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View Full Version : Combo for 31 fox?

01-02-2014, 11:47 PM
I don't know combo, someone tell me?

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01-05-2014, 06:26 AM
Any1? Standard fox then ?

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01-05-2014, 11:54 AM
Impacts guide to his fox,.posted in general:

Pvp at 30 is becoming less and less inactive so Im sharing my secrets for lvl 31 fox

Attribute points:
60 Strength: 60 str is needed to equip the ghoulish black cat shield, reaper blade, the banjo basher and armsman.
2 Intelligence: Don't upgrade int, it isn't needed at 31 and isn't good the only thing you need from int is the int halloween armour and helm that use 0 attribute points.
96 Dexterity : 92 dex is needed to equip the shivering ice talon, expert,the forgotten bow( only for fun). Dex also Increases skill damage of all skills

Skill build:
The build I'm using atm is
1 rabid bite,1 vixen kick, 6 posion needles, 5 evade, 1 fury, 1 hamstring, 1 posion dart, 6 armour shredder, 1 fox howl, 1 hypnotize, 6 rage tonic


Bear: This is your toughest opponent, while fighting a bear, try to kite his cb by doing: rage tonic, fury, evade when 12m, hypnotize, vixen kick, armour shredder, poison needles, get closer to him dart, howl, rabid, ham(combo) vixen kick that should kill him unless he's killed you, cb hit or he's a lvl 35/40(mostly op 40s)

Mage: The op 6 heal and ms is annoying so you want to kill then as fast as possible so i do:
Rage tonic, fury, evade at 12m, vixen kick, armour shredder,hypnotize, needles, howl, dart, rabid, hamstring(combo)usually dies here unless 40.

Foxes: Deadly if shredder or 5 hamstring hits you so: Rage tonic, fury, evade at 12m, hypnotize,shredder,needles, howl,dart, rabid, hamstring(combo), vixen kick( they should be long dead if everything hits.

Bird: Only thing deadly about bird to fox is their root so: Rage tonic, fury, evade at 12m,hypno vixen, shredder, howl, dart, rabid, hamstring(combo)needles( should be dead even 40s)

Rhinos: Same as vs fox


Helmet: Lvl 30 int halloween helm, adds 4 dodge and insane amount plus some decent dmg

Armour: Lvl 30 int halloween helm, adds 4 dodge, good dmg and crit or for op dodges and better dmg use armsman

Weapon: lvl 30 Reaper blade,lvl 30 swamp rats Banjo basher, shivering ice talon, I use the banjo and reaper the most due to high skill dmg and a pink reaper has amazing stats.

Shield: I use ghoulish bone cage shield for the 7 dmg, good crit and good dodge.

Ring: The ring I use is Acrobat's fine platinum band 2% dodge, 10 damage good dodge and dmg.

If you have any questions pm me ign: utimateimpact

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This is not mine, its Impacts.

01-05-2014, 06:09 PM
I think it's outdated

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01-05-2014, 07:39 PM
Yeah its outdated