. They will stop attacking when their health reaches half.
4. Once they are all frozen, shield will drop. At that point, do as much damage to the boss as possible.
5. Repeat steps #1-4 until boss is dead.

1. Stay away from purple pools of death.
2. Kill blue mages whenever possible.
3. Kill boss when steps 1 & 2 are completed.

1. Do not stay on red spots, so constantly move.
2. Kill Mages
3. Kill Overgrowth while constantly moving.
CAUTION: If you stand still on the red spots, it will heal the boss in considerable chunks of HP. If you get stunned, SPAM your potions.

1. Clear map of some enemies till Krom spawns.
2. Find Krom! He can spawn anywhere in the map.
3. Lead him to a statue, as that statue will remove his bubble.
4. Kill him while statue removes bubble.
CAUTION: There will be times where the statue degrades over time. If this happens and the statue is destroyed, move Krom to the next closest statue.

1. Stay away from red-zones.
2. Kill before he enrages.
Use stun pet to stun him. This is especially effective if he has stunned you.

X. Tips & Tricks:
• Always, always, always charge noxious bolt if you are farming elite shuyal. Aimed shot is not nearly as reliable as a charged noxious bolt as the armor level of these mobs are very very very high leveled.
• When charging noxious bolt, run in a circle outside of the grouped up mob.
• Using a movement boosting pet will help you build up Noxious Bolt bleed damage.
• Never drop your bombs over where you set your traps. The bombs is for YOU to stand in, so if you place it over where you are grouping mobs, it defeats the purpose. Trust me, these are not mobs that you will want to be fighting up close.
• Remember, you WILL need at least one rogue to properly take out the bosses. Without a rogue, you will be working at chipping away a boss’s health for a long time.

XI. Legend:
• * = See Tips & Tricks section
• Int = Intelligence
• Dex = Dexterity
• Str = Strength

This guide is not for anyone who is already a pro in elite shuyal. The purpose of this guide is for those who are looking to start their small fortune. It is not needed to be said that arcane and mythic gear/pets will outweigh the suggestions I have provided.

Cheers & Happy Farming!



12-29-2013, 12:08 AM
Loot Table

Ashral Heart Elite.

Ashral shards drop here.

Wraith Heart Elite

Architect helms drop here

Forest Breach Elite

Architect pylons drop here.

Forest of Shades Elite

Architect blades drop here.

Undim fields elite

Architect quills drop here.

Ashral Tower Elite

Architect armors drop here.

Archon rings

Archon rings drop from any of the above maps.

Puzzle boxes

Puzzleboxes drop from any of the above maps.

Locked Grand Crate of the Watch

Elite golden puzzlebox

Elite Silver Puzzlebox

Elite Copper Puzzlebox

Special thanks to Jon & Emma for the loot table!

12-29-2013, 12:09 AM
Reserved for additional sections.

12-29-2013, 12:09 AM
Reserved for anything else I may think of.

12-29-2013, 12:10 AM
Suggestions/Feedback are welcome!

12-29-2013, 12:24 AM
Nice guide. This is a quick guide to how to farm elite although there are still some things you should still add like the types of mobs out there and what is the best way to kill them like the dogs, dead sorc etc. Also add where you run like after the first bridge in Ferrix and things like that. You should add that for the lep, if the boss is constantly killing you while you are fighting it with a lep, you should wear your normal amulet when you are killing it and take it out at the last 10-5% to keep yourself from dying too much.

12-29-2013, 12:29 AM
Nice guide. This is a quick guide to how to farm elite although there are still some things you should still add like the types of mobs out there and what is the best way to kill them like the dogs, dead sorc etc. Also add where you run like after the first bridge in Ferrix and things like that.

I find that grouping them all & standing back to apply nox works effectively. This way, you can evenly apply nox bolt while AOE stuns are keeping the mobs grouped together. If you spend too much time focusing on the single targets while you're doing rather large pulls in Shuyal, then you will end up disorganized which can be fatal.

If I misunderstood, please tell me exactly what you mean. I'll be sure to add it in there as a strategy!

Thank you for the suggestions, it's highly appreciated!

