View Full Version : making it Almost but not quite 3D

11-21-2010, 05:01 PM
so technically it is a 3D game due to 3D models and such, but it is 100% 2D playing, completely flat surfaces. Why not have some inclination, or small hills, or even a general uphill-ascent kind o map? have some pre-set sky/ground/horizon if we look over borders, and you have dynamic terrain.

I just looked at Epic Citadel lol... if there is going to be a game based on that, the sooner we have 3D maps the better. also, the sooner the devs unlock 3-axis screen movement, the better (as in look up/down) I know it exists, or used to, due to videos made.

^ps this would be epic for maybe alien oasis town. based in the middle of the oasis, i can see arching bridges and walkways lol...

11-21-2010, 05:03 PM
Lol look what I started. Whoops!

11-21-2010, 05:08 PM
lol it was awesome walking around and out that castle... battery drainer though lol. I have been wondering about 3D for a while anyway.

ps how about making all those rocks lying around more than holograms? rocks should be solid...

11-21-2010, 05:12 PM
Lol but if our environments were solid, we wouldn't be able to take all those nice hot baths ;)

11-21-2010, 05:13 PM
that was only the haunted pillar sorry. so awesome, our toons refused to leave xD

11-21-2010, 10:26 PM
When you do castle levels, and there is a small hallway you walk into to giht enemies, the very corner of the hallway looks 3D

11-21-2010, 10:51 PM
Yes but you never ever go up or down at all. That's just ambience IMO.

I'm not asking for Mario style jumping lol. Looking for camera movement through space following the toon up and down hills, make it feel more real.

11-22-2010, 12:05 AM
While our client engine supports a lot of those features found in Citadel, they're disabled/limited. One of the most important [and achieved] goals for Pocket Legends was to be playable on all iDevices. Therefore, a lot of decisions about gameplay/visuals resolved around being playable on a first-gen iPod touch and iPhone.


11-22-2010, 12:55 AM
Good idea on prioritizing your market and making sure all players can at least play it. But isn't there like gen-specific apps out there? If it comes down to it have the third axis of screen movement as a default disabled feature, with some warning towards severe memory-usage.

As for how you specifically mention citadel, if you mean the ability for even more epic graphix in this game (they are already awesome nonworries lol) then I can see it implemented with your PC version. It's what will he needed tbh to compete with PC mmos.

11-22-2010, 03:00 AM
Darkchydle told me about epic citadel a long time ago, I checked it out, and although it looks awesome, it doesn't feel like home like pl;)

11-22-2010, 04:39 AM
That i did, it was me, shame on me

this is the reason i am buying a ipad this week for the kick a@@ games that are coming and well i jus want a ipad, my bday is nov 25 thanksgiving it gonna b a birthday present to myself plus my iphone 4 is makin me blind crosseyed an doublevision after lookin at it for hours

any one got a ipad .....tell me bout it is it worth it hw PL look on it etc etc

11-22-2010, 06:17 PM
so technically it is a 3D game due to 3D models and such, but it is 100% 2D playing, completely flat surfaces. Why not have some inclination, or small hills, or even a general uphill-ascent kind o map? have some pre-set sky/ground/horizon if we look over borders, and you have dynamic terrain.

I just looked at Epic Citadel lol... if there is going to be a game based on that, the sooner we have 3D maps the better. also, the sooner the devs unlock 3-axis screen movement, the better (as in look up/down) I know it exists, or used to, due to videos made.

^ps this would be epic for maybe alien oasis town. based in the middle of the oasis, i can see arching bridges and walkways lol...

JustG said something in the beginning about a huge spike in the amount of data rendering when the horizon was visible. That is why the vertical axis is locked.

11-23-2010, 07:50 AM
JustG said something in the beginning about a huge spike in the amount of data rendering when the horizon was visible. That is why the vertical axis is locked.

New idea then: add fog/ darkness/ closed ceiling rooms.

11-23-2010, 08:11 AM
I think Arterra just doesn't like seeing the empty void outside the building structures?

11-23-2010, 08:21 AM
Well there is that, but I want to basically have more control over what is ahead and behind me too. Aslo to make it awesome.