View Full Version : HTC Hero issues

11-21-2010, 11:00 PM
I have seen some people having troubles playing on the HTC Hero. I am currently running Cyanogen 6.1 on mine (Android 2.2) and haven't been able to get PL to run, so I did a little digging.

If you look at the requirements for the program is requires 2 things:
Android 2.0+
OpenGL ES 1.1 support

I knew I was running greater than 2.0, so I looked into the second requirement. Since the Hero is an older phone I figured it was worth a look.

I grabbed a packaged from the market called "glInfo" which shows what version of OpenGl you are running. Unsurprisingly, my Hero is running OpenGL ES 1.0. I'm guessing this is why I only get a black screen when trying to run the game.

To all you who are getting the insufficient memory when trying to install it on a Hero, I don't have any advice except stop trying because it won't help.

If anyone knows if it is possible to update the OpenGl support that would be helpful.

11-22-2010, 12:26 PM
Yep, loops this error on Hero with 2.1:

E/sts.pl ( 686): After eglCreateContext: EGL error: 0x3004

Should be an easy fix to disable/override ES1.1 functions...