12-29-2013, 12:43 AM
Oops might have said that rogues should single out targets, sorry about that. Btw that build up there for rogues, those skills there I agree with for elite farming rogues. During the three pulls(I think that's the biggest amount you can do and spawn the boss after killing all three groups), the veil and trap is really useful and is a good team contributor. Love the trap as it can slow down quite a few of the mobs when you are the lone survivor when the other members in the party have died. Just to let you know, this came from a sorc's perspective. I've done elite a lot with at least one rogue in my party and found the ones with those skills the best. Rogues are pretty good sharpshooters. :)

12-29-2013, 12:50 AM
Oops might have said that rogues should single out targets, sorry about that. Btw that build up there for rogues, those skills there I agree with for elite farming rogues. During the three pulls(I think that's the biggest amount you can do and spawn the boss after killing all three groups), the veil and trap is really useful and is a good team contributor. Love the trap as it can slow down quite a few of the mobs when you are the lone survivor when the other members in the party have died. Just to let you know, this came from a sorc's perspective. I've done elite a lot with at least one rogue in my party and found the ones with those skills the best. Rogues are pretty good sharpshooters. :)

Added in section VIII how to effectively use Aimed Shot. :p

12-29-2013, 12:50 AM

Inan'hesh :p

12-29-2013, 12:52 AM
Inan'hesh :p

Was waiting for someone to correct me on that!

Btw, how long did it take you to delete everything but that in order to form a short quote? :p

12-29-2013, 01:05 AM
4/5 on noxious bolt, you never charge it, don't ever charge aimed also. Anyway good guide.

I don't always farm, but when I do, I use Zeus's guide.

12-29-2013, 01:15 AM
I disagree with charging nox, by charging it enemies in a radius receive poison damage.
This is an AoE and DoT skill, as a rogue you should focus on single targets and let the mages deal the AoE and DoT dmg.
Also, when you charge it takes an extra second- a second off of that aimed shot crit buff the cons of charging nox just simply outweigh the pros of charging it.

12-29-2013, 01:44 AM
4/5 on noxious bolt, you never charge it, don't ever charge aimed also. Anyway good guide.

I don't always farm, but when I do, I use Zeus's guide.

The reason why you charge it:

1. Aimed Shot has a two second cool down.
2. It's hard to direct Aimed Shot where you want it to go and that takes time.
3. Aimed Shot doesn't always hit high.
4. Noxious is consistent damage and the poison doesn't have any cool down, it's like a constant AOE aimed shot to all mobs.
5. It ignores armor.

Trust me, I tested both with charged and your way & in the end, charged nox wins.

I disagree with charging nox, by charging it enemies in a radius receive poison damage.
This is an AoE and DoT skill, as a rogue you should focus on single targets and let the mages deal the AoE and DoT dmg.
Also, when you charge it takes an extra second- a second off of that aimed shot crit buff the cons of charging nox just simply outweigh the pros of charging it.

Did the math, you're not accounting for the cooldown time of Aimed Shot. In that time, the poison damage has already 2x'd the amount of aim shot even if you calculate the bonus damage if you crit.

Of course, for a boss, you do not charge anything, but for mobs, charging nox is more effective. If you have a whim, try it out and see.

12-29-2013, 02:50 AM
Nice guide - thumbs up.
Please dont get offended - It just feedback.

I wish all classes should included in this guide.

To make best guide out of this you need to actually PuG with legendary gear and play with PuG players(to know their skill lvl)

Skill build for every class depends on person/team skill lvl, strategy and class combination

What new player(who never did shuyal) expect in guide then?

Pulling/luring strategy for each pac with screenshot/video.
(I suggest divide guide into two section
Guide for individual map
Guide for spec, gear and pets for individual class.)

General spec PuG spec(which one you included)

Minor details like- new players are really clueless about these stuff.
kill blue mages first asap as rogue - so they dont target smurfs
always clocked lured enemy
as mage stay at max range and dps
If tank it pt use dagger otherwise bow
even as tank try to avoid blue mages/wolf red zone so u dont get stun locked
smurf stop getting one shot by blue mages bcoz u r not avoiding blue mages red aoe
if two mages in pt hammer mobs from both side so most mob get stun locked
tank dont stand in blue area created by blue mage
wait until tank lure and then drop clock
never scatter lured enemy by using wind skill
never heal in elite as mage- by doing it u pull agrro from tank and its annoying for tank.
use support pet like ribbit, ethyl, orion when required
this list is very long - I can goon like this....but u got my point

Why do u really care abt nox box? It has stacking DoT dmg - just spam nox in thick crowd, even if same enemy hit by nox it doesnt matter. As rogue I should focus on deadly mob first so using nox box I cant do that.

I prefer razor over shadow veil. Razor gives me straight aoe dps+ survival.
In pro party veil is very effective - not with new players.
I dont agree with place veil away from mobs. IMO place veil into the lured mobs and everyone stand into it so tank also get benefit, smurfs just stand little bit behind the tank so they wont get melee hits by mobs. For most boss fight veil is kind of useless bcoz of movement.

For new players : When you get little bit familiar with maps no need to afraid from anything- dont be scared to touch those mobs. With good ping my legendary gear rouge can tank ferix in blue puddle when I use dagger+mali+razor+peirce spec. I always encourage people to try harder stuff(do crazy pulls, solo elite etc.) and die so they know their limit and understand better. That also improve skill lvl.

Note: I m legendary gear rogue so all above feedback is according to that. With mythic+arcane playstyle and strategy(it just zerg everything) might change.

12-29-2013, 03:39 AM
Great guide

12-29-2013, 03:47 AM
Zeus is correct here....generally, charged Nox is the way to go. The only consideration on whether to charge or not is based upon how tightly grouped mobs are. If your Nox can affect the maximum number of targets, then charge it, otherwise, uncharged will suffice.

Nox hits for approximately 150-175 DMG per second spread over 6 mobs - that's 900-1050 DMG per second total. Aimed, may hit for 1.5 - 1.8k (perhaps more based upon your DMG) when critting.

So, in the 2 seconds it takes for Aimed to cool off, you can achieve the same or even more overall DMG. Better yet, Nox stacks, so a party of rogues can keep feeding Nox yielding a total of 2700 - 3150 DMG per second (assume at least one tank or Sorc). So, if you charge Nox, use Aimed and either Pierce or Traps, your overall damage output is substantially higher.

Another point of consideration is that Nox is consistent damage, regardless of target armor. Nox, unlike every other skill, also can deal damage to shielded bosses like Bael in Rooks Nest or Overgrowth when he closes up. A combination of George stunning Overgrowth just prior to him closing and subsequently launching Nox means an easy elite boss kill.

Best part of Nox is that you can use it as your killing blow; that way, you aren't wasting time, or mana, killing mobs when they get to 2-3% HP. Instead, you can focus your attention on other mobs that have higher health and not burn mana with an Aimed Shot on a mob that has maybe 300 HP left.

12-29-2013, 04:39 AM
I disagree with charging nox, by charging it enemies in a radius receive poison damage.
This is an AoE and DoT skill, as a rogue you should focus on single targets and let the mages deal the AoE and DoT dmg.
Also, when you charge it takes an extra second- a second off of that aimed shot crit buff the cons of charging nox just simply outweigh the pros of charging it.

Umm why only mages do AoE and DoT dmg? If charging nox increase our dps then why shouldn't we use it.
I got some questions
What is time interval between tap aimed and tap nox? How many normal melee attack we can do it between whole cycle?
What is time interval between tap aimed and charged nox? How many normal melee attack we can do it between whole cycle?
What other skill like trap/veil are u using in elite? It also count in ur roation.
What skill rotation are using for elite mobs?
Is gear lvl really affect to charge nox or not? Rogue with legendary gear and rogue with fully gear capped might have differance in playstyle due to higher crit and higer mythic dagger dmg.

12-29-2013, 04:59 AM
+1 Good Guide.
The build:
You don't need trap the mobs are very big(maybe the biggest) and very many, when u are attacked because of the narrow paths ecc they are close and already gathered.

I think the best build and maximum damage output for Shuyal should have
razor 3/5 no bleed no Movement
instead of trap

The war alway goes first he pulls the aggro the sorc drops the clock you drop a charged shadow veil for your war activate razor sheild and stay exactly behind the war near the mobs and dont go out of your veil.
Charge nox and spam aim.
When the veil and clock finish you retreat a bit from the mobs still spamming aim and charged nox and wait for razor to cool down. When the razor shield has cooled get back behind your war drop the veil for him and activate razor sheild.
If you dont pick razor for for trap and there is a War in the party i think you should apply the
veil on the trap cuz that were the war would be, You can retreat to the opposite edge of your veil
to still obtain the bonus while avoiding contact with mobs
These are the only two shuyal i normaly do FERRIX:
Always go straight. Kill all the mobs to the starting of the bridge then run to the Cave.( always stay together with the party and dont be left behind.)
Come out from the cave and kill all the mobs to ferrix. Coming out from the cave you will face the toughest part of the run

Always go straight following the path and Kill all the mobs on your way till overgrowth. Dont run cause if you die later u hv to face the mobs alone and unlike for Ferrix theres no shortcut.

12-29-2013, 05:14 AM
Nox hits for approximately 150-175 DMG per second spread over 6 mobs - that's 900-1050 DMG per second total. Aimed, may hit for 1.5 - 1.8k (perhaps more based upon your DMG) when critting.

So, in the 2 seconds it takes for Aimed to cool off, you can achieve the same or even more overall DMG. Better yet, Nox stacks, so a party of rogues can keep feeding Nox yielding a total of 2700 - 3150 DMG per second (assume at least one tank or Sorc). So, if you charge Nox, use Aimed and either Pierce or Traps, your overall damage output is substantially higher.

Lets say nox do 150 dmg/sec. Its total 150x6sec= 900 dmg. You forgot other 5 mobs on which DoT is tickling so 900x total 6 mobs = 5400 dmg(one really hard hitted aimed - not every aimed shot hit like 5400) of one charged nox shoot by only one rogue. If 3 rogue in pt then 5400x3 rogue = 16200 dmg.

Btw that nox DoT dmg is for good geared rogue - normal gear rogue nox hit like 100 per tick(Just tested on shuyal elite skeleton) without pet. Their aimed shot also do dmg according to their gear.

12-29-2013, 05:39 AM
+1 Good Guide.
The build:
You don't need trap the mobs are very big(maybe the biggest) and very many, when u are attacked because of the narrow paths ecc they are close and already gathered.

I think the best build and maximum damage output for Shuyal should have
razor 3/5 no bleed no Movement
instead of trap

IMO - Trap, Razor, aim and nox is top dps spec. With trapped enemies razor dps increase a lot. Trapped enemies also increase mages dps. 2-3 proc trap in a row is normal but sometimes I get 4-5 trap proc in row so its insane aoe dps. Anyway charged shadow veil just dont fit with chagred nox and charged razor in rotation. Charging nox is more than enough for rogue. Dont want more charging skill in rotation.

12-29-2013, 06:52 AM
IMO - Trap, Razor, aim and nox is top dps spec. With trapped enemies razor dps increase a lot. Trapped enemies also increase mages dps. 2-3 proc trap in a row is normal but sometimes I get 4-5 trap proc in row so its insane aoe dps. Anyway charged shadow veil just dont fit with chagred nox and charged razor in rotation. Charging nox is more than enough for rogue. Dont want more charging skill in rotation.

Trap is a good skill but not in Shuyal maps why?
1) The mobs are just too big, if trap doesnt proc maybe 2 3 mobs get trapped.
2) Trap proc needs to be buffed it rearly proc ( i hv it in my build so i know) u can do a entire run without a single proc.

Shadow veil must be in build and must be charged why?
it increases dodge damage and armor for the WHOLE party + it gives the party a point of referement in the confusion.

Razor sheild doesn't need to be charged (leave out bleed and movement )and its useful as a Aoe dmger nearly the same lvl as a charged Nox + it give 15% dodge.

If u have shadow veil and razor sheild activated u rarely get hitten by mobs.

12-29-2013, 07:20 AM
Trap is a good skill but not in Shuyal maps why?
1) The mobs are just too big, if trap doesnt proc maybe 2 3 mobs get trapped.
2) Trap proc needs to be buffed it rearly proc ( i hv it in my build so i know) u can do a entire run without a single proc.

Shadow veil must be in build and must be charged why?
it increases dodge damage and armor for the WHOLE party + it gives the party a point of referement in the confusion.

Razor sheild doesn't need to be charged (leave out bleed and movement )and its useful as a Aoe dmger nearly the same lvl as a charged Nox + it give 15% dodge.

If u have shadow veil and razor sheild activated u rarely get hitten by mobs.

I don't play rogue but I know that traps are amazing in shuyal and a must have imo!

Nice guide btw parF!

12-29-2013, 08:39 AM
I don't play rogue but I know that traps are amazing in shuyal and a must have imo!

Nice guide btw parF!

On personal experience and after uncountless shuyal runs with Trap my conclusion is that trap is usefull for all elite except shuyal.
Maybe if the pull in from trap was buffed and more often then maybe it would worth it. :(

12-29-2013, 09:01 AM
I disagree with charging nox, by charging it enemies in a radius receive poison damage.
This is an AoE and DoT skill, as a rogue you should focus on single targets and let the mages deal the AoE and DoT dmg.
Also, when you charge it takes an extra second- a second off of that aimed shot crit buff the cons of charging nox just simply outweigh the pros of charging it.

Nah. Nox bolt poison is deadly in elite. Especially if you're a bow rogue and you're kiting. Check out zuz's nox box guide. It's genius.

12-29-2013, 09:28 AM
Was waiting for someone to correct me on that!

Btw, how long did it take you to delete everything but that in order to form a short quote? :p

Not that long actually, but iPad makes me a bit slower :p

12-29-2013, 09:35 AM

12-29-2013, 09:49 AM

I don't hate

*Insert picture*

But when I do I hate hard


12-29-2013, 10:34 AM
Lets say nox do 150 dmg/sec. Its total 150x6sec= 900 dmg. You forgot other 5 mobs on which DoT is tickling so 900x total 6 mobs = 5400 dmg(one really hard hitted aimed - not every aimed shot hit like 5400) of one charged nox shoot by only one rogue. If 3 rogue in pt then 5400x3 rogue = 16200 dmg.

Btw that nox DoT dmg is for good geared rogue - normal gear rogue nox hit like 100 per tick(Just tested on shuyal elite skeleton) without pet. Their aimed shot also do dmg according to their gear.

You misunderstood what he was saying. He's only considering 2 seconds (cool down time of as) in the comparison

12-29-2013, 10:51 AM
Nice job Zeus!

12-29-2013, 11:19 AM
IMO - Trap, Razor, aim and nox is top dps spec. With trapped enemies razor dps increase a lot. Trapped enemies also increase mages dps. 2-3 proc trap in a row is normal but sometimes I get 4-5 trap proc in row so its insane aoe dps. Anyway charged shadow veil just dont fit with chagred nox and charged razor in rotation. Charging nox is more than enough for rogue. Dont want more charging skill in rotation.

Razor really fails in Shuyal for a few reasons:

1. In order to fully utilize razor, you need traps. Mobs need to be tightly packed for a razor to be utilized properly.
2. Razor has a long cooldown, so when it's down, you lose a lot of your DPS.
3. You need to be in close range with razor, which can be highly dangerous when you're doing large pulls due to purple pools of death.

12-29-2013, 11:27 AM
Nice guide - thumbs up.
Please dont get offended - It just feedback.

I wish all classes should included in this guide.

To make best guide out of this you need to actually PuG with legendary gear and play with PuG players(to know their skill lvl)

Skill build for every class depends on person/team skill lvl, strategy and class combination

What new player(who never did shuyal) expect in guide then?

Pulling/luring strategy for each pac with screenshot/video.
(I suggest divide guide into two section
Guide for individual map
Guide for spec, gear and pets for individual class.)

General spec PuG spec(which one you included)

Minor details like- new players are really clueless about these stuff.
kill blue mages first asap as rogue - so they dont target smurfs
always clocked lured enemy
as mage stay at max range and dps
If tank it pt use dagger otherwise bow
even as tank try to avoid blue mages/wolf red zone so u dont get stun locked
smurf stop getting one shot by blue mages bcoz u r not avoiding blue mages red aoe
if two mages in pt hammer mobs from both side so most mob get stun locked
tank dont stand in blue area created by blue mage
wait until tank lure and then drop clock
never scatter lured enemy by using wind skill
never heal in elite as mage- by doing it u pull agrro from tank and its annoying for tank.
use support pet like ribbit, ethyl, orion when required
this list is very long - I can goon like this....but u got my point

Why do u really care abt nox box? It has stacking DoT dmg - just spam nox in thick crowd, even if same enemy hit by nox it doesnt matter. As rogue I should focus on deadly mob first so using nox box I cant do that.

I prefer razor over shadow veil. Razor gives me straight aoe dps+ survival.
In pro party veil is very effective - not with new players.
I dont agree with place veil away from mobs. IMO place veil into the lured mobs and everyone stand into it so tank also get benefit, smurfs just stand little bit behind the tank so they wont get melee hits by mobs. For most boss fight veil is kind of useless bcoz of movement.

For new players : When you get little bit familiar with maps no need to afraid from anything- dont be scared to touch those mobs. With good ping my legendary gear rouge can tank ferix in blue puddle when I use dagger+mali+razor+peirce spec. I always encourage people to try harder stuff(do crazy pulls, solo elite etc.) and die so they know their limit and understand better. That also improve skill lvl.

Note: I m legendary gear rogue so all above feedback is according to that. With mythic+arcane playstyle and strategy(it just zerg everything) might change.

Great points! There were just a few things I disagreed on:

1. I use nox box because there's no aiming system in the game. So, if the mages that you are targeting don't get hit when they need to, then you've just wasted some time. I'll try a run with legendary gear later and see if nox box is still effective. If it isn't, of course your method will be better.

2. Yes, obviously one should place veil on top of the mobs. But, that's accounting for if the tank is good. Majority of the time, it isn't. Even then, you are risking being easily killed by purple pools - something which are hard to notice in a thicket of mobs. Plus, if you get stunned in the purple pool, your DPS considerably drops. Thus, that's why I said that veil should be placed away from grouped mobs. If you can use it effective to kill the mobs faster, then tanking for the tank won't be a problem.

The rest of your points, I will add into the guide when I can! Thanks for constructive feedback, it's highly appreciated. :)

12-29-2013, 02:18 PM
Good guide! I will ignore the part about not running into the mobs with a razor shield LOL

12-29-2013, 05:19 PM
Good guide! I will ignore the part about not running into the mobs with a razor shield LOL

Haha, my build doesn't include a razor shield. Honestly, I think razor shield is a highly overrated skill. It hits a lot of enemies and shows a lot of yellow so you think you're doing a lot of damage. Sadly, are you really? Especially against high armor'd elite shuyal mobs? Not really.

What I meant by that was, in Shuyal, Razor Shield's purpose is lost. Those mobs hit HARD. The last thing you want to do as a rogue without a tank is to throw up a razor shield and then put yourself in the middle of those mobs.

IMO, my build is more versatile in that regard and in to fully utilize a razor shield build, you need a tank to absorb the amount of aggro that razor shield generates.

It's a good skill, just that in Shuyal, there are better skills to be used. I'm saying this after running on a hooks + shield build. The amount of aggro that I generated required a damn good tank to compensate. In the end, it wasn't worth it as the damage wasn't even greater anyways.

12-29-2013, 05:53 PM
More than well put together Pollo...ups uso.

Doubters: A properly preformed NoxBox does not interfere with the benefits of Aim Shot.

Pollo: I have found success in utilizing the Trap/Razor combo in Shuyal. Takes some deaths to get use to, but worth it if you're a close range fighter. In addition, I think it's best to drop Veil over the mobs all the time. Many ppl forget that Veil is also a debuff (reduces damage and hit chance).

12-30-2013, 01:23 AM
Well if noob like me can survive with razor+ribbit - u can too :) Play on PC for quickest pot spamming

12-30-2013, 11:48 AM
Nice guide :D esp after that farm yesterday haha

My build atm would be aimed,nox,sp and veil (that's why every time i hope the other rogue in party has traps lol ) it's not a problem i can change but it's like ur at the lottery, u never know what ur gonna get .
As for charging skils i think it depends on maps/mobs/bosses. I charge veil and nox in big mob pulls and i don't charge nox at boss......so it depends.
I guess every rogue has it's preffered build and skill......SSSSSsooo.....what ever works for u and ur team :D
Have fun and good luck ^_^

12-30-2013, 05:21 PM
I love farming elite shuyal :) I alternate between AS, Nox, Trap, Veil and AS, Nox, Trap, Razor for my elite shuyal runs. In my experience the second combo makes faster runs, but is a terrible pot sink. I inhaled my fully stocked potions (<10k each) within 3 farming days, as opposed to the usual 4-5 days when I use the first combo. Besides, many tanks and sorcs appreciate it when u run with a veil. I prefer to drop veil on grouped mobs since I move in close range in order to be able to use some dagger auto attacks in between my trap, veil, charge nox, tap aim combo. The only thing I hate about this build is not having the dash option for maps and going thru bosses, but it works for me :)

12-30-2013, 09:49 PM
Nice guild Zeus. Well thought out. I'll vouch for your build, considering I have personal experience as a tank it's fluid. I enjoy tanking with you. +1

12-31-2013, 12:46 PM
Charging Nox is a complete waste for one reason: it slows down your crit stacking on aimed shot. And for elites, you should be using shadow piercer, not trap or razor. Trap and razor are for tombs and maybe normal maps.
Other than that, excellent guide.

Coming from a s2 timed elite leaderboarder.

12-31-2013, 02:39 PM
Charging Nox is a complete waste for one reason: it slows down your crit stacking on aimed shot. And for elites, you should be using shadow piercer, not trap or razor. Trap and razor are for tombs and maybe normal maps.
Other than that, excellent guide.

Coming from a s2 timed elite leaderboarder.

It takes 2.1 seconds to charge Nox Bolt, Aim Shot's crit benefit lasts 5.1 seconds. If your crit from AS goes away when you charge Nox you just have slow fingers and then i'd suggest NOT charging anything.

12-31-2013, 03:19 PM
It can be a few reasons why people wont charge. example is
I play on my android sometimes but mainly play on PC. When im on my droid its too annoying to charge something every 2 seconds other than veil. So id rather just tap nox. Of course when im on PC and theres no lag or hassle ill charge it for shuyal maps. normally i wont for anything under nord considering enemies will die after a aimed-nox-pierce combo . the other reason can either be laziness or they really believe its useless.
If your team doesnt have mages or your mages arent very well geared. then the nox box really shines.

as for the person claiming pierce is better then traps to each his own but imo pierce is amazing for every map that isnt shuyal or nord.. the record holders atm for shuyal have traps and pierce in there build. which is also what i use. mainly because I play on pc so im able to switch my traps out for pierce with no hassle.

01-01-2014, 12:51 PM
Nice guide :D esp after that farm yesterday haha

My build atm would be aimed,nox,sp and veil (that's why every time i hope the other rogue in party has traps lol ) it's not a problem i can change but it's like ur at the lottery, u never know what ur gonna get .
As for charging skils i think it depends on maps/mobs/bosses. I charge veil and nox in big mob pulls and i don't charge nox at boss......so it depends.
I guess every rogue has it's preffered build and skill......SSSSSsooo.....what ever works for u and ur team :D
Have fun and good luck ^_^

Hey Azi :)

I only charge nox for grouped up mobs, but with whims, that's usually all the time & why charged nox is more efficient for me. :)

01-01-2014, 12:55 PM
Charging Nox is a complete waste for one reason: it slows down your crit stacking on aimed shot. And for elites, you should be using shadow piercer, not trap or razor. Trap and razor are for tombs and maybe normal maps.
Other than that, excellent guide.

Coming from a s2 timed elite leaderboarder.

That works for pretty much any map except Shuyal. Since the guide is geared towards Shuyal farming, I gave a build most efficient & effective for just that. :)

In a timed run, the rules are different, but you'd still need traps and veil for Shuyal elite records.

The truth is, there's a time and place for both strategies but I can pretty much guarantee that for Elite Shuyal farming, this is the most effective & efficient build that one can get. :p

01-07-2014, 12:29 PM
respec'ed with this layout and I'm liking it. Just need to stop charging the traps and figure out how to setup traps... lol overall I like ur guide Zeus just little more practicing laying traps :)

01-07-2014, 06:13 PM
Good guide. Very helpful thanks.

01-29-2014, 01:38 PM
Hey Azi :)

I only charge nox for grouped up mobs, but with whims, that's usually all the time & why charged nox is more efficient for me. :)

I'd say ur whims I saw the other day definitely help :^}
And thank much for your guide. There's definitely more than one way to play the game. I suppose your guide is making me rethink a few things for sure.

01-29-2014, 02:50 PM
Nice guide - thumbs up.
Please dont get offended - It just feedback.

I wish all classes should included in this guide.

To make best guide out of this you need to actually PuG with legendary gear and play with PuG players(to know their skill lvl)

Skill build for every class depends on person/team skill lvl, strategy and class combination

What new player(who never did shuyal) expect in guide then?

Pulling/luring strategy for each pac with screenshot/video.
(I suggest divide guide into two section
Guide for individual map
Guide for spec, gear and pets for individual class.)

General spec PuG spec(which one you included)

Minor details like- new players are really clueless about these stuff.
kill blue mages first asap as rogue - so they dont target smurfs
always clocked lured enemy
as mage stay at max range and dps
If tank it pt use dagger otherwise bow
even as tank try to avoid blue mages/wolf red zone so u dont get stun locked
smurf stop getting one shot by blue mages bcoz u r not avoiding blue mages red aoe
if two mages in pt hammer mobs from both side so most mob get stun locked
tank dont stand in blue area created by blue mage
wait until tank lure and then drop clock
never scatter lured enemy by using wind skill
never heal in elite as mage- by doing it u pull agrro from tank and its annoying for tank.
use support pet like ribbit, ethyl, orion when required
this list is very long - I can goon like this....but u got my point

Why do u really care abt nox box? It has stacking DoT dmg - just spam nox in thick crowd, even if same enemy hit by nox it doesnt matter. As rogue I should focus on deadly mob first so using nox box I cant do that.

I prefer razor over shadow veil. Razor gives me straight aoe dps+ survival.
In pro party veil is very effective - not with new players.
I dont agree with place veil away from mobs. IMO place veil into the lured mobs and everyone stand into it so tank also get benefit, smurfs just stand little bit behind the tank so they wont get melee hits by mobs. For most boss fight veil is kind of useless bcoz of movement.

For new players : When you get little bit familiar with maps no need to afraid from anything- dont be scared to touch those mobs. With good ping my legendary gear rouge can tank ferix in blue puddle when I use dagger+mali+razor+peirce spec. I always encourage people to try harder stuff(do crazy pulls, solo elite etc.) and die so they know their limit and understand better. That also improve skill lvl.

Note: I m legendary gear rogue so all above feedback is according to that. With mythic+arcane playstyle and strategy(it just zerg everything) might change.

I appreciate this other play style as for me this was also more my style of play but I'm learning to get zeus's strategy down now that I'm spending more time in Shuyal Elite.

01-29-2014, 03:08 PM
Haha, my build doesn't include a razor shield. Honestly, I think razor shield is a highly overrated skill. It hits a lot of enemies and shows a lot of yellow so you think you're doing a lot of damage. Sadly, are you really? Especially against high armor'd elite shuyal mobs? Not really.

What I meant by that was, in Shuyal, Razor Shield's purpose is lost. Those mobs hit HARD. The last thing you want to do as a rogue without a tank is to throw up a razor shield and then put yourself in the middle of those mobs.

IMO, my build is more versatile in that regard and in to fully utilize a razor shield build, you need a tank to absorb the amount of aggro that razor shield generates.

It's a good skill, just that in Shuyal, there are better skills to be used. I'm saying this after running on a hooks + shield build. The amount of aggro that I generated required a damn good tank to compensate. In the end, it wasn't worth it as the damage wasn't even greater anyways.

This is exactly what i'm finding out now... the razor in the mob at this level isn't working like it did all the time before.

01-31-2014, 10:32 AM
Very nice starter guide. If u guts r running with an inexperienced mage, suggest that he drops clock as soon as the trap pulls. That way all mobs are grouped and much easier to widdle the health down. Its a great starter guide, make your own tweaks to fit your playstyle.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

02-19-2014, 12:14 PM
Finally created rogue alt so rode this tut, not bad at all but ik some more tips :3 which makes runs rly easyer. But this tutorial good too!

Sent from my ST23i using Tapatalk

02-19-2014, 02:59 PM
Finally created rogue alt so rode this tut, not bad at all but ik some more tips :3 which makes runs rly easyer. But this tutorial good too!

Sent from my ST23i using Tapatalk
I would be interested in hearing these other tips nikolajus112! If it makes shuyal elite runs even easier lets hear about it... I know I'm game?

02-25-2014, 12:35 AM
Its nice to know it can help me tnx zeus

Sent from my LT22i using Tapatalk 2

03-03-2014, 10:54 PM
I would far rather have the additional damage from Shadow Veil than have a skill with an excessive cooldown time like razor, which actually steals the aggro from your warrior, making you need the dodge buff it gives. Shadow veil allows your tank to do his job, while you dish out your boosted damage. If you are running without a tank, then the 20% armour buff will help keep your team alive.

I agree with Zeus in that there are times when charging nox is appropriate. It doesn't slow down your aimed stack, and the benefits it gives outweigh the short delay from charging. Use pierce instead? You hit one target - hard - but the cost is that your other skills are forced into cooldown, so you have a delay before you can continue hitting. I adore pierce - it is great for sniping and kill shots, but when faced with a large dogpile of mobs, it is not the appropriate choice.

Builds and strategies for timed leaderboard runs are designed on the assumption you are running with the most highly skilled and geared players in the game. Things that work best with these exclusive leaderboard players are not always realistic for a legendary geared player who doesn't have seasons of experience and a pro team. You need to account for the fact that most of the people you run with will NOT have read the guide, will not have optimal builds, and will not consider party ability before pulling the ENTIRE map of mobs to one place and causing mass hysteria.

This is an excellent guide for 95% of players to run elite. The other 5% - you don't need a guide to know what to do (although sometimes being a bit more open minded to different techniques might actually make for better results ;) )

03-17-2014, 03:06 PM
with the new expansion should you update for the next 5 skill points or just drop it in int?

03-19-2014, 01:10 PM
with the new expansion should you update for the next 5 skill points or just drop it in int?

Actually a bunch of us... including Parth (zeus) I believe are and have actually been running with a modified version of this before expansion even hit which included maxing out crit now as well... I'd put points in crit before more in int if you have the points first :^}

03-19-2014, 01:16 PM
I would far rather have the additional damage from Shadow Veil than have a skill with an excessive cooldown time like razor, which actually steals the aggro from your warrior, making you need the dodge buff it gives. Shadow veil allows your tank to do his job, while you dish out your boosted damage. If you are running without a tank, then the 20% armour buff will help keep your team alive.

I agree with Zeus in that there are times when charging nox is appropriate. It doesn't slow down your aimed stack, and the benefits it gives outweigh the short delay from charging. Use pierce instead? You hit one target - hard - but the cost is that your other skills are forced into cooldown, so you have a delay before you can continue hitting. I adore pierce - it is great for sniping and kill shots, but when faced with a large dogpile of mobs, it is not the appropriate choice.

Builds and strategies for timed leaderboard runs are designed on the assumption you are running with the most highly skilled and geared players in the game. Things that work best with these exclusive leaderboard players are not always realistic for a legendary geared player who doesn't have seasons of experience and a pro team. You need to account for the fact that most of the people you run with will NOT have read the guide, will not have optimal builds, and will not consider party ability before pulling the ENTIRE map of mobs to one place and causing mass hysteria.

This is an excellent guide for 95% of players to run elite. The other 5% - you don't need a guide to know what to do (although sometimes being a bit more open minded to different techniques might actually make for better results ;) )

I totally concur with this... veil like nox rocks charged on harder mobs like shuyal and above. And right again about about veil... watch how quickly, players in the know, will jump right in ur veil when it comes up around hard hitting mobs! :^}

03-21-2014, 01:16 PM
Actually a bunch of us... including Parth (zeus) I believe are and have actually been running with a modified version of this before expansion even hit which included maxing out crit now as well... I'd put points in crit before more in int if you have the points first :^}

I put the 4 points I have in critical :) Thx